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1. StarChild: A Learning Center For Young Astronomers Information and online movies related to the solar system and space exploration. A service of the Category Kids and Teens School Time Science Astronomy and Space......Welcome to StarChild A Learning Center for Young astronomers. Solar SystemUniverse Space Stuff Glossary Solar System Universe Space Stuff Glossary, http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html | |
2. Home Page Of The Junior Astronomers- Astronomy Club Of Santa Clarita And Astrono The Junior astronomers are the members 018 years old of the Local Group. http://home.earthlink.net/~plumber016/juniorastro.htm | |
3. The American Association Of Amateur Astronomers News, events, publication discounts for members, CCD image gallery, links to members' astronomy sites .Category Science Astronomy North America United States......The American Association of Amateur astronomers The Internet Astronomy Club. PlanetarySociety Member. Join the American Association of Amateur astronomers. http://www.corvus.com/ | |
4. The Society Of Amateur Radio Astronomers Nonprofit, international group of enthusiasts provides information on the science of radio astronomy as well as details on membership. The Society of Amateur Radio astronomers (SARA) is a dedicated group of people that formed an international society to http://www.bambi.net/sara.html | |
5. ADC For Amateur Astronomers Astronomical Data Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Page for amateur astronomers offers information on using ADC resources and links to selected external resources. http://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov/adc/adc_amateurs.html | |
6. San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers Home page for the San Francisco Sidewalk astronomers New Telescope clinic each month with the San Francisco Amateur astronomers! Click here http://www.sfsidewalkastronomers.org/ | |
7. Famous Physicists And Astronomers Several pages containing brief biography and accomplishments. http://www.phy.hr/~dpaar/fizicari/ | |
8. Gary & Jake - Sidewalk Astronomy For The People Of Mill Valley A site dedicated to sidewalk astronomy from downtown Mill Valley, California. http://www.garyandjake.com | |
9. Physicists And Astronomers U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook Printerfriendly version (HTML) (PDF) Physicists and astronomers Almost all astronomers do research. Some are theoreticians, working on the laws governing the structure and evolution http://stats.bls.gov/oco/ocos052.htm | |
10. ThinkQuest Features profiles of various astronomers of fame, from Galileo to Ptolemy. http://library.thinkquest.org/23830/astronomers.htm | |
11. The San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers Dedicated to taking your telescope to the sidewalk. Also has telescopes for you to borrow for free .Category Science Astronomy North America United States......After about five years of having this page up, I have abrogated my association withthe San Francisco Sidewalk astronomersmainly because I don't physically http://members.aol.com/raycash/sidewalk.htm | |
12. The San Francisco Amateur Astronomers Welcome to the San Francisco Amateur astronomers! Founded in September1952, the SFAA is an association of people who share a common http://members.aol.com/chelleb/sfaa.htm | |
13. Harmonia Macrocosmica Seu Atlas Universalis Et Novus Atlas of the heavens as seen by the astronomers of the time of its 1661 printing Copernicus, Ptolemy, Brahe, and Aratus. Entire book has been digitized and the images may be browsed or searched. http://www.lib.utah.edu/digital/cellarius.html | |
14. Educational Observatory - Astronomy Clubs, Societies, Associations American Association of Amateur astronomers (AAAA). The American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) http://www.cnde.iastate.edu/aaaa.html |
15. Orange County Astronomers -- Home Page - Moved To OCAstronomers.org We have moved! please update your bookmark for this site to thefollowing address. www.OCastronomers.org. See you there soon! http://www.chapman.edu/oca/ | |
16. RCA: Dark Skies Includes a information about the effects of light pollution and local darksky sites. http://www.rca-omsi.org/darkskies.htm | |
17. Redirect Message From Muslim Scientists And Islamic Civilization Informal astronomy club holds meetings on the sidewalks of San Francisco. Learn about sidewalk viewing and find a meeting schedule. abrogated my association with the San Francisco Sidewalk astronomersmainly because I don't physically go out to the http://www.erols.com/zenithco | |
18. Redirect Message From Muslim Scientists And Islamic Civilization MUSLIM SCIENTISTS, MATHEMATICIANS AND astronomers Before European Renaissance,700 1500 CE. This page has moved to new location http//cyberistan.org/. http://users.erols.com/zenithco/ | |
19. Deepsky 2003 Deepsky 2002 Deepsky 2000 commercial Windows Observation planning software for astronomers. Includes telescope control, logging, and charting. http://www.deepsky2000.net/ | |
20. The Fraser Valley Astronomers Society British Columbia Canada A local astronomy site with comprehensive information about the local darksky park including directions; Category Society Issues Environment Light Pollution......Your Online Telescope Store! These Folks Sell Real Telescopes! It ismy opinion the President of the Fraser Valley astronomers Society. http://www.fvas.net/ | |
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