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41. Cornell University Programs And Research Centers Programs and research centers (PW). faculty members and graduate assistants engagedin space research. thesis or dissertation work in astronomy and astrophysics http://www.gradschool.cornell.edu/grad/catalog/ProgsCentersP-W.html | |
42. Research Centers In Science > Astronomy research centers Directory (research centers Directory, 30th Ed) Hardcover. researchprograms in theoretical and observational astronomy. http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Science/Astronomy/Research_Centers/ | |
43. @LA Astronomy/Astronomical Sciences In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Index, Laboratories/research centers. Observatories. Caltech Computational AstronomyGroup, Pasadena Caltech Observational Cosmology Group, Pasadena Caltech Space http://www.at-la.com/@la-astro.htm | |
44. @LA Physical/Natural Sciences In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Orange of Physics and astronomy, Downtown Ventura College Physics and astronomy WhittierCollege Dept. of Physics. Laboratories/research centers Caltech High Energy http://www.at-la.com/@la-phys.htm | |
45. Research Centers And Organizations For The SO Area 10 members. Utah Valley astronomy Assn. Richard Tenney, 54 N. Canal Dr., Lindon,UT 84042; 801785-4403. Education and research centers. Ames research Center. http://www.geocities.com/tpsuvn/explore.html | |
46. Student Astronomers Discover The Universe At LBL doing astronomy, not just reading or being told about it, says head curriculumdeveloper Tim Barclay of the nonprofit Technical Education research centers ( http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/hands-on-universe-1.html | |
47. Astronomy Research Projects public to the scientific community, several centers of research has dedicated effortsto improve educational methods, most of them focused on astronomy due to http://www.ras.org.uk/html/meetings/2000/000818.html | |
48. ASU Noble Library - Astronomy/Space Resources TABLE OF CONTENTS Subjects and Resources for astronomy and Space;Related ASU Colleges, Departments, Programs and research centers. http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/space/ | |
49. Selected Interdisciplinary Research Centers At Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space research. National astronomy and IonosphereCenter. Electronics. General Clinical research centers (Adult Pediatric). http://www.osp.cornell.edu/VPR/AR/9899AnnRep/SelInter.html | |
50. Selected Interdisciplinary Research Centers At Cornell National astronomy and Ionosphere Center*. Institute Kidney; Comprehensive LipidControl; Immunogenetics and Transplantation; and Diabetes research centers. http://www.osp.cornell.edu/VPR/AR/selected_interdisciplinary.html | |
51. LHEA: Learning Centers Learning centers. StarChild for young astronomers (grades K8). STELLAR - Studentsand Teachers in Learning Laboratories through astronomy research (grades K-6). http://lhea.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/learning.html | |
52. The Math Forum - Math Library - Research Centers and researchers in the departments of astronomy and Astrophysics http://mathforum.org/library/resource_types/centers/ | |
53. Florida Tech - Research Institutions founding member of the Global Network of Environmental Education centers (GNEEC)in Southeastern Association for research in astronomy (SARA) Director http://www.fit.edu/sitemap/research.html | |
54. Centers And Labs as participating in a number of specialized research centers and laboratories bothoncampus and off-campus. Other Departments. The astronomy Department - We | |
55. CU Department Of Astronomy : About The Department College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University and the graduate Field of Astronomyand Space Sciences are associated with two research centers the Center http://astrosun.tn.cornell.edu/overview.shtml | |
56. Science/Astronomy/Research Centers LINKS American Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Astrophysics Researchprograms in theoretical and observational astronomy. http http://www.bn23.com/portal/Science/Astronomy/Research_Centers/ | |
57. Department Research both here at VU and at other research centers Choose which of these research programsyou would like to Back to the Department of Physics and astronomy Home Page http://physics.valpo.edu/facultyResearch/ | |
58. Annotated List Of Federally Funded Research And Development Centers (FFRDC) - 19 of advanced materials, and detector systems for use at other research centers. forNAIC to conduct a broad program of research in astronomy, the atmospheric http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/nsf99334/indffrdc.htm | |
59. Annotated List Of 36 Federally Funded Research And Development Centers (FFRDC): in the conduct of research programs in radio astronomy and related Annotated Listof 36 Federally Funded research and Development centers (FFRDC) Fiscal http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/nsf02317/indffrdc.htm | |
60. AC Library: Astronomy Internet Resources of organizations, institutions, associations, companies, and so on, involved inastronomy and related space sciences. TOP. research centers/Special Projects http://www.amherst.edu/library/research/academic/astro.html | |
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