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Caldwell Joe: more detail |
61. New York City Homepages joe's basketball PRINT ADS Boogie Brown's Bionic Love Circle Gregory Reardon LIBNICKFURS DARK MOON Universal Health Inquirer John caldwell Mike Donnelly Bob http://ny.state.org/NYC/homepages/people/ | |
62. Www.naia.org NAIA Division II Men's Basketball Stat Leaders NAIA Division II Men's basketball National Statistical Leaders Final Report. 279.11.2. Paul Tonkovich, 6-5, So., CF, caldwell (NJ), 26. 272. joe (Ind.), 31. 300. 9.7. http://www.naia.org/basketball/mdii/statistics/2001.html |
63. 1970/1971 Topps Basketball Cards The shopping cart now works for AOL users! 1970 Topps basketball Regular. 1 in stock$2.50/each, , , ,. 37, joe caldwell ( Undefined -), NM, EXMT, EX, VGEX,VG. http://www.gfg.com/baseball/bb70.shtml | |
64. Men's Basketball Roster G 61 170 Climax/Climax-Scotts 20 Jevon caldwell-Gross Fr Head Coach joe Haklin (Wabash'73) - 14th season Marc West 2000-2001 Men's basketball Junior Varsity http://www.kzoo.edu/sports/mb/mb00-01/mbrstr00-01.html | |
65. Links To Other Sports Card And Related Sites - BASEBALL CARDS - BASKETBALL CARDS ONLY basketball SHOP, THE BENNY'S SPORTS MEMORABILIA BERNIE'S basketball CARDS BIGTRAINS HARRISSPORTS CARDS BULLDOG SPORTS THE OFFICIAL joe caldwell WEB SITE http://www.sportscardlinks.com/ | |
66. Men's Basketball - University Of Virginia Cavaliers Official Athletic Site of Virginia Men's basketball The University of Virginia Men's basketball. 9495 Batts,Bill 1987-88 Berman, joe 1970 Bernard 1926-27-28-29-30 caldwell, Jack 1952 http://virginiasports.ocsn.com/sports/m-baskbl/archive/va-m-baskbl-lettermen.htm | |
67. Ivy League Sports caldwell (Sailing), 1994 Stacy caldwell (Outdoor Track Heyns (Lightweight Rowing),2001 joe Hiffa (Football), 1994 Tim Hill (basketball), 1998 Robb http://www.ivyleaguesports.com/whatisivy/academic-honors/harvardaallivy.asp | |
68. Washingtonpost.com: USA Mens Basketball: All-Time U.S. Olympic Roster USA Mens basketball. C, Carl Cain joe caldwell Gordon Carpenter Kenny Carr JohnClawson Vernell Coles Doug Collins Melvin Counts, 1956 1964 1948 1976 1968 1988 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/olympics/longterm/bball/mens/alltime | |
69. 2002-03 Peach Belt Men's Basketball - North Florida 200203 Peach Belt Men's basketball North Florida Season Schedule/Results W 62-59325 (17)Gaetano Jr., joe (7)Bridges 5)Hartigan, David 12/21/02 at caldwell W 64 http://www.peachbelt.com/mbb/stats/unf.htm |
70. Fresno Pacific Univeristy Men's Basketball - Career Leaders SUNBIRDS MEN'S basketball HISTORY. CAREER LEADERS. Last altered 3-1-2002. Ron Brannan,243, 1969-72. joe Aiello, Ted Heinrichs, 37, 1984-86. Bill caldwell, 35, 1995-97. http://sunfive.fresno.edu/sports/mbb/mbb_history/mbb_careerleaders.html |
72. Caldwell Hired As Women's Basketball Assistant - Thursday, 06/06/02 Tennessean.com. The Nashville Tennessean's online source for news, entertainment, classifieds http://tennessean.com/sports/ut/archives/02/06/18410775.shtml?Element_ID=1841077 |
73. NCAA Men's Basketball - Notre Dame (Calif. Vs. Cal St.-Fullerton HIGH SCORERS NOTRE DAME CAL JOAQUIN PONS 24, ADRIAN QUIHUIS 8, JOVAN JOE8 CS FULLERTON - IKE HARMON 28, MATT caldwell 13, TWO PLAYERS WITH 10. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/scores100/100337/100337464.htm | |
74. The Marietta Times Boys Basketball Roundup Cougars Knock Off Boys basketball roundup Cougars knock off Beallsville. OLD WASHINGTON Caldwellgot 31 combined points from top scorers Jason Shaw and joe Chandler but http://www.mariettatimes.com/sports/story/021202003_spt03boyzrdp.asp |
75. Athletic Awards Natalie Mulnix, April Noren, Katie Rabakon, Allison Hamilton, Anne Tessin BASKETBALLBrian caldwell, joe Krutsch, Matt Rabakon, Steve Reule, Ryan Woolworth http://scnc.sps.k12.mi.us/~ad/awards.html | |
76. Chiefs Basketball Main Page Chiefs 2003 Junior Varsity basketball Site contributors Martin Unfried, joeDeLaura Jr., John Lanza, Terry Rogers, joe Stefanelli, Don McCabe, Kim Huff http://www.thecaldwellchiefs.com/basketball/basketball_main.htm | |
77. Www.UConnHuskies.com Mens Track Holloway, 6.63 6. Brian Egy, 6.80 55 Meter HH 2. Rick Gross, 7.45 3. Mike Delgado,7.57 4. Cody Kretschmer, 7.82 6. Chad caldwell, 8.05 7. joe DiCola, 8.11 http://www.uconnhuskies.com/AllStories/MTrack/2003/01/31/20030131.html | |
78. The Star Archive - Joe Caldwell Listing last updated on September 26th, 2001, AD joe caldwell. (basketballplayer). 1750 Boulder Street Colorado Springs, CO. 80890 USA. http://www.stararchive.com/starc2000/sl/22319.html | |
79. St. Catherine's Basketball Camp following Varsity basketball Coach ( Wayne Valley HS, Montville HS, Nutley HS) Assistantbasketball Coach ( caldwell College, FDUMadison{Men's and Women's}) http://www.njhoopsnet.com/CedarGrove.html | |
80. Basketball Coaches basketball Coaches Head Varsity Coach Chuck Kenny Junior Varsity Coach Adrian CaldwellSophomore Coach Llorens Freshman Green Coach joe Denton Freshman White http://www.strakejesuit.org/athletics/bsktball/coaches.html |
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