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1. National Baseball Hall Of Fame - Bill Veeck Profile and photograph of the maverick owner who was elected to the Hall by the Committee on baseball Veterans in 1991. http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/veeck_bill.htm | |
2. The Baseball Reliquary - Bill Veeck 360 1500 http://www.baseballreliquary.org/veeck.htm | |
3. National Baseball Hall Of Fame - Bill Veeck's Plaque bill veeck OWNER OF INDIANS, BROWNS AND WHITE SOX. Hall of Fame plaques are propertyof the National baseball Hall of Fame and the images may not be reproduced http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/plaques/veeck_bill.htm | |
4. Bill Veeck Trophy - Baseball Memorabila - Seth's Room - Seth Swirsky bill veeck Trophy In 1952, the St. Louis Browns were managed by Rogers Hornsby. While Hornsby was one of baseball's greatest players, he was not very well liked as a manager. http://www.sethsroom.com/memorabilia3.htm | |
5. Bill Veeck Baseball League Home Page 2002 bill veeck baseball League Home Page The draft for the 2002 Season will be held March 30, 2002 at 9 am at Marc's house. http://www.rotostats.com/baseball | |
6. Veeck, Bill: Veeck--As In Wreck bill veeck's autobiography. Site includes reviews, an excerpt, and ordering information.Category Sports baseball People Management veeck, bill...... bill veeck was an inspired team builder, a consummate showman, andone of the greatest baseball men ever involved in the game. His http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/14283.ctl | |
7. Bill Veeck, Veeck--As In Wreck, Excerpt veeckAs In Wreck The Autobiography of bill veeck. The most innovativeowner in baseball history and, by a wide margin, the funniest. . . . http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/852180.html | |
8. Baseball Lore: Bill Veeck And Eddie Gaedel baseball LORE bill veeck AND EDDIE GAEDEL http://ecommerce.enel.net/beisbol/player/veeck.asp | |
9. The Baseball Reliquary - Induction Day from veecks legendary promotions, and Cannon speculated that if bill veeckwere still with us, and had the crazy notion to start a baseball museum, it http://www.baseballreliquary.org/inductionday.htm | |
10. Listings Of The World Sports Baseball People Management National baseball Hall of Fame bill veeck Post Review Profile and photograph ofthe maverick owner who was elected to the Hall by the Committee on baseball http://listingsworld.com/Sports/Baseball/People/Management/Veeck,_Bill/ |
11. The BASEBALL Page - Bill Veeck And The Grandstand Managers Over As. And as bill veeck himself wrote, Never has a game been called better.Ron Visco is a Museum Educator at the National baseball Hall of Fame http://www.thebaseballpage.com/features/grandstand.htm | |
12. Bill Veeck Recognition Page - Baseball-Reference.com You can sponsor a page. bill veeck's autobiography, a baseball classic,is published by the University of Chicago Press. The first http://www.baseball-reference.com/nonmlbpa/veeckbi99.shtml | |
13. Non-MLBPA Persons Index - Baseball-Reference.com baseball Executive or Pioneer Morgan Bulkeley Alexander Cartwright Henry Chadwick JohnsonKenesaw Landis Larry MacPhail Lee MacPhail bill veeck George Weiss http://www.baseball-reference.com/nonmlbpa/ | |
14. Famous Quotes - Bill Veeck - Baseball Is Almost The Only... baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get threestrikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off. bill veeck http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/b/q104229.html | |
15. Bill Veeck - Famous Quotes And Quotations Author bill veeck, baseball is almost the only - I try not to break - The most beautiful thing in Get Our eBook, Fun and Games, Subscribe. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/b/a125766.html | |
16. Veeck, Bill AD.COM Web Directory, search, veeck, bill. Top Sports baseball People Management veeck,_bill 1, National baseball Hall of Fame bill veeck. http://www.ad.com/Sports/Baseball/People/Management/Veeck,_Bill/ | |
17. Baseball Lore: Bill Veeck And Eddie Gaedel baseball LORE bill veeck AND EDDIE GAEDEL Eliot Cohen. bill veeckwas a great innovator on the public side of the game. veeck, who http://www.enel.net/beisbol/player/veeck.asp | |
18. Baseball Quote Of The Day - Search Page There are only two seasons winter and baseball. bill veeck Cleveland IndiansOwner Contributed by Ken Phifer. Not really - they lean towards cash. http://quote.webcircle.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?idPlayer=58 |
19. Directory :: Look.com National baseball Hall of Fame bill veeck Profile and photograph of the maverickowner who was elected to the Hall by the Committee on baseball Veterans in http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=453725 |
20. Strikethree.com Baseball News, Analysis And Commentary Summer of '98 When Homers Flew, Records Fell, and baseball Reclaimed America Mike Lupica; veeck (As in Wreck) The Autobiography of bill veeck - bill veeck http://www.strikethree.com/merch/books.shtml | |
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