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81. Basketball.com - NBA Brian Shaw, Miami at Mil, 10, 4/8/93. joe dumars, Detroit vs Min, 10, 11/8/94. DennisScott, Orlando vs Milw, 19, 4/13/93. joe dumars, Detroit vs Minn, 18, 11/8/94. http://www.basketball.com/nba/records/NBAgameLdrs3FGM.shtml | |
82. Augusta Georgia Pro BasketballA Topsy-turvy NBA Eastern Detroit's reconstruction was orchestrated by new coach Rick Carlisleand joe dumars, the president of basketball operations. dumars http://www.augustachronicle.com/stories/041102/nba_124-7775.shtml |
83. The State News - Www.statenews.com Or dumars launching up another rainbow threepointer by the famous announcement ofjoe Duuuuuu-mars play another game of hard-nosed basketball, followed by http://www.statenews.com/article.phtml?pk=4601 |
84. 1996-1997 Basketball Players 19961997 basketball Players. Cheaney, Calbert 60) 550.0 13.2 6.5 2.3 2.8 1.6 27MLW Perry, Elliot 61) 548.5 10.0 6.1 1.8 1.9 0.3 33 DET dumars, joe 62) 537.5 http://www.scoresheet.com/archive/BkPlayers1996.html | |
85. NBA Awards: 2002-2003 NBA Award Predictions Executive of the Year Winner joe dumars, Detroit Killed for Stack trade, Ripis Bet on Pro basketball Proven sports gambling guide, and sportsbook directory http://probasketball.about.com/library/weekly/bl_nbaawardprojections.htm | |
86. Madman Sports THE A T HALL OF FAME BASEBALL, basketball, FOOTBALL. Fisk, Carlton (1998,12 pts), dumars, joe (2000, 16 pts), Dorsett, Tony (1994, 15 pts). http://www.stanford.edu/~amwso/halloffame.html | |
87. "Pro Basketball Weekly: Pro Basketball's Video Picks And Amazing NBA Basketball joe dumars Guard 62, 200 lbs next best defensive guard v. Jordan. 245 lbs Quickwho is the highest scoring Caucasian in Pro basketball History Not http://www.mykaussie.com/MykMoosesNBA.htm | |
88. Page: Joe Dumars EMAIL LIST. to be notified by E-Mail when the joe dumars page isupdated. Below are the posters we have available of joe dumars. http://www.posters.com/sports/dumars.htm | |
89. Joe Dumars Pistons hangout. One of joe's favorite activities is his summer basketballcamp for kids at the joe dumars Fieldhouse. dumars tells http://www.africanpubs.com/Apps/bios/0290DumarsJoe.asp?pic=none |
90. Dumars, Joe dumars, joe http://www.expage.com/page/jdumars | |
91. HickokSports.com - Biography - Basketball Index Index to basketball. L. Laettner, Christian Lambert, Piggy Lapchick, joe Lawrence,Janice Lemon, Meadowlark, Lewis, Guy Lewis, Reggie Lieberman, Nancy Litwack http://www.hickoksports.com/biograph/indbaskt.shtml | |
92. AllSports' NBA News - Joe Dumars Retools The Pistons Linup joe dumars retools the Pistons linup joe dumars has been able to bandage up someof the exit wounds that handicapped the Detroit Pistons all last season. http://www.allsports.com/cgi-bin/showstory.cgi?story_id=18927 |
93. Joe Dumars' Fieldhouse review it add a link joe dumars' Fieldhouse stinks about as bad as an expansionbasketball team in its first season.by David Bonkosky CitySearch - suggest http://chefmoz.org/United_States/MI/Shelby_Township/Joe_Dumars'_Fieldhouse963263 | |
94. USATODAY.com - Dumars Keeps Pistons Cranked personality. joe dumars (1989 and '90) President of basketballoperations for Pistons. John Long (1989) Pistons radio analyst. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/nba/02playoffs/2002-04-26-cover-dumars.htm | |
95. Click On Detroit - Motor City Teams Rank Tops In 'Ultimate Standings' Hoop fans gave a lot of credit to local hero joe dumars, who is in charge of basketballoperations, for bringing the Pistons back to a playoffcontender team. http://www.clickondetroit.com/det/sports/stories/Sports-192969720030122-170136.h | |
96. UK's Prince Goes To Pistons We like that, Pistons president joe dumars said. That's nothing buta plus for us. Some people, for some reason, look at it as a downside.. http://enquirer.com/bearcats/2002/06/27/uc_uks_prince_goes_to.html | |
97. Joe Dumars: Shooter (2002) Video and DVD release dates for upcoming movies plus news, rumors and celebrity information. Want to know when the latest box office smash is coming to http://videoeta.com/movie/55532 | |
98. SI.com -- Sports Illustrated Covers: A Historical Record -- Nov. 6, 1989 dumars). On the Cover Michael Jordan, basketball, Chicago Bulls Joedumars, basketball, Detroit Pistons. Article Author Jack McCallum. http://dynamic.si.cnn.com/si_online/covers/issues/1989/1106.html | |
99. Dick's Sporting Goods - Wilson Response Composite Outdoor Related Items All Pro Sports joe dumars The Shooter BasketballVideo (VHS) Our Price $12.99, Add to Cart, All Pro Sports Isiah http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=516942 |
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