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Benjamin Corey: more detail |
61. Eurobasket Atlanta Hawks sign forward corey benjamin (201F-78, agent Tellem Arn, college TheAmerican basketball Association announced that it has retained The Team http://www.australiabasket.com/USA/USA.asp | |
62. VegasInsider.com Players 25 corey benjamin G Orlando, Born 02/24/1978. Height 6-6. Weight200. Drafted 1998 Round 1 28 Chicago Bulls. College Oregon State. http://www.vegasinsider.com/u/basketball/nba/players/20587.htm | |
63. Search Results following users are also interested in basketball. benjamin Jacob Kelly; ben_lakersen benjamin; bestofme - What's All U Need; cool_cat - ChRiSsY; corey - corey; http://www.blurty.com/interests.bml?int=basketball |
64. BASKETBALL WANT LIST (SETS & PLAYERS) basketball WANT LIST (SETS PLAYERS). 115 corey Carr; 116 corey benjamin; 117Nazr Muhammed; 118 Rashard Lewis; 119 Predrag Stojakovic; 120 Andrae Patterson. http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/treyscards/basketball.html | |
65. MY BASKETBALL ROOKIE PAGE basketball ROOKIE PAGE. Keon Clark, Pat Garrity, Bryce Drew, Nazr Mohammed, RoshownMcleod, corey benjamin, Dirk Nowitzki, Felipe Lopez, Raef Lafrentz, Mike http://www.angelfire.com/id/gmot/rookies.htm | |
66. USBasket - United States Basketball League Naiditch Michael, college Elgin CC) Roanoke Dazzle Center Jameel Watkins (209C/F-77,college Georgetown) Fayetteville Patriots Guard corey benjamin (201-F-78 http://www.usbasket.com/nbdl/nbdl.asp |
67. USBasket - United States Basketball League Gonzaga) (FHuntsville), Bobby Simmons (201-F/G-80, college De Paul) (F-Mobile),Derek Strong (204-F-68, college Xavier) (F-Columbus), corey benjamin (201-F http://www.usbasket.com/nbdl/nbdl.asp?NewsNo=16 |
68. Basketball Players Websites And Celebrities Websites From Celebs Webs Search for more basketball stars on GoTo. corey benjamin. Tyrone Bogues. TyroneBogues. Kobe Bryant's Official Website. Kobe Bryant. Marcus Camby. Vince Carter. http://web.onetel.net.uk/~grahamroberts/sport/Basketball_Players.htm | |
69. AugustaChronicle.com: The Augusta Chronicle Online: Augusta, Georgia Dan Dickau, 2.4, 0.9 / 2.8, 0.4 / 0.4, 0.3 / 0.8. corey benjamin, 2.3, 0.5 /3.2, 1.3 / 1.7, 0.0 / 0.8. corey benjamin, 14, 3 / 19, 16.00%, 8 / 10, 80.00%,0 / 5, 0.00%. http://www.augustachronicle.com/sports/basketball/nba/data/stats/ind_stats_1212. | |
70. Topps Sports Collectibles | Basketball | Checklist - 2000-2001 Topps Basketball 20002001 Topps basketball Series 1 Numerical by Card Numerical by Barros, DanaBarros, Dana Battie, Tony Bender, Jonathan benjamin, corey Bibby, Mike http://www.toppscanada.com/SportsCollect/Basketball/011tbk/011tbkchecklist.html | |
71. Sportsterminal.com SportSearch Sportsterminal's Model of the Week. Search Top / basketball / NBA / Players. AbdulJabbar,Kareem. Bender, Jonathon. benjamin, corey. Benoit, David. Best, Travis. http://www.sportsterminal.com/links/index.asp?category_id=6096 |
72. Basketball Points For Jan 31 (PSP) basketball Points for 14 4.0 det Jackson, Mark G Uta 15.0 3.39 3.39 13 3.0gsw Williams, Shammond G Bos 14.0 0.67 0.85 14 3.6 det benjamin, corey x Atl http://rotoguru2.com/hoop/yday/swp131.html | |
73. Basketball Points For Feb 2 PSP) basketball Points for 2.34 4.19 10 5.2 lac Jaric, Marko G LAC 7.0 0.50 0.51 73.9 @ tor Watson, Earl G Mem 7.0 0.50 0.50 6 2.8 @ den benjamin, corey x Atl http://rotoguru2.com/hoop/yday/swp202.html | |
74. NESCAC Men's Basketball - Leaders Men's basketball INDIVIDUAL basketball STATISTICS Through Avg/G 1.corey Days-TRI 30 1.50 5.benjamin Coffin-WIL http://www.nescac.com/BBCONF/MEN0203/HTML/CONFLDRS.HTM | |
75. NESCAC Men's Basketball - Leaders Men's basketball INDIVIDUAL basketball STATISTICS Through Avg/G 1.benjamin Coffin-WIL 5 15 3.00 6.corey Days-TRI http://www.nescac.com/BBCONF/MEN0203/HTML/confonly.HTM | |
76. CNNSI.com - NBA Basketball - The History Of Early Entry Candidates In The NBA Dr Player, School/Country, Yr, Draft Pos. Rafer Alston, Fresno State, Jr. Milwaukee(2nd/39). corey benjamin, Oregon State, So. Chicago (1st/28). Mike Bibby, Arizona,So. http://edition.cnn.com/cnnsi/basketball/nba/news/2001/02/07/underclassmen_histor | |
77. NBA Basketball Draft Homepage LA Lakers Sam Jacobson (Minnesota); 27. Seattle Vladimir Stepania (Slovenia); 28.Chicago corey benjamin (Oregon State); 29. Utah Nazr Mohammed (Kentucky); 30. http://www.unc.edu/~lbrooks2/draftlist.html |
78. Telebasket.com Australia - Australian Basketball - Superguide League ABA American basketball Association. Coach Scott Brooks. Player, Year,Height cm, Height ft, Position, Passport. benjamin corey, 1978, 198, 6' 6 , SG,United http://au.telebasket.com/team_info.asp?id_squadra=1650 |
79. Basketball Card Tradelist 96 Sp 54. 96 Topps 220. 96 Upper Deck USA basketball 18/SO2. 98 Fleer 143. Wright,Lorenzen 133 (2x). Other Rookies benjamin, corey98 Topps 121-$.15. http://doktorstoj.tripod.com/basketball.html | |
80. 2002 SONH Basketball Tournament > Phillips, benjamin, 29, Male, basketball Team. Poate, Ivan, Male, basketballTeam. Porembski, corey J. 14, Male, basketball Team. Pratt, Sarah, http://www.sonh.org/sports/bball_results/a.html | |
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