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Home - Astronomy - Planetariums |
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1. Loch Ness Productions: Planetarium Web Sites A directory of worldwide planetariums. http://www.lochness.com/pltweb/pltweb.html | |
2. Southwest Association Of Planetariums Contains information and membership list.Category Science Astronomy planetariums Associations......Text Only Version, Southwest Association of planetariums. Current SWAP officers. planetariumsin the SWAP service area (Active SWAP members are in bold.). Arkansas. http://www.tyler.cc.tx.us/SWAP/ | |
3. IPS: Welcome To The International Planetarium Society Planetarians can take the IPS Survey of the World´s planetariums (download a copy in Adobe PDF format if you haven't http://www.ips-planetarium.org/ | |
4. List Of Planetariums planetariums on the Net this information obtained from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific's website (http//www http://www.prado.com/~mmagana/planetarium.html | |
5. Planetariums - MuseumSpot.com Explore the best planetariums. Nature Centers. Offbeat. People. Photography. planetariums. Science. Space. Sports. State http://www.museumspot.com/categories/planetariums.htm | |
6. IPS: Planetaria Worldwide -- Planetaria Around The World... Southwest Association of planetariums Welcome to the home page of the Southwest Association of planetariums. SWAP is an organization made up of planetarium professionals and those who serve the planetarium community. http://www.ips-planetarium.org/ips-around.html | |
7. Planetariums Hawaiian Astronomical Society. Planetaria Travel into Space withoutleaving Earth. Great planetariums and Museum References! Astronomical http://www.hawastsoc.org/Pltium.html | |
8. Vermont Museums Art Centers Planetariums Vermont Museum Guide From Vermont Livin Listing of Vermont museums, planetariums, art centers, and historic sites throughout the state, with brief descriptions and phone numbers. http://www.vtliving.com/museums/ | |
9. Welcome To FirstLight Laser Productions ADAT format laser light shows and ADAT and Showtime show programming for planetariums and other venues. http://www.firstlight-laser.com | |
10. Planetariums Aberdeen Planetarium Abrams Planetarium Adelaides Planetarium Adler Planetarium Astronomy Museum Albert Einstein Planetarium Allentown School District http://www.kidskonnect.com/Museums/Planetariums.html | |
11. Lasersmith Light Show Systems Home: Professional Laser Light Shows And Laser Lig Lasersmith provides laser entertainment for trade shows, conventions, hotels, theme parks, casinos, product launches, sporting events, concerts, museums, planetariums, holiday celebrations, fund raisers or your own creative needs. http://www.lasersmith.com/ | |
12. 3-D TV Almost Ready For Those With Deep Pockets Based on technology designed for use by air traffic controllers, 3DTV will be available next year. Interested museums, theme parks and planetariums prepare to write big checks. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/920.html |
13. Providing School Assemblies And Related Educational Items Providing live school assembly programs in elementary and middle schools throughout the United States. Programs are on chemistry, physics, live animals, starlab planetariums, light and lasers, TV productions, and robots. http://www.mobileedproductions.com/ | |
14. Dynamic Directory - Science - Astronomy - Planetariums Planetarium Web Sites A directory of worldwide planetariums. Usenet sci.astro.planetarium - news - Google Groups http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Science/Astronomy/Planetariums | |
15. The Astronomy Network Of Ohio A useful resource for Ohio astronomers that includes a bulletin board, and links to astronomy clubs, planetariums, observatories and educational material. http://www.wro.org/ano/ | |
16. Evans & Sutherland: Visual Systems For Commercial And Military Simulation And Tr E S produces visual systems for simulation and training in defense and commercial applications as well as highperformance systems for domed theaters and planetariums. http://www.es.com/ | |
17. Planetariums planetariums back to keyword index. Armagh Planetarium, The ArmaghPlanetarium is host to one of the largest telescopes available http://psci-com.org.uk/browse/detail/546828c55705fd4e2a6aa3530517b879.html | |
18. ASP List Of Planetariums - Old Location The ASP list of planetariums has moved. We apologize for the inconvenience. Forthe time being, use the alternative link to the ASP list of planetariums. http://www.physics.sfsu.edu/asp/planetarium.html | |
19. Additional Space Science Education Resources Includes links to NASA Affiliated sites, Professional Organizations and Standards,Schools/Museums/planetariums, and more, from the Space Science Data Operations Office of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/education/resources.html | |
20. SSE Forum: For Museums & Planetariums You are here Home For Museums planetariums, US and Russian astronautsin space Click to link to http//sseforum.jpl.nasa.gov http://sseforum.jpl.nasa.gov/museums/index.cfm | |
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