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81. Rainwater Observatory & Planetarium Of French Camp, Mississippi. Primarily focused on education for amateurastronomers, school science classes, or local community groups. http://www.rainwaterobservatory.org/ | |
82. Washington Area Astronomers Meetings Home Page 2001 Nov 13. Dear Colleagues I have received a number of recent emailsinquiring about the next Washington Area astronomers Meeting. http://aa.usno.navy.mil/waa/ | |
83. Asteroid Flap Reveals Astronomy's Gaps Earth may be safe from one asteroid, but astronomers must combine efforts and methods to make sightings and predictions more reliable. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/11192.html |
84. Welcome To The Association Of Christian Astronomers International An Internet-based hub for Christian astronomers, both professional and amateur. Offers free membership.Category Science Astronomy Amateur Organizations Virtual......A one of a kind Internet Astronomy hub for Christian astronomers, Professional andAmateur Christian Astronomy, Christian Astronomer, Resources, Evangelism. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~rigg/ | |
85. CNN - Chinese Astronomers Report Comet Split - Apr. 25, 1996 CNN.com http://www.cnn.com/TECH/9604/25/china.comet/ | |
86. Central Valley Astronomers A group of astronomy enthusiasts located in the Fresno area of central California.Category Science Astronomy North America United States...... Just click here! The Central Valley astronomers is a group of astronomyenthusiasts drawn together by a common set of goals and interests. http://cva.bryanharley.com/ | |
87. Carter Observatory In addition to addressing the astronomical needs of visiting school groups and running an outreach program, observatory staff conduct courses, workshops, and seminars in astronomy for teachers, trainee teachers, amateur astronomers, and interested members of the public. http://www.vuw.ac.nz/~carter/carter.html |
88. Charlotte Amateur Astronomers Club A member of the Arts and Science Council of Charlotte/Mecklenburg. http://www.charlotteastronomers.org/ | |
89. Stargazing Network Main Page Provides free Webpage hosting for amateur astronomers. http://www.stargazing.net/ | |
90. Amateur Astronomers Of Jackson Amateur astronomers of Jackson Enjoy the fun and excitement of astronomy !!!Site Born June 1999 Updated as needed. Jump to Current Events Page. http://aaoj.homestead.com/files/aaoj.htm | |
91. Starry Messenger Phase I of the Electronic History of Astronomy, developed in the Whipple Museum of the History of Science at Trinity College, Cambridge. Covers the history of instruments and techniques, themes such as astrology and calendar reform, and biographies of major historical astronomers. http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/starrymessenger.html | |
92. History Of Astronomy: Persons Catalogue of biographical links covering hundreds prominent astronomers, past and present. Also in German http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_pers.html | |
93. CosmicQuest @ The Children's Museum Of Indianapolis CosmicQuest, astronomers. Ancient Aristotle Eratosthenes DemocritusHipparchus. Medieval Abd AlRahman Al Sufi. Renaissance Tycho Brahe http://www.childrensmuseum.org/cosmicquest/fieldguide/astronomers.html | |
94. Kidsastronomy.com Stars, planets, black holes, Junior astronomers Club. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/ | |
95. AAL Homepage Astronomy news, links, eclipses and gallery.Category Science Astronomy Amateur Organizations Europe...... Last update 200303-13 1303. AAL Logo. Powered by INTELLIGENT-IP SA. NEWS FLASH.European astronomers observe first evaporating planet (2003-03-13) ESA. http://www.aal.lu/ | |
96. The University Lowbrow Astronomers Has Moved Includes information relevant to the area as well as links. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~dgs/lowbrows/light/ | |
97. Pomona Valley Amateur Astronomers Pomona Valley. Amateur. astronomers. http://www.cyberg8t.com/patrick/PVAA.htm | |
98. C88 - An Informational Tool For Amateur Astronomers C88 provides detailed informations about the celestial sphere objects, visible with naked eyes and for the use of an eyepiece of a modest amateur telescope to observe deep sky objects. http://www.alcyone.de/c88/english/index.htm | |
99. Northeast Kansas Amateur Astronomers' League NEKAAL is a nonprofit educational and scientific corporation servingall levels of astronomers in northeast Kansas. http://www.kansas.net/~farpoint/ | |
100. The Webb Society An international society of amateur and professional astronomers specialising in the observation of double stars and 'deep sky' objects, founded in 1967. http://www.webbsociety.freeserve.co.uk | |
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