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Abdul-wahad Tariq: more detail |
21. NBA - # 9 Tariq Abdul-Wahad - CBS.SportsLine.com 9 tariq abdulwahad, F Height 6-6 Weight 223 NBA Experience Born 11/03/1974College Michigan; San Jose State. Career Stats · Situational http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/basketball/nba/players/6454.htm | |
22. IOffer.com - The Original Way To Buy And Sell Basketball Cards iOffer is a trading community that allows you to buy and sell basketball Cards( Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, abdulwahad tariq, Abdur-Rahim Shareef http://pages.ioffer.org/Sports/Trading_Cards/Basketball_Cards.html | |
23. NBA.com: Tariq Abdul-Wahad Printable Stats born players in Nuggets history; Through the tariq abdulwahad Foundation, he hosteda developmental camp for 20 of France's top young basketball players at http://www.nba.com/playerfile/tariq_abdul-wahad/printable_player_files.html | |
24. MAVERICKS: Tariq Abdul-Wahad Comments On Trade tariq abdulwahad Comments on Trade abdul-wahad. They know a lot about basketball,.have a dedication to teaching to players like me, It is really an honor and http://www.nba.com/mavericks/news/Tariq_Abdul_Wahad_Comments.html | |
25. Fantasy Basketball: Fantasy Basketball News/Injuries tariq abdulwahad, SG DATE 03-13-2003 STATUS News, SKINNY abdul-wahadwas activated from the injured list Thursday. DENVER NUGGETS. http://games.espn.go.com/cgi/fba/request.dll?NEWS |
26. Basketball Commons basketball Rookies basketball Stars basketball Unlisted Stars basketball SemiStarsWNBA Baseball Rookies Baseball abdulwahad, tariq, 1999-00, Topps, 21, $ 0.10, 2. http://www.worldwidesportscards.net/basketballcommons.html | |
27. Basketball Rookies basketball Stars basketball Unlisted Stars basketball SemiStars basketball CommonsWNBA Baseball Rookies abdulwahad, tariq, 1997-98, Fleer, Rookie, 258, $ 0.25, 1. http://www.worldwidesportscards.net/basketballrookies.html | |
28. Jdsport.com : L'annuaire Du Sport Le Plus Complet Du Web Avec Aussi Toute L'actu tariq abdul-wahad,premier français de l'histoire de la nba. stats, news, vidéos http://www.jdsport.com/categories/basketball/joueurs/liste.asp?p2=1 |
29. Basketball Lots :: Www.Hi5aHusker.com - Your Source For Nebraska Sports Cards basketball Lots. N/A. N/A. N/A. N/A. N/A. tariq abdulwahad, San JoseSt. Kings, $1.49, Buy Now! $2.99, Buy Now! $4.99, Buy Now! N/A. N/A.N/A. http://www.hi5ahusker.com/lots_basketball.asp?remove=filter |
30. Title : TariqOnline.com 4 tariq abdulwahad's mother, George Goudet, played professional basketball in Franceon a team that went to the European Championships on several occasions. http://www.tariqonline.com/articles/art_heartofgold.html | |
31. TARIQ ABDUL-WAHAD - DALLAS MAVERICKS ON NBAWIRE NBA Wire Home College Football Wire. Teams Standings Matchups Schedule Message Boards Power Rankings Fantasy basketball. tariq abdulwahad http://www.nbawire.com/tariq_abdul_wahad.html | |
32. The Official Internet Home Of San Jose State Spartans Athletics remains just the third San Jose State basketball player to be a firstround selection.As a professional, he changed his name to tariq abdul-wahad and played http://www.sjsuspartans.com/article.asp?articleid=12954 |
33. LE BASKET FRANCAIS | TARIQ ABDUL-WAHAD Translate this page fermer. Le Basket Français, tariq abdul-wahad. Nom abdul-wahad. Prénom tariq.Taille 1,98. Poids 101. Poste Arrière/Ailier. Date de naissance 03/11/74. http://www.ifrance.com/basketball/abdul-wahad_tariq.htm | |
34. Abdul-Wahad, Tariq Information Sites Top Sports basketball Players A abdulwahad, tariq See Also Sportsbasketball Professional NBA Denver Nuggets. tariqOnline http://basketballorg.com/Players/A/Abdul-Wahad,Tariq/ | |
35. Topps Sports Collectibles | Basketball | 1999-2000 Topps Finest Basketball Serie Baseball basketball Football Hockey. 19992000 Topps Finest basketball Series 2Player tariq abdul-wahad Card 135 Card Type Regular. CARD FRONT, CARD BACK. http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/Basketball/002fbk/card135.html | |
36. Topps Sports Collectibles | Basketball | Checklist - 2000 Topps Tipoff Basketbal 2000 Topps Tipoff basketball Numerical by Card Numerical by Subset abdulwahad,tariq Abdur-Rahim, Shareef Allen, Ray Amaechi, John Anderson, Nick Anderson http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/Basketball/00tobk/00tobkchecklist.html | |
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38. TSN.ca - Fantasy Sports Baseball - Canada's Sports Leader tariq abdulwahad 9 SG/SF. Dallas. 03-Aug-99 Sacramento Kings traded tariq abdul-wahadand a future 1st round selection to the Orlando Magic for Nick Anderson. http://www.tsn.ca/fantasy_sports/basketball/teams/player_bio.asp?player_name=Tar |
39. TSN.ca - Fantasy Sports Baseball - Canada's Sports Leader JOIN TSN NOW, FANTASY SPORTS. basketball. Scores. AbdulRauf, Mahmoud (SG/PG). DAL,abdul-wahad, tariq (SG/SF). ATL, Abdur-Rahim, Shareef (SF/SG). Aguirre, Mark (F). http://www.tsn.ca/fantasy_sports/basketball/player_list.asp?letter=A |
40. VegasInsider.com Players 9 tariq abdulwahad - F Dallas, Born 11/03/1974. Height 6-6. Weight223. Drafted 1997 Round 1 11 Sacramento Kings. College Michigan; San Jose State. http://www.vegasinsider.com/u/basketball/nba/teams/players/6454.htm | |
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