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Perez Tony: more detail |
81. Baseball Hall Of Fame The National baseball Hall of Fame and Museum In the year 2000 ballot tony perez,a 1997 member of the Cuban baseball Hall of Fame, was selected to join Martin http://www.cubanball.com/halloffame.html | |
82. Baseball Category Gallery Derek Jeter Alex Rodriguez Shoeless Joe Jackson A baseball Gallery AJ AramisRamirez Armando Benitez Armando Rios Atanasio tony perez Austin Kearns http://www.allposters.com/cat/cat290298.htm | |
83. Aztec Baseball, San Diego State University - Official Athletic Site WP Skinner 2. HBP - by Julianel (perez), by Lucy (Rogers 2000 San Diego State BaseballSan Diego at San Diego Mar 21, 2000 at San Diego, CA (tony Gwynn Stadium http://www.fansonly.com/schools/sdsu/sports/m-basebl/stats/032100aac.html | |
84. Nobody Loves Tony - Baseball Primer It'll be tough to go 4 full days without baseball. he should be, but I don't knowit tony the Genius will. Louis 0, San Francisco 0, 2 outs, Eduardo perez on 1st http://www.baseballprimer.com/articles/dszymborski_2002-10-15_0.shtml | |
85. Savannah NOW: Sports - Tony Perez: Nice Guy, But Not A Hall Of Famer 01/16/00 tony perez was placed among the game's best ever this week, which was a big win theprestige the phrase Hall of Famer has always held in baseball more than http://www.savannahnow.com/stories/011600/SPTguideracolumn.shtml | |
86. Tony Perez Is Not A Hall Of Famer 1. Was he ever regarded as the best player in baseball? tony perez NEVER won an MVP.He came close in 1970, where he finished 2nd behind teammate Johnny Bench. http://www.dickiethon.com/~rhoma/hof/perez.htm | |
87. The Sporting News : Baseball - TSN Expert and the respect for Boles' replacement, tony perez. The change from Boles, a longtimepersonnel man who never played minor or major league baseball, to perez http://www.sportingnews.com/voices/ken_rosenthal/20010702a.html | |
88. Baseball Cards 172, PERCONTE, JACK, MARINERS, 1. 106, perez, PASCUAL, BRAVES, 1. 675, perez, tony,REDS, 609, PERKINS, BRODERICK, INDIANS, 219, PERRY, GRALD, BRAVES, 1. 435, PERTY,DAN, TIGERS, http://www.baseballsimulator.com/cards/1985501.htm | |
89. Clean-up Batter Tony Perez To Be Inducted Into Hall Of Fame tony perez. Yet, it will be perez who will walk to the microphone and make an acceptancespeech this summer as he is enshrined in Cooperstown at the baseball http://www.psacard.com/articles/article1856.chtml |
90. National Baseball Hall Of Fame - Inductee Information Seventime All-Star tony Pérez was the offensive anchor of one of the greatest dynasties in baseball history, and had http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hof_weekend/2000/inductees.htm | |
91. Fixed It! Baseball ScoreBook Oceanside Waves At Alaska Goldpanners 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors, 0 LOB. Alaska Goldpanners Bottom of the 12thPerez, tony walked. baseball ScoreBook on 8/26/2001 at 200840. http://www.goldpanners.com/Pressbox/Results/2001/13_010621_waves_03_BOXSCORE_F2. | |
92. Tributeint.com - Collectibles For Everyone baseball Caps, Griffey Jr., Ken (Mariners Plaque, Berra, Yogi and Ford, Whitey 8x11(Yankees) Gooden, Dwight Doc (Mets signed ROY) Gwynn, tony (Padres) Hernandez http://www.tributeint.com/auto_baseball.html | |
93. APBAStadium.com - Gamers' Skybox - APBA Baseball 2001 Roster John Wehner, Shawon Dunston, Kevin Nicholson, Russ Davis. Emil Brown, EduardoPerez, tony Gwynn, Juan Melo, Chad Hermansen, Eric Davis, Kory DeHaan, FelipeCrespo. http://www.apbastadium.com/stadium/gamers_skybox/baseball/2001_roster.html | |
94. Cincinnati Reds At Cincinnati.Com - Your Key To The City HALL OF FAME BIOS tony perez tony perez. 196476, '84-86. Vital statisticsLifetime .279 batting average, 2,732 hits, 379 home runs, 1,652 RBI. http://www.cincinnati.com/reds/halloffame/perezbio_072000.html | |
95. USDTOREROS.COM WP DUNN, D. BK - DUNN, D. HBP - by perez, tony (HARRIS). 2002 Saint Mary's BaseballSan Diego at Saint Mary's Apr 21, 2002 at Moraga, CA (Louis Gusto Field http://www.sportsmediainc.net/usdtoreros/index.cfm?func=showarticle&newsid=5202 |
96. Santa Clara Broncos Official Athletic Site - Baseball Choose Sport. 5 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 1 perez, tony p/cf http://www.fansonly.com/schools/sacl/sports/m-basebl/stats/041401aaa.html | |
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