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Curry Dell: more detail |
21. RAPTORS: Curry To Hold Kids Camp This dell curry Foundation Fundamentals basketball Camp will focus on,and bring youth, Back to the Basic FUNdamentals of the game. http://www.nba.com/raptors/community/curry_camp_020607.html | |
22. RAPTORS: Sonya Curry Keeps Balance good students, since they learn at an early age, as Sonya curry did, to The volleyballand basketball seasons overlapped, as did Sonya and dell's trips to http://www.nba.com/raptors/news/curry_001207.html | |
23. International Basketball Directory: Basketball Players No fan sites will be listed. They are adequately listed in many basketball directories. MikeBibby. Tyrone Muggsy Bogues. dell curry dell curry Foundation. http://www.geocities.com/internationalbasketballdirectory/players.html | |
24. Basketball Lots basketball Lots. Click on your players photo to see the cards we have for sale. Cheaney,Calbert. Coleman, Derrick. curry, dell. Clyde Drexler. Ellis, LaPhonso. http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/5508/SETH.HTM | |
25. TheInsidersHoops.com -- Dell Curry Shootout: Day Three his capabilities in any of the three games he played at the dell curry Shootout Hisshot was not falling against Garner but he showed great basketball savvy and http://theinsidershoops.theinsiders.com/2/85621.html | |
26. NBA - # 30 Dell Curry - CBS.SportsLine.com Contains career statistics, a profile, news items, and highlights.Category Sports basketball NBA Players C curry, dell...... 30 dell curry, G Height 65 Weight 205 NBA Experience Born 06/25/1964College Virginia Tech. Career Stats · Situational Stats http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/basketball/nba/players/6529.htm | |
27. Chat With Milwaukee Bucks Guard Dell Curry - Community & Chat - Forums - Celebri dell curry Well, I've had a lot of coaches. My dad, my high school coach,and going to a lot of competitive basketball camps really helped. http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/chat/1999/basketball/dell031799.htm | |
28. Sports - Notebook - Comparisons Favorable To Ex-Hokie Dell Curry staying power of former Virginia Tech star dell curry, who recently Maybe curry won'tmake the Hall of Fame pounds) also is a twoyear starter in basketball. http://www1.roanoke.com/sports/notebookplus/1478.html | |
29. NBA Basketball Players NBA basketball PLAYERS. Corbin, Tyrone Crawford, Chris Crawford, Jamal Croshere, AustinCrotty, John Cummings, Vonteego Curley, Bill curry, dell curry, Michael, http://www.basketball.uk.co/NBA/players_alfa.htm |
30. Dell Curry Autographed Card No Photo Available. Charlotte Hornets basketball card autographedby dell curry Free Shipping For Online Orders. Lifetime Guarantee http://www.grandstandsports.com/pages/4336.htm | |
31. Pioneer Rotisserie Basketball - Denny Mitchell Pioneer Rotisserie basketball. 3 17 45 37.78 1 9 44 14 8 1 0 10310208 WESLEY, DAVIDCHA 51 354 797 44.42 55 174 937 145 212 79 10 0205-0208 curry, dell TOR 2 8 http://www.budmans.com/basketball/bk01/mitchell.htm | |
32. Pioneer Rotisserie Basketball - Tony Ziccardi Pioneer Rotisserie basketball. 110 Total = 356 FAAB = 40 Bench BOWEN, BRUCE MIA1f ANDERSON, SHANDON HOU 8+ TSAKALIDIS, IAKOVO PHO 1f curry, dell TOR 1f FERRY http://www.budmans.com/basketball/bk01/tonyz.htm | |
33. Charlotte Latin News Summaries (click here for more). Latin Men Second in dell curry basketball Shootout,01/06/2003. Latin To Host dell curry basketball Tournament, 12/20/2002. http://www.charlottelatin.org/dynamic_elements/news_summary.cfm | |
34. IHigh.com -- The High School Internet Network 2002 dell curry basketball Tournament starts Thursday. Jan 02, 2003. Tournament Director, Jeffrey A. Hood formally announces the http://www.ihigh.com/0,1773,2_1_0_68447,00.html | |
35. Encyclopedia Of BabyNames. Names Of Basketball Players Coles, Bimbo Collins, James Conlon, Marty Corbin, Tyrone Crawford, Chris Croshere,Austin Crotty, John Cummings, Terry Curley, Bill curry, dell curry, Michael http://www.yourbabysname.com/basketball.htm | |
36. NBA Player Helps Church Open High-tech Youth Center Click here for high resolution photo dell curry (center, left), ofthe Toronto Raptors basketball team, and the Rev. Percival Percy http://umns.umc.org/02/sep/416.htm | |
37. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans ALLEYOOP.COM The basketball Page for Thinking Fans. Robinson, Glenn mil 18.4 5.9 2.145.9 19.58 Brandon, Terrel min 13.9 3.7 8.6 41.8 19.56 curry, dell mil 10.1 http://www.alleyoop.com/prates/prates99.htm | |
38. Alleyoop.com, The Basketball Page For Thinking Fans ALLEYOOP.COM The basketball Page for Thinking Fans. Richmond, Mitch was 16.2 2.9 3.040.7 14.35 Mercer, Ron chi 19.7 3.9 3.3 44.6 14.32 curry, dell tor 6.0 1.2 http://www.alleyoop.com/prates/sg01.htm | |
39. Sportsco 2000-2001 Fantasy Basketball Player/Position Eligibilty 20002001 FANTASY basketball PLAYER/POSITION ELIGIBILTY. DOUG, (TOR) COLES, BIMBO,(ATL) CROTTY, JOHN, (DET) CUMMINGS, VONTEEGO, (GS) curry, dell, (TOR) DANIELS http://www.sportsco.com/basketball/positiok.htm |
40. CJ's Basketball Cards Personal collection for sale or trade.Category Shopping Sports Trading Cards basketball Trading...... CJ's basketball Cards. 9697 Greg Ostertag 96-97 Zan Tabak 96-97 David Wesley 96-97Monty Williams 97-98 PJ Brown 97-98 Jud Buechler 97-98 dell curry 97-98 http://members.aol.com/tv107/cards.html | |
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