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Belle Albert: more detail | ||||||
61. Albert Belle Cards Huntington Cards. baseball Stars, albert belle. All items are NrMtunless otherwise noted. albert Joey belle 5 Time AllStar (1993 http://members.tripod.com/huntingtoncards/belle.htm | |
62. Stars: Last Name Starting With 'B' N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z baseball Stars with belle, albert1990 Bowman Rookie card 333; belle, albert 1990 Donruss Rookie card 390; http://www.screamingbaseball.com/starsb.htm | |
63. Albert Belle Posters Your Online Store of albert belle Posters. albert belle Posters. Sports Posters baseball albert belle. albert belle albert belle Poster 22 in. x 34 in. http://www.sports-posters.org/c6177-albert-belle.html | |
64. Bills Baseball Cards - Albert Belle Baseball Cards Bills baseball Cards albert belle Cards. Last Updated February 7, 2003 Becketts MyPrice http://billscards.com/bellealb.htm | |
65. March 7, 2001 - Albert Belle: Hall Of Famer? Some things to ponder should albert belle retire belle was a great player at his peakwhose career to a medical condition basically unrelated to baseball playing http://www.baseballprospectus.com/news/20010307woolner.html | |
66. USATODAY.com - Albert Belle: End Of A Turbulent Era albert belle End of a turbulent era By Louis Berney, USA TODAY baseball WeeklyFORT LAUDERDALE When the Orioles filed into their home clubhouse after http://www.usatoday.com/sports/bbw/2001-03-14/2001-03-14-specialbelle.htm | |
67. Rounding Third: The Albert Belle Shelf albert belle. Even though albert occasionally displayed personality flaws (and youdon't?), he was a Hallof-Fame 1992 Confex The baseball Enquirer 61 - $0.75. http://www.rndng3rd.com/Rooms/shelves/albbel.html | |
68. Albert Belle Statistics baseball Almanac Comprehensive player stats and facts. MSNBC Sports ScoreboardBasic stat page from NBC Sports. Are we missing a albert belle site? http://www.starpulse.com/Athletes/Belle,_Albert/Statistics/ | |
69. Albert Belle - KennysPosters.com TRY ART.COM FOR MORE POSTERS LIKE THIS. posters for sale, poster,photos, pictures, prints, buy posters , albert belle, baseball. http://www.kennysposters.com/POSTER_STORES/topic_Sports/Albert_Belle-0211-1815-4 | |
70. Phat Albert had their careers ended by nonbaseball-related medical writers who want the Hall'sdoors closed to albert. Allen is the most-similar retired player to belle. http://www.thebaseballpage.com/columns/linden/ll010316.htm | |
71. SportsStorm.com Sports Storm Logo, Search this site for Baltimore Orioles. baseball. Allsports. albert belle. Cal Ripken Jr. Buy these albert belle wall posters. http://www.sportsstorm.com/Baseball/BaltimoreOrioles/AlbertBelle/ | |
72. Albert Belle albert belle, Autographs, Game Used, Graded. 1989 Score Last Revised01/18/03. 2003 SCD baseball Price Guide The Best!! 2003 Beckett http://www.usamade.com/cards/Baseball/belle.htm | |
73. Albert Belle albert belle baseball Statistics by baseball Almanac 's year-by-year statisticswith career totals along with countless interesting baseball items are http://www.bigcelebrities.com/celebs/albertbelle.html | |
74. Albert Belle Autographed Baseball albert belle autographed Major League baseball (Baltimore Orioles star, WhiteSox, and Indians legend) Free Shipping For Online Orders. Lifetime Guarantee http://www.grandstandsports.com/pages/3138.htm | |
75. Newsnet5.com - Sports - Memorializing Albert Belle baseball's Most Troublesome Player? Ed Dykhuizen, Staff Writer As youare probably aware, albert belle's baseball career has ended. http://www.newsnet5.com/sh/sports/columnist/stories/columnists-54693320010320-13 | |
76. ClickOnSA.com - Memorializing Albert Belle Player? Ed Dykhuizen, Staff Writer March 21, 2001, 444 pm EST As youare probably aware, albert belle's baseball career has ended. http://clickonsa.com/sh/sports/columnist/stories/columnists-54693320010320-13031 | |
77. Al Young's Baseball Cards And Memorabilia Www.basehit.net 1996 Summit albert belle Hitters Inc, $3.00, 1996 Summit Mike Piazza, $4.00, AlYoung's baseball Cards View Shopping Cart, Al Young's baseball Cards Checkout. http://www.basehit.net/CatItems.asp?CATID=119&Page=7 |
78. Outside Pitch Albert Belle booster, perhaps, is his twin brother, Terry belle, who assists and attended LouisianaState University, where albert excelled in baseball and Terry http://www.outsidepitch.com/cover/belle9909.html |
79. ThePit.com - Message Boards! Message Boards/Major League baseball. Beckett, Josh, 16, 5/12/2002 84614 PM.belle, albert, 13, 4/3/2002 43330 PM. Beltran, Carlos, 1, 2/12/2001 122551PM. http://www.thepit.com/community/listForums.asp?playerSportType=MLB |
80. HeavyStorm.com :- E-Cards albert belle ECards photos and posters. All cards Sport baseball BaltimoreOrioles Baltimore Orioles. baseball. Sport. All cards. albert belle. Cal Ripken Jr. http://ecards.heavystorm.com/cards/Sport/Baseball/BaltimoreOrioles/AlbertBelle/ | |
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