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Abdul-wahad Tariq: more detail |
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84. AH where Shareef played high school and college basketball and check out the largeassortment of photographs. AbdulRauf , Mahmoud; abdul-wahad, tariq; Abou Sereia http://www.orka.co.yu/linkovi/igraci/ah.htm | |
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86. BasketballReference.com - NBA Basketball Statistics, Awards, And History A. Abdelnaby, Alaa 19901994 Abdul-jabbar, Kareem 1969-1988 Abdul-rauf, Mahmo 1990-2000Abdul-wahad, tariq 1997- Abdur-rahim, Shareef 1996- Abernethy, Tom 1976 http://www.basketballreference.com/players/playerlist.htm | |
87. ESPN.com: Tariq Abdul-Wahad Player Search 9 tariq abdulwahad Dallas Mavericks Stats Roster,PPG 5.6, RPG 3.5, APG 1.0. Height 6-6 Weight 235 lbs. Pos GF, http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/players/profile?statsId=3181 |
88. ESPN Fantasy Football tariq abdulwahad Dallas Mavericks Roster, ESPN. Last Week's Quick HitPTS 0, ASST 0, REB 0. Height 6-6 Weight 235 lbs. Age 28 Born Nov. http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/fba/request.dll?PLAYERCARD&nPlayerID=2 |
89. Jdsport.com : L'annuaire Du Sport Le Plus Complet Du Web Avec Aussi Toute L'actu tariq abdul wahad, (olivier saint jean,après sa conversion à lislam), le tout premier français à avoir foulé http://www.jdsport.com/categories/basketball/joueurs/liste.asp?p2=2 |
90. Title TariqOnline.com And nowhere in those prayers does tariq abdulwahad ask for help on the basketballcourt. The Muslim prayers of this rookie go much deeper than that. http://www.tariqonline.com/articles/art_frchconnction.html |
91. Oumma.com Translate this page tariq Abdul Wahad tariq Abdul Wahad est le premier joueur français a évoluer enNBA (le championnat Américain de basketball). AbdelAlim Letellier . IMPRIMER. http://oumma.com/article.php3?id_article=68 |
92. Oumma.com Translate this page tariq Abdul Wahad tariq Abdul Wahad est le premier joueur français a évolueren NBA (le championnat Américain de basketball). AbdelAlim Letellier . http://oumma.com/imprimer.php3?id_article=68 |
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95. International Basketball Directory: France Basketball tariq Abdul-WahadOfficial NBA Page tariq Online. Tony Parker Official NBA Page. http://www.geocities.com/internationalbasketballdirectory/france.html | |
96. Eurobasket - French Basketball French basketball. Smith 2) Game 1 Toulouse, Italy France 80-75, OT (Alain Digbeu1, Antoine Rigaudeau 23, Laurent Foirest 9, tariq Abdul Wahad 11, Stéphane http://www.eurobasket.com/fra/ntgames.asp | |
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