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81. Baseball Cards Only - The Ultimate Baseball Card Site On The Web 2002, SP Legendary Cuts, 12, , , , 2, $1.50, $1.05, mathewson,christy. 2002,Sweet Spot Classics, 13, , , -, 1, $1.50, $1.05, mathewson,christy. BASEBALLCARDS ONLY http://www.bbonly.com/search/player/MATHEWSON,CHRISTY/none/ | |
82. Baseball Quote Of The Day - Search Page Christopher christy mathewson New York Giants Pitcher Contributed by JonathanChapman. If you have any suggestions or any favorite baseball quotes please http://quote.webcircle.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?idPlayer=319 |
83. The Career Of Christy Mathewson christy mathewson was a man idolized by Americans in the early 20th century. Hereis the career of one of the greatest pitchers and greatest men baseball has http://tn.essortment.com/christymathews_rqnz.htm | |
84. Sports Immortals - Present Facility Auto Racing baseball Basketball Boxing Football Golf Hockey Horse Racing OlympicsSoccer Tennis Wrestling. 1919 World Series Program, christy mathewson christy http://www.sportsimmortals.com/gallery2.cfm?ID=8 |
85. TPMBASEBALL.COM - BOOK REVIEWS - Christy Mathewson, "Pitching In A Pinch" It is christy mathewsons ghostwritten account of his career in major league baseball.It is a classic work of baseball writing. mathewson was a 373 game winner http://www.thepitchingmound.com/books/pitching/pitching_in_a_pinch.php | |
86. Baseball Milestones MAJOR LEAGUE baseball ALLTIME LEADERS (Complete through 2002 Season) BATTING 4136Grover Alexander 373 Roger Clemens * 3909 christy mathewson 373 Randy http://www.baseballtoddsdugout.com/milestones.html | |
87. Keystone College - Giants History athletic teams, the Giants , is derived from the pride Keystonians have for Keystonegraduate and professional baseball great christy mathewson of nearby http://www.keystone.edu/Athletics/GiantsHistory.html | |
88. Million Dollar Mysteries christy mathewson $10,000 Reward From 1900 to 1917, Hall of Famerchristy mathewson was the most dominating pitcher in baseball. http://www.fox.com/mdmystery/106/mathewson.htm | |
89. Sports:People Pollock; Who is Nolan Ryan? The career of christy mathewson; The baseballcareer of Reggie Jackson; The baseball career of Cap Anson; The http://www.essortment.com/in/Sports.People/ | |
90. Christy Mathewson | BaseballLibrary.com christy mathewson profile from BaseballLibrary.com, the most comprehensivebaseball history encyclopedia on the Internet. We give http://www.pubdim.net/baseballlibrary/ballplayers/M/Mathewson_Christy.stm | |
91. Mathewson, Christy mathewson, christy (Christopher mathewson), 18801925, American baseballplayer, b. Factoryville, Pa., grad. Bucknell Univ., 1902. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/CE033333.html |
92. Mathewson, Christy mathewson, christy (Christopher mathewson), 18801925, American baseballplayer, b. Factoryville, Pa., grad. Bucknell Univ., 1902. http://www.slider.com/enc/34000/Mathewson_Christy.htm | |
93. Classic Memorabilia: Browsing BASEBALL ENTERTAINMENT. http://www.classicmem.com/ptg/Category.cfm?&DID=13&catid=54 |
94. RDS - Baseball baseball, ne s'est jamaisremis des séquelles de son intoxication au gaz en France. http://www.rds.ca/baseball/fr.base.gnmathewson.html | |
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