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161. Delscope - The Personal Web Space Of Derek Haselden Haselden For information about SOLENT AMATEUR astronomers SOCIETYclick on the logo below to visit their homepage SAAS LOGO. For http://www.delscope.demon.co.uk/ |
162. Armchair Astronomers' First Stop Brainiacs and science enthusiasts, rejoice! NASA's new allin-one Web site aims to be a gold mine of cosmological data for scientists and laypeople. By Joseph Rose. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/19859.html |
163. Important Astronomers, Their Instruments And Discoveries 1 Important astronomers, their Instruments and Discoveries. by Paul M. Rybski. Part1. Pretelescopic Instruments, their Inventors and Users. Merkets and Waterclocks. http://www.seds.org/billa/psc/hist1.html |
164. Timesunion.com Communities Albany Area Amateur Astronomers http://www.timesunion.com/communities/astronomy/ |
165. Black Holes Of A Different Color? What color is a black hole? It's not a trick question. astronomers claim they've found brightpink black holes in galaxies that are more than 1 billion light-years away. By Leander Kahney. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/19554.html |
166. International Astronomical Union founded in 1919, has a mission to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects Category Science Astronomy Associations...... Its individual members are professional astronomers all over the World, at thePh.D. level or beyond and active in professional research and education in http://www.iau.org/ |
167. Amateur Astronomers Of Beaver County Special interest group with details of their star parties, previous party photos, videos and photo galleries, links and members. http://www.aaobc.com/ |
168. Ames Area Amateur Astronomers The regular meeting of the Ames Area Amateur astronomers will be held at 730 pm,March 15, 2003 at the Story County Conservation Center, McFarland Park (click http://www.amesastronomers.org/ |
169. John Dobson Of The Sidewalk Astronomers John Dobson is a cofounder of The Sidewalk astronomers, a pioneering builderof telescopes, and a teacher. John Dobson of The Sidewalk astronomers. http://quanta-gaia.org/dobson/ |
170. Starlink An online computing facility for UK astronomers. Consists of a network of computers at UK universities, a collection of software to reduce and analyse astronomical data, and a team giving hardware, software, and administrative support. http://star-www.rl.ac.uk/ |
171. Temecula Valley Astronomers Temecula Valley astronomers. Welcome to the Temecula Valley astronomers home page.Come join us under the stars,we are in southwest Riverside Co. California. http://www.angelfire.com/ca/NGC7317/ |
172. Cedar Amateur Astronomers A large, familyoriented club of amateur astronomers in and around Cedar Rapids, Iowa. http://cedar-astronomers.org |
173. Pajarito Astronomers Pajarito astronomers of Los Alamos.Category Regional North America Science and Environment......Pajarito astronomers. Starlab Planetarium. 2003 Pajarito astronomersCountySponsored Dark Night Public Observing Sessions. Here are http://www.la.unm.edu/~beach/pajarito.html |
174. The Joint Astronomy Centre Services and support to enable astronomers to undertake research using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/JACpublic/index.html/ |
175. Project Gutenberg Edition Of Great Astronomers Project Gutenberg Presents. Great astronomers. by Robert S. Ball.Project Gutenberg Release 2298 (August 2000) Author names above http://digital.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=2298 |
176. The Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers (DVAA) Meetings usually are held at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education (SCEE) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. http://dvaa.org |
177. WELCOME ite provides information about getting started in radio astronomy, CCD imaging, dome construction, Category Science Astronomy North America United States...... RADIO ASTRONOMY OUR PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE MAP. WELCOME TO THE. TheSouth Florida Amateur astronomers Association AND. FOX OBSERVATORY. http://www.sfaaa.org/ |
178. The Anglo-Australian Observatory The AAO operates the AngloAustralian and UK Schmidt telescopes on behalf of the astronomical communities of Australia and the UK. Its function is to provide world-class observing facilities for British and Australian optical astronomers. http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk:80/AAO/ |
179. Escambia Amateur Astronomers' Association (EAAA) A nonprofit educational organization in Pensacola, Florida. Serves the Florida panhandle and southern Georgia. http://www.meteor.dotstar.net/ea3infopage.htm |
180. HTML REDIRECT - HAA Site Moved Effective April 7, 2002 the HAA website has moved. Please update your bookmarksto point to the new homepage at http//amateurastronomy.org. http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/HAA/ |
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