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21. Transcript: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 02/25/99 kareem abduljabbar I think the level of basketball in New York City is prettyhigh, and I think that was a good thing for me to be in that environment where http://www.time.com/time/community/transcripts/1999/022599jabbar.html | |
22. Pot Smoker Of Month - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Pot Smoker of The Month kareem abduljabbar. kareem abdul-jabbar isthe top-scoring basketball player of all time. Born Lewis Alcindor http://www.cleartest.com/testinfo/kareem.htm | |
23. Abdul Jabbar Kareem- Basketball Collectible Sports Photo kareem abdul jabbar. http://www.sports-photos.com/Basketball Color/Jabbar.htm | |
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27. Kareem Abdul Jabbar Paul Deegan's kareem abduljabbar (1974) is a biography for children, and kareem,basketball Great (1975), by Arnold Hano, is a biography through the eyes of a http://www.africanpubs.com/Apps/bios/0821JabbarKareem.asp?pic=none |
28. Daily Celebrations ~ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, For Two Lifetimes ~ December 22 ~ Idea basketball great kareem abduljabbar, whose name means generous, powerful sonof Allah (1947-) was born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor and grew up in Harlem. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/122299.htm | |
29. St. James Encyclopedia Of Pop Culture: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar intensity that disguised his shyness and a dancing jump shot nicknamed the sky hook, kareem abduljabbar dominated the National basketball Association during http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/g1epc/bio/2419200005/p1/article.jhtml?term=%s |
30. St. James Encyclopedia Of Pop Culture: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 1995, and was named one of the 50 greatest basketball players in abduljabbar wrotetwo autobiographical accounts, Giant Steps in 1983 and kareem in 1990 http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/g1epc/bio/2419200005/p3/article.jhtml?term=%s |
31. Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Kareem Abdul Jabbar NBA Autographed Sports Items WM3023I. jabbar, kareem abdul I/O basketball. 262.50. Buy 1 Now Add to Basket.WM3-023. jabbar, kareem abdul PRO basketball. 337.50. Buy 1 Now Add to Basket. http://wildaboutsports.com/Memorabilia/Basketball/jabbar,_kareem_abdul.htm | |
32. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Autographed Basketball kareem abduljabbar $399.00 $359.10 Status Available, Official NBA basketballautographed by kareem abdul-jabbar (Los Angeles Lakers Milw. http://www.grandstandsports.com/pages/2314.htm | |
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34. USBL - United States Basketball League The United States basketball League, Inc (USBL) has announced today that NBA AllTimegreat kareem abdul-jabbar has agreed in principal to coach the Oklahoma http://www.usbl.com/release.cfm?releaseid=7 |
35. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Start your search on kareem abduljabbar. Research Links. Women's basketballHall of Fame; Hooptown USA basketball Hall of Fame; basketball Hall of Fame http://www.virtualology.com/virtualpubliclibrary/hallofanima/basketball/KareemAb | |
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37. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Featured By The Celebrity Portal - Information, Pictures, Ph kareem abduljabbar featured by The Celebrity Portal. We offer a lot of infos,pics and links of the actor,basketball player kareem abdul-jabbar. http://www.thecelebrityportal.com/male.php?nr=1 |
38. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Featured By The Celebrity Portal - Actor, Basketball Player A lot of information about the actor,basketball player kareem abduljabbarare waiting for you. kareem abdul-jabbar is actor,basketball player. http://www.thecelebrityportal.com/male/celebrities/A/Kareem_Abdul-Jabbar.html | |
39. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - Greater Talent Network, Inc. Celebrity Speakers Bureau reservations basketball team. The countless highlights of KareemAbduljabbars basketball career are legendary. He is the only http://www.greatertalent.com/bios/abduljabbar.shtml | |
40. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Introduction, 1986 kareem abduljabbar a candid conversation with the greatest basketball player ofall time Puberty showed up and that was it I knew Catholicism wasn't for me. http://cbs.sportsline.com/b/member/playboy/8606.html | |
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