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121. Sky And Telescope - Saving Dark Skies Various articles about light pollution including one on the history of the problem, one on rating the darkness of your sky, one on how astronomers can do more to help reduce light pollution and one on good lighting fixtures. http://skyandtelescope.com/resources/darksky/ |
122. Dark Skies freeware Windows Allows you to determine which nights of the year (or month) will be totally dark (i.e. moon is not in the sky). This application will be of primary use to amateur astronomers. http://pages.sprint.ca/todd/index.html |
123. SHOALHAVEN ASTRONOMERS SHOALHAVEN astronomers The Shoalhaven astronomers is the astronomyclub of the South Coast of NSW Australia. The club, which was http://www.shoal.net.au/~astronomy/ |
124. Joint Organization For Solar Observations (JOSO) Facilitates collaboration in solar phvsics among European solar astronomers. Contains details about JOSO's aims, structure, meetings and working groups. http://joso.oat.ts.astro.it/ |
125. WDVL VRML For Rocket Scientists, Astronomers, And Truck Drivers Site offers VRML for the beginner, intermediate and expert designer.Category Computers Software Internet Clients VRML......VRML for Rocket Scientists, astronomers, and Truck Drivers. Last Updated7 Aug, 2002 Web3D is a more inclusive term which has come http://www.wdvl.com/Authoring/VRML/ |
126. AmSky online An openforum electronic magazine for serious amateur astronomers. http://www.amsky.com/news.html |
127. BBC NEWS Science/Nature Astronomers Hail Planetary Discovery Thursday, 13 June, 2002, 1700 GMT 1800 UKastronomers hail planetary discovery. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_2042000/2042826.stm |
128. Night Sky Observers Louisville,KY based club, member of the Astronomical League. Includes an astrophoto gallery and telescope buying guide. http://www.angelfire.com/ky/astronomers/ |
129. BBC News SCI/TECH Astronomers Admire 'Lord Of The Rings' A new image of Saturn, the Lord of the Rings, taken from a telescopeon the ground is amazing astronomers. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1795000/1795737.stm |
130. The Universe Only A Mouse Click Away A group of astronomers in New Mexico are using an advanced telescope to create a 3D map of the universe. When it's done, millions of Web users could become desktop astronomers. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/11069.html |
131. Back Bay Amateur Astronomers Astronomy's Greatest Threat A page by a group of astronomers fighting the problem. http://groups.hamptonroads.com/pages1.cfm?page_id=3963 |
132. Amateur Astronomer's Anonymous Site created by an amateur for amateurs. Contains observation reports, photos, and allows visitors Category Science Astronomy Amateur......Written by an Amateur Astronomer, for Amateur astronomers. This sitehas info for the begginer, pictures, Observation reports and http://www.users.nac.net/enterprise/astronomy/ |
133. SuperNova Early Warning System (SNEWS) Network utilizing neutrino detectors to detect neutrino burst from supernova in order to provide a prompt alert to astronomers. http://hep.bu.edu/~snnet/ |
134. Astronomers On Brink Of Watershed In Planet Discoveries With two known Jupiterlike planets around other stars, astronomers now enter asecond phase of discovery, in which they'll work to create a census of other http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/exoplanet_watershed_020624.html |
135. Amateur Astronomy In Malaysia. Site devoted to amateur astronomers in Malaysia. http://matbintang.freeservers.com |
136. Welcome To The University Lowbrow Astronomers The University Lowbrow astronomers An amateur astronomy club based inAnn Arbor, Michigan. Welcome to the University Lowbrow astronomers. http://www.umich.edu/~lowbrows/ |
137. History Of Astronomy Short biographies of several less well known British astronomers. http://www.u-net.com/ph/astro-history/ |
138. Heart Of The Valley Astronomers http://www.hva.peak.org/ |
139. The Welsh Border Astronomers Group The Welsh Border astronomers Group. The Borderlands Experienced PracticalObserving Group. Welcome to our Perspective of The Universe. http://www.shrops.net/wba/ |
140. SuperFix/MegaFix commercial DOS, Win3.1 CCD image processing software for amateur astronomers. Handles most file and camera formats. Allows tricolor imaging and 'track-and-stack as well'. http://members.aol.com/bjohns7764/ |
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