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81. Joe Jackson's Black Betsy Bat Smashes Price Record With $577,610 Bid - Collector a couple of weeks after two Babe Ruth bats set back to back records for the highestprice ever paid for a gameused baseball bat, joe jackson's famous Black http://www.collectors.com/articles/article_view.chtml?artid=3124 |
82. Baseball Quote Of The Day - Search Page 3 quotes found searching on Joseph Jefferson Shoeless joe jackson. God knows Igave my best in baseball at all times and no man on earth can truthfully judge http://quote.webcircle.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?idPlayer=202 |
83. Collector Net Tell them you found them through The Oddball Mall! baseball. Aaron, Hank, Collectoraddresses. jackson, Bo, Collector addresses. jackson, joe, Collector addresses. http://www.oddball-mall.com/network.htm | |
84. National Baseball Hall Of Fame - Press Release - July 23, 1999 joe jackson 1919 pocket watch; joe jackson glove (pictured above). Babe Ruth Famous 19thCentury baseball 1830s children's books describing rules for Base Ball http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/whats_new/press_releases/1999/pr1999_07_23.htm | |
85. Thomas Sowell If we are going to go that route, and accept that kind of reasoning, then the timeis long overdue to induct Shoeless joe jackson into the baseball Hall of Fame http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/sowell1.asp | |
86. "Shoeless" Joe: Innocent Or Guilty? The decision to ban joe jackson from Major League baseball was ultimatelymade by Commissioner Kennesaw Mountain Landis, not the courts. http://iml.jou.ufl.edu/projects/Spring01/Wilder/page3.html | |
87. Hall Of Famers Joost, Eddie, baseball, 1995, SFO Gate 83. Lazzeri, Tony, baseball, 1989,jackson Playground. Morgan, joe, baseball, 1991, Oakland Coliseum. http://www.bashof.org/halloffamers.htm | |
88. RateItAll - The Opinion Network Web sites related to Shoeless joe jackson Click HERE to recommend a link. Findand share opinions on toprated Pro baseball Players (all-time). 1. Al Kaline. http://www.rateitall.com/item.asp?i=6A7C5BAE-EE9A-4220-A932-1A621D6BF788 |
89. Salon.com News | Shoeless Joe Jackson Revisited know, read an email just the other day, that coming up this September is the10th anniversary of Shoeless joe jackson's banishment from baseball's Hall of http://www.salon.com/news/sports/col/barra/2001/08/09/shoeless_joe/ | |
90. HickokSports.com - Biography - Baseball Index Index to baseball. Choose the first letter of the person's last name Top of Page.J-. jackson, Bo jackson, Reggie jackson, Shoeless joe jackson, Travis http://www.hickoksports.com/biograph/indbaseb.shtml | |
91. Petition Filed On Behalf Of Joe Jackson And Buck Weaver County arguing the innocence of joe jackson and Buck your petitioner, the said Josephjackson, says that other of their codefendant baseball players intended http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/blacksox/petition.html | |
92. JOE JACKSON SHOELESS joe jackson INDIANS, WHITESOX , 19081920. RANKS 3RD IN BASEBALLHISTORY WITH A .356 LIFETIME AVERAGE COMPILED .423 CAREER OBA. http://www.baseballimmortals.net/immortals/joe_jackson.shtml | |
93. The Baseball Archive Bookstore - Reviews Little did we know back then, that our Mr. jackson was the great ShoelessJoe of Major League baseball fame. Neither did we know http://www.baseball1.com/bookstore/reviews/0966253108.html | |
94. Baseball Links ... Major League Resources For Baseball Cards, Stats, And More. Home, baseball's Premiere Search Directory, Bookmark. http://www.aaronslinks.com/baseball/Players/J/ | |
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