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Barry Brent: more detail |
1. Bomis: Brent Barry Ring basketball/Players; celebrity/sports/basketball. Home My Bomis Webmasters BabeReport What's New? Ring Rankings Click to visit the Bomis Board for brent barry. http://www.bomis.com/rings/brentbarry/ | |
2. SI.com - Pro Basketball - Brent Barry Player Page brent barry. Seattle SuperSonics SG 31 College Oregon StateRookie Yr 1995 Ht., Wt. 6'6 , 215 Contract Status Active NBA http://www.cnnsi.com/basketball/nba/players/3017/ |
3. SI.com - Pro Basketball - Brent Barry Player Page Teams Players brent barry. Seattle SuperSonics SG 31 http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/nba/players/3017 |
4. CNNSI.com - Pro Basketball - Brent Barry Transactions Page brent barry. Seattle SuperSonics SG 31 College Oregon StateRookie Yr 1995 Ht., Wt. 6'6 , 215 Contract Status Active NBA http://www.cnnsi.com/basketball/nba/players/3017/transactions.html |
5. DIRECTORY.TERADEX.COM - Sports/Basketball/Players/B/Barry, Brent Bomis.com brent barry Ring A ring devoted to basketball star brent barry. http://directory.teradex.com/Sports/Basketball/Players/B/Barry%2C_Brent |
6. Basketball Commons basketball Rookies basketball Stars basketball Unlisted Stars basketball SemiStarsWNBA Baseball barry, brent, 199697, Collectors Choice, Slam Dunk Series, 14 of http://www.worldwidesportscards.net/basketballcommons.html | |
7. E-bannerx.com Exchange And Directory: Sports/Basketball/Players/B/Barry, Brent brent barry Historical Stats. For the meaning of the statistics and how they are calculated, see the methods description at The Journal of basketball http://www.e-bannerx.com/pages/Sports/Basketball/Players/B/Barry__Brent | |
8. CNNSI - NBA Basketball - Brent Barry - Western Conference Miscellaneous brent barry. WESTERN CONFERENCE SPLITS MISCELLANEOUS http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/nba/players/3017/WestMisc.html | |
9. Brent Barry Is A Basketball God! Obviously the people of Chicago had no appreciation for the explosive brent barry and traded him away for jumpshooting has been Hersey Hawkins. http://www2.hawaii.edu/~suyat/ScotTopia/brentisgod.htm | |
10. CNNSI.com - Pro Basketball - Brent Barry Player Page Teams Players brent barry. Seattle SuperSonics SG 31 http://media.cnnsi.com/basketball/nba/players/3017 |
11. Bomis Search Results: Brent Barry www.nba.com. 3. SI.com Pro basketball - brent barry Player Page. A ring devotedto basketball star brent barry. 245, The Arts/Celebrities/S/Spiner, brent ring. http://www.bomis.com/searchring.fcgi?request=Brent Barry |
12. Brent Barry : Fantasy Basketball 2002 mgmt/ base/ player profile;/ basketball;/ fantasy/ basketball"; var _ acct=" DM5109063DES95EN3; DM510721CABZ95EN3; http://basketball0.commissioner.com/mp/player-profile?league=zero&key=6473 |
13. Zeal.com - United States - New - Sports - All Sports - Basketball - NBA - Player A great resource for United States New - Sports - All Sports - basketball- NBA - Players - Players AB - barry, brent. Find the http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=10135302 |
14. Barry Has Star Presence of his proficiency from the perimeter, brent barry is universally recognized as an extraordinary shooter. farthest you can get away from basketball.". barry also likes to play http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/basketball/54610_star16.shtml | |
15. Zeal.com - United States - New - Sports - All Sports - Basketball - NBA - Player Home United States New Sports All Sports basketball NBA Players Players Ron; Baker, Vin; Barkley, Charles; Barros, Dana; barry, brent; barry, Rick; http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=280251 |
16. Fantasy Basketball: Trades Accepted brent barry Trades Accepted. Trade Type All Onefor-One Balanced. Dates15 Day 30 Day. TRADES ACCEPTED. brent barry, for, Theo Ratliff, Upheld, Week14. http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/fba/request.dll?TRADESACCEPTED&PlayerIDTo=42 |
17. Brent Barry : Fantasy Basketball 2002 News of 02/05/03 barry (knee) is probable for Wednesday's game at Boston, accordingto the Seattle PostIntelligencer. barry is expected to play Monday. http://basketball2101.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/player-news?league=zero&key=6473 |
18. Injuries : Fantasy Basketball 2002 New Jersey. 2/14/03, barry, brent, SEA, G, Knee, Probable for Friday'sgame at Sacramento. 2/14/03, Bateer, Mengke, SA, C, Personal, Day today. http://basketball2101.fantasy.sportsline.com/mp/news-injuries?league=zero |
19. Hawkeye Rotisserie Basketball - Tom Hughes Hawkeye Rotisserie basketball. Total = 334 FAAB = 1 Bench SWIFT, STROMILE VAN 14FORTSON, DANNY GS 10 MARTIN, KENYON NJ 26 BAKER, VIN SEA 16 barry, brent SEA 7 http://www.budmans.com/basketball/hl01/hughes.htm | |
20. Hawkeye Rotisserie Basketball - Steve Hirsch Hawkeye Rotisserie basketball. 321 641 50.08 0 278 920 863 83 29 190 DAVIS, BaronCHA 30 82 559 1341 41.69 170 196 1484 349 698 172 47 1231 barry, brent SEA 19 http://www.budmans.com/basketball/hl02/hirsch.htm | |
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