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61. Budmans Baseball - 2002 ML 5x5 Hitter Valuations - Second Half 307 99 13 57 43 6 1 .322 26.49 Rodriguez, Ivan TEX 75 277 92 16 45 53 3 4 .332 26.28Boone, Aaron CIN 82 315 81 15 48 52 21 3 .257 26.24 renteria, edgar STL 78 http://www.budmans.com/baseball/BB02/ML5sbVal.htm | |
62. Savoy Special Baseball League Teams Statistics Savoy Special baseball League Teams Statistics Sunday, May 15, 2005 35 128 12 329 0 2 6 8 17 13 .294 .367 3 0 2 .256 .247 0 1.000 SS renteria, edgar .210 35 http://my.execpc.com/86/20/savoy25/all_stat.htm | |
63. Savoy Special Baseball League Teams Statistics Savoy Special baseball League Teams Statistics Thursday, October 21, 2004 16 0 1445 26 107 48 .260 .326 0 0 20 .252 .214 4 .996 SS renteria, edgar .283 162 http://my.execpc.com/86/20/savoy25/2004stat.htm | |
64. Augusta Georgia: Sports@ugusta: Columbia Proud Of Renteria 11/29/97 renteria's mother, Visitacion, had to take odd jobs to support life was a constantstruggle until edgar was 8 in the family to excel at baseball, Edinson never http://www.augustachronicle.com/stories/113097/spo_renteria.html | |
65. Bills Baseball Cards - Misc. Players (P-Z) Baseball Cards Bills baseball Cards 0.25 Reitsma, Chris 2003 Topps Gold 135 $ 3.00 $ 1.75 Relaford,Desi 1998 Bowman Chrome 334 $ 0.50 $ 0.25 renteria, edgar 1999 Pacific http://billscards.com/misc3.htm | |
66. Renteria Returns As Reminder Of Last Year's Glory Now the kids want to play baseball instead of soccer. I'm happy about that. . Patrickplays shortstop, and I had to get him edgar renteria batting gloves this http://cgi.nando.net/newsroom/ap/bbo/1998/mlb/fla/feat/archive/031198/fla53829.h | |
67. Silver Slugger Edgar Renteria renteria put together what is arguably his finest season in baseball when he batted.305 in 152 games played. edgar renteria was considered the team MVP by http://www26.brinkster.com/swampie/Awardsandhonors/silverslugger/renteria.html | |
68. Edgar Renteria Quotes Page Quotes By edgar renteria Like Sammy Sosa says, 'baseball has beenvery, very good to me. edgar renteria, 1999. You had to be http://www26.brinkster.com/swampie/Archives/Quotes/renteria.html | |
69. FANTASY BASEBALL 2003 407, AURILIA, RICH, SF, 2240000. 408, GUZMAN, CRISTIAN, MIN, 2230000. 409, renteria,edgar, STL, 2230000. 410, VALENTIN, JOSE, CWS, 2020000. 411, WOMACK, TONY, ARI,1970000. http://baseball.cdmsports.com/research/bt_shortstop.html | |
70. NCACVB - BASEBALL TRAILS - Famous Players Greensboro Pagliarulo, Mike Greensboro Pettite, Andy - Greensboro Ramirez, Manny- Burlington, Charlotte, Kinston renteria, edgar - Charlotte Ripkin, Cal, Jr http://visit.nc.org/baseball_trails/famous_players.html | |
71. Edgar Renteria Pictures, Photos, And Images - Cards Clubhouse.com Wed, 8/14/02 41 KB, Shortstop edgar renteria leaps over Pittsburgh Pirates Tue, 8 Thisgallery exists soley for the viewing enjoyment of fans of baseball and the http://www.cardsclubhouse.com/photos/index.php?cat=people&topic=Edgar Renteria |
72. Voros Baseball Home Page VÖRÖS' baseball ANALYSIS PAGE. 2001 PLAYER PROJECTIONS. St. Louis Cardinals. renteria,edgar, 585, 95, 165, 32, 2, 14, 76, 63, 78, 32, 9, 0.283, 0.355, 0.418. http://www.baseballstuff.com/mccracken/2001proj/stl2001.html | |
73. The Baseball Guru - Fantasy Insider, Mock Drafts These are actual drafts from fantasy baseball leagues. 7, Cirillo, Jeff, Mil, 1B,3B, Dreifort, Darren, LA, P, renteria, edgar, StL, SS, Grudzielanek, Mark, LA, SS,Ventura http://baseballguru.com/mock2.html | |
74. R In Sports > Baseball > People Top categories Ramirez, Manny (6); renteria, edgar (3); Ripken, Cal, Jr. (12);Rivers, Mickey (1); Roberts, Robin (2); Robinson, Brooks (4); Robinson, Frank (2); http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Sports/Baseball/People/Players/R/ | |
75. Edgar Renteria Autograph edgar renteria autograph baseball, edgar renteria Autographed baseball OfficialMajor League baseball autographed by edgar renteria (St Louis Cardinals star http://www.grandstandsports.com/gsm/p_Edgar_Renteria_1.asp | |
76. Fantasy Baseball - Player Profile Fantasy baseball Headquarters 2003, Quick TigerDirect Clearance CenterPlayer Profiles Search for Other Players edgar renteria St. Louis http://www.fantasybaseballheadquarters.com/baseball/profile.cfm?playerId=1913 |
77. BASEBALL WEEKLY DIAMOND CHALLENGE baseballPRM - Shortstop - Last 7 Days - thru 09/29/02. Rank, Player, Tm, POS, BA,HR, RBI, SB, R, TOTPTS. 5, renteria, edgar, STL, SS, 254.9, 0.0, 1114.6, 2439.0, 459.4,4267.98. http://www.cdmnet.com/usa/diamondchallenge/research/wtd/short.html | |
78. BASEBALL WEEKLY DIAMOND CHALLENGE baseballPRM Shortstop thru 09/29/02. Rank, Player, Tm, POS, BA, HR, RBI,SB, R, TOTPTS. 5, renteria, edgar, STL, SS, 779.2, 232.0, 426.3, 864.8, 378.4,2680.63. http://www.cdmnet.com/usa/diamondchallenge/research/ytd/short.html | |
79. Topps Sports Collectibles | Baseball | Checklist - 2002 Opening Day Baseball 2002 Opening Day baseball Numerical by Card Numerical by Subset Alphabetical ALBERTRADKE, BRAD RAMIREZ, ARAMIS RANDA, JOE renteria, edgar RIVERA, MARIANO http://www.topps.com/SportsCollect/baseball/02odbb/02odbbchecklist.html | |
80. St. Louis Cardinals Team Wilson Delgado. edgar renteria. 2nd Base http://www.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/stl/team/stl_player_bio.jsp?frame=mlb&playerid=121 |
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