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Perez Tony: more detail |
41. Fixed It! Baseball ScoreBook Alaska Goldpanners At Mat-Su Miners Casey Long struck out looking. perez, tony lined out. This file was createdwith Fixed It! baseball ScoreBook on 7/10/2001 at 203836. http://www.matsuminers.org/2001_gamearchive/24_Panners_July_10_BOXSCORE.HTM | |
42. Baseball Player P baseball SINGLES WITH PLAYERS LAST NAME STARTING WITH P Carlos Pena, Elivs Pena,Juan Pena, tony Pena, Wily Mike Penny, Brad Peoples, Danny perez, Antonio perez http://www.kajicards.com/Baseballplayerp.HTM | |
43. Tony Perez Statistics baseball Immortals Comprehensive stat page with tons of data. MLB History Officialhistorical stats page from the MLB. Are we missing a tony perez site? http://www.starpulse.com/Athletes/Perez,_Tony/Statistics/ | |
44. Tony Perez Biography a wealth of other resources. baseball Hall of Fame Player profileand photo of his HOF plaque. Are we missing a tony perez site? http://www.starpulse.com/Athletes/Perez,_Tony/Biography/ | |
45. Tony Perez Autographed Baseball tony perez Autographed baseball. tony perez Autographed baseball MountedMemories. Shopping . Main Menu. tony perez Autographed baseball. http://www.staceysgifts.com/mounted-memories/tony-perez-autographed-baseball.sht | |
46. Team Standings And Local Leaders-San Diego Baseball.com UCSD is 118 2003 CCAA baseball Standings, USD is 8-11 2003 WCC baseball Standings. 352PRAST, Joey (USD) .351 WENNERSTEN, Lucas (USD) .346 perez, tony (USD http://sandiegobaseball.com/team_standings_and_local_leaders.htm | |
47. Team Standings And Local Leaders-San Diego Baseball.com 2002 baseball Stats (Final Stats) SDSU Brad Vericker PLNU Taber Lee SDSU Carlo CotaSDSU Anthony Gwynn SDSU Jeff Riddle UCSD Josh Hill SDSU tony perez USD Eric http://sandiegobaseball.com/02team_standings_and_local_leaders.htm | |
48. TONY PEREZ An alternate to Cooperstown and home to the most powerful baseball encyclopediaon the market. tony perez. baseball IMMORTALS PLAQUE tony perez 196486 REDS. http://www.baseballimmortals.net/immortals/tony_perez.shtml | |
49. TONY PEREZ--6 YEAR RBI LEADERSHIP baseball IMMORTALS. An alternate to Cooperstown and home to the most powerfulbaseball encyclopedia on the market. tony PEREZ6 YEAR RBI LEADERSHIP. http://www.baseballimmortals.net/Perez/perez--6yrrbi.shtml | |
50. Save2Much.com Search For Tony Perez Autographed Baseball Mounted Memories Autogr Free Shipping Available. tony perez Autographed baseball Entire Mounted Memoriesat GoCollect.com, The Web's Widest Selection of Collectibles Gifts. http://www.save2much.com/buy/search/Tony_Perez_Autographed_Baseball_Mounted_Memo | |
51. Major League Baseball History perez, tony, Camaguey, Cuba. Taylor, tony, Central Alara, Cuba. Search enter keywordEntire Site Go http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/history/mlb_history_event.jsp?event=allstargam |
52. Major League Baseball Official Info Claude Osteen+. tony perez. Pete Rose. Tom Seaver. Search enter keyword Entire SiteGo Advanced Search. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/mlb/history/mlb_asgrecaps_story_headline.jsp?story |
53. Dick's Sporting Goods - Mounted Memories Tony Perez Autographed Mounted Memories tony perez Autographed baseball Item no 691163 OURPRICE $67.99. This handsigned collectible from Mounted Memories http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=691163 |
54. Mounted Memories: Tony Perez Autographed Baseball Click Here, tony perez Autographed baseball Item WM1107M tony perez - An officialNational League baseball signed on the sweet spot by this Cincinnati Reds http://www.gocollect.com/p/mounted-memories/autographed-baseballs/tony-perez-aut | |
55. Modell's - Mounted Memories Tony Perez Autographed Baseball Mounted Memories tony perez Autographed baseball Item no 691163 OURPRICE $67.99. This handsigned collectible from Mounted Memories http://www.modells.com/product/index.jsp?productId=691163 |
56. Perez's Major-league Sacrifice If baseball was to be tony's life, he would have to leave Cuba behind. He did in'63. It would be nine years 1972 before perez returned to his homeland http://reds.enquirer.com/2000/07/19/red_perezs_major-league.html | |
57. Tony Had The Numbers And The Knack Enquirer. img. tony perez's place in baseball history is secure. Heis the first Cuban player elected to the Hall of Fame. That http://reds.enquirer.com/2000/07/23/red_tony_had_numbers_and.html | |
58. Tony Perez Luncheon Benefits Miami Lighthouse Don Marx, Vernon Metcalf, Executive Director for Lighthouse Jean Ferrera,Rick De Cair baseball great tony perez has had a fantastic year. http://www.socialcovers.com/tony perez story.htm | |
59. ESPN.com - Major League Baseball - Pudge, Perez Make Up Class Of 2000 The 2000 baseball Hall of Fame voting (499 votes cast; 375 needed for election;xelected) x-Carlton Fisk, 397; x-tony perez, 385; Jim Rice, 257; Gary Carter http://espn.go.com/mlb/news/2000/0109/279751.html | |
60. ESPN.com - Major League Baseball - Perez Was Big Red Machine's Best Clutch Hitte Fisk made career by giving his all to baseball. Hall of Fame roster.AUDIO/VIDEO tony perez is thankful for his Hall of Fame selection. http://espn.go.com/mlb/news/2000/0111/284362.html | |
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