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Heal Shane: more detail |
21. Shaneheal shane tells it with a grin. Did he start the blue? heal is clearly up for it. Wasthere a seminal moment he knew basketball would win over Aussie Rules? http://www.mattcleary.com/shaneheal.htm |
22. Heal's Long Shot Sinks Tigers - Theage.com.au games have Sydney Kings won with shane heal hitting only heal hit a monster threepointeroff a screen to first place on the National basketball League ladder. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/02/12/1044927667381.html |
23. Stiff Resistance Tames Tigers - Theage.com.au Sydney Kings rode the hot hand of captain shane heal to a 10189 victory in the firstNational basketball League elimination final against Melbourne Tigers at http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/03/08/1046826573027.html |
24. Steves Snakes 21, Travis Lane, Guard. 22, Frank Drmic, Guard. 23, shane heal, Guard. 30,Ben Melmeth, Centre. shane heal has undergone surgery during the offseason http://www.taipans.com/gday.asp | |
25. Official Website Of The Sydney Kings Official Sydney Kings and Sydney Panthers site. Includes details of Sydney Comets Wheelchair Team .Category Sports basketball NBL National basketball League...... up with Croc's coach Ian Stacker and Kings captain shane heal today being Perth Wildcatswill face the Wollongong Hawks in the National basketball League Semi http://www.sydneykings.com.au/ |
26. Daily Telegraph Heal Is Not A Fan Of Top Ref [15feb03] THE Sydney Kings don't want the National basketball League's leading referee Yearis the oncourt relationship between Kings captain shane heal and Mildenhall. http://www.dailytelegraph.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,5983754%5E2771,00 |
27. Daily Telegraph: Heal Is Not A Fan Of Top Ref [ 15feb03 ] 15feb03 THE Sydney Kings don't want the National basketball League's leading Yearis the oncourt relationship between Kings captain shane heal and Mildenhall. http://www.dailytelegraph.news.com.au/printpage/0,5942,5983754,00.html | |
28. OnThePunt.com - Your #1 Online Betting Resource of their series appeared to give Goorjian the ammunition he needed to get the Kingsfocused on the task of playing finals basketball. heal, shane (Sydney), 4.50. http://www.onthepunt.com.au/basketballselections.php | |
29. Bomis: The Sports/Basketball/International/Australia/Players Ring Ring Rankings Bomis is a search engine covering all topics. Enjoy! Ring sites.1. The Hammer House My Shrine to shane heal Australian basketball player. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Maustralia-players-sports/ | |
30. CNNSI.com - Olympic Sports - Basketball - Phil Taylor At The It wouldn't be surprising if USA basketball officials have been similarly queasy Hehad minor altercations with Australians Andrew Gaze and shane heal during a http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/2000/basketball/news/2000/09/28/taylor_basketball/ |
31. :: Australian Basketball Association - Basketball.net.au - The Basketball Networ AUSTRALIAN basketball ASSOCIATION ABAbasketball.NET.AU Navigation in his 2002 squadby recalling formerly retired guard and threetime Olympian shane heal. http://www.ababasketball.net.au/www/extranewsdetail.asp?OID=1&LID=29 |
32. :: Australian Basketball Association - Basketball.net.au - The Basketball Networ leading two teams from this season will clash headto-head in Round Nine of the Nationalbasketball League this shane heal was Sydneys best with 24 points. http://www.ababasketball.net.au/www/newsdetail.asp?LID=68 |
33. Telebasket.com Australia - Australian Basketball - HomePage The decisive act (Mar 14) All six National basketball League Elimination Final teams week(Mar 3) It is the fourth time this season shane heal, Sydney Kings http://au.telebasket.com/ENG/ | |
34. 1997-98 Scoresheet Fantasy Basketball NBA Player List Scoresheet Home Scoresheet Fantasy basketball basketball Draft Board basketballLinks GUARDS FORWARDS 32.2 5.4 2.4 2.1 1.3 0.4 25 MIN heal, shane 141) 24.3 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/NBA1997.html |
35. 1996-1997 Basketball Players 19961997 basketball Players. 432) 0.0 CLE Scott, Shawnelle 433) -5.3 -3.7 -2.2 3.4-0.3 -4.5 32 LAC Duckworth, Kevin Additions 434) MIN G heal, shane 435) POR http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/BkPlayers1996.html |
36. Heal, Shane Information Sites Top Sports basketball Players H heal, shane NBA.com shane heal Provides career highlights, statistics, a game log, and news items. http://basketballorg.com/Players/H/Heal,Shane/ |
37. NBA - 10 Shane Heal - CBS.SportsLine.com 10 shane heal, G Height 60 Weight 180 NBA Experience Born CollegeCareer Stats · Team Page · NBA.com Players Page, No Stats Available, http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/basketball/nba/players/6609.htm |
38. Kids Zone - CBS.SportsLine.com You are here Kids Zone basketball Players. 10 shane heal G, BornCollege Height 60, Weight 180. Drafted BirthPlace Austal. http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/kidszone/basketball/nba/players/6609.htm |
39. Crystal Report Viewer 2003 PLAYER AVERAGES (Regular Season Games Only) NATIONAL basketball LEAGUE 2002 VICTORIA)20.5 CORTEZ GROVES (30g) (WOLLONGONG) 20.2 shane heal (30g) (SYDNEY http://nbl.basketball.net.au/topplayers/playerslast.html | |
40. First Quarter thing in basketball was the Brisbane Bullets filling out Boondall, with big nameplayers such as Andre Moore, Derek Rucker, Leroy Loggins, shane heal, Brian http://www.angelfire.com/sports/crocodiles/reports/season1.html |
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