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         Klee Paul:     more books (100)
  1. Paul Klee: Zentrum Paul Klee by Ursina Barandun, Michael Baumgartner, et all 2005-08-15
  2. Paul Klee, 1879-1940, his life and work by Paul Klee, 1983
  3. Paul Klee: The Thinking Eye (The Notebooks of Paul Klee) by Paul Klee, 1961
  4. Paul Klee: Zentrum Paul Klee by Ursina Barandun, Klaus Baumgartner, et all 2005-08-15
  5. Paul Klee, 1879-1940 (Basic Art) by Susanna Partsch, 2000-05-01
  6. Paul Klee (Spanish Edition) by Jean-Louis Ferrier, 2002-04
  7. Klee and America by Jenny Anger, Vivian Endicott Barnett, et all 2006-03-01
  8. Paul Klee at the Guggenheim Museum by Andrew Kagan, Lisa Dennison, 1994-11
  9. Paul Klee: Masterpieces of the Djerassi Collection by Paul Klee, Carl Aigner, et all 2002-08
  10. On Modern Art by Paul Klee, 1974-06
  11. Paul Klee Pedagogical Sketchbook by Paul Klee, 1953-01-01
  12. Paul Klee: His Work and Thought by Marcel Franciscono, 1991-05-21
  13. Paul Klee by Will Grohmann, 2003
  14. Paul Klee, 1879-1940: In the Collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum by Louise A. Svendsen, 1977-06

21. Paul Klee
Vita, opere e percorso formativo dell'artista.
Paul Klee INDIETRO indice Astrattismo Paul Klee (1879-1940), pittore di origine svizzera, rappresenta, insieme a Wassily Kandinskij, il pittore che ha dato il maggior contributo ad una nuova pittura fondata su caratteri astratti. Egli però, a differenza di Kandinskij, non ha mai praticato l’astrattismo come unica forma espressiva, ma l’ha inserita in un più ampio bagaglio formale e visivo dove i segni e i colori hanno una maggiore libertà di evocazione e rappresentazione. Si potrebbe dire che, mentre per Kandinskij l’astrattismo rappresenta una meta, per Klee l’astrattismo è un punto di partenza per rifondare una pittura che rappresenti liberamente il mondo delle forme e delle idee. Figlio di un musicista, viene anch’egli educato da giovane alla musica, ma le sue scelte sono ben presto orientate alla pittura. La sua formazione è lenta e solitaria. Egli giunge in contatto con il mondo delle avanguardie storiche solo intorno ai trent’anni, quando nel 1911 conosce gli artisti che hanno dato vita al Cavaliere Azzurro (Alfred Kubin, August Macke, Wassily Kandinskij e Franz Marc). Nella mostra del 1912 di «Der Blaue Reiter» vengono esposti 17 lavori di Klee. Nello stesso anno conosce a Parigi Robert Delaunay, pittore cubista, le sui ricerche sul colore e la luce lo influenzeranno in maniera determinante. Decisivo è un suo viaggio a Tunisi nel 1914. Da quel momento lo stesso Klee afferma di essersi pienamente impadronito del colore. Può così sentirsi un pittore completo, avendo in effetti fino a quel momento esercitato la sua arte più sul piano grafico-disegnativo che pittorico in senso stretto. Lo stesso anno viene però richiamato alle armi per combattere nella prima guerra mondiale. Congedato a Natale del 1918, inizia per lui il periodo più fecondo e felice della sua carriera artistica. Nel 1920 viene chiamato da Gropius ad insegnare nella Bauhaus. Qui Klee si applicherà alla didattica in maniera entusiasta, avendo la possibilità di organizzare in maniera più sistematica l’aspetto teorico del suo fare artistico.

22. WebMuseum: Klee, Paul
A Swissborn painter and graphic artist whose personal, often gently humorous works are replete with allusions to dreams, music, and poetry, paul klee, b. Dec. 18, 1879, d. June 29, 1940, is difficult to classify. klee, paul. TIMELINE The 20th century
Klee, Paul
T IMELINE The 20th century
A Swiss-born painter and graphic artist whose personal, often gently humorous works are replete with allusions to dreams, music, and poetry, Paul Klee , b. Dec. 18, 1879, d. June 29, 1940, is difficult to classify. Primitive art, surrealism cubism , and children's art all seem blended into his small-scale, delicate paintings, watercolors, and drawings. Klee grew up in a musical family and was himself a violinist. After much hesitation he chose to study art, not music, and he attended the Munich Academy in 1900. There his teacher was the popular symbolist and society painter Franz von STUCK. Klee later toured Italy (1901-02), responding enthusiastically to Early Christian and Byzantine art. Klee's early works are mostly etchings and pen-and-ink drawings. These combine satirical, grotesque, and surreal elements and reveal the influence of Francisco de Goya and James Ensor, both of whom Klee admired. Two of his best-known etchings, dating from 1903, are Virgin in a Tree and Two Men Meet, Each Believing the Other to Be of Higher Rank

23. Biographie: Paul Klee, 1879-1940
Tabellarischer œberblick ¼ber das Leben des Malers.
Paul Klee
Maler, Graphiker
Franz von Stuck
Studienreise nach Rom.
Klee lebt wieder in Bern, wo erste Hinterglasmalereien und weitere Radierungen entstehen.
Studienreise nach Paris.
Berliner Sezession . Bekanntschaft mit Wassily Kandinsky Franz Marc und Hans Arp
Erste Ausstellung in der Galerie Thannhauser.
Beteiligung an der zweiten Ausstellung des " Blauen Reiter ".
Klee verkehrt mit Alexej von Jawlensky Rainer Maria Rilke und Herwarth Walden (1878-1941).
Pablo Picasso , Georges Braque (1882-1963) und Henri Matisse (1869-1954) sieht.
Klee stellt beim Ersten Deutschen Herbstsalon aus. Beginn der Aquarellmalerei.
Tunesienreise mit August Macke
Kriegsdienst in der deutschen Infanterie.
Walter Gropius beruft Klee an das Bauhaus
Erste Klee-Ausstellung in New York.
Teilnahme an der ersten Gruppenausstellung der "peinture surréaliste" in Paris, u.a. mit Max Ernst
Lyonel Feininger und Jawlensky die "Blauen Vier". Er malt vor allem konstruktive und absolute Bilder.
Klee-Ausstellungen in Bern und Basel.
Die Nationalsozialisten diffamieren Klees Kunst als "entartet" und beschlagnahmen 102 seiner Werke aus deutschen Museen. 17 von ihnen werden in der Ausstellung "

24. Paul Klee-Zentrum
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25. Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Sitio dedicado a la vida, obra y documentos relacionados con este autor.
Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Paul Klee Si deseas ver la obra de Paul Klee puedes visitar este sitio WebMuseum , mira en la y en el apartado dedicado a ODP en Las noticias referidas a este sitio se publican en el grupo de noticias . Para cualquier comentario o propuesta sobre este proyecto escribe al webmaster TabiraNet

26. Paul-Klee-Gymnasium
Vorstellung der Lehrer und des Elternbeirates. Mit Links zu Schulklassen mit eigenen Pr¤sentationen. Ein Rundgang durch die Geb¤ude wird angeboten.

27. Paul Klee Por Image & Art
Ensayo y comentarios de Paola Fraticola sobre la obra de este autor. Contiene im¡genes de la obra.
PAUL KLEE, 1879-1940 por Paola Fraticola MUNICH, ITALIA, PARIS en Munich, donde empieza a estudiar pintura en 1898. Dos guo y moderno. En 1906 se casa con Lily Stumpf, una pianista a
Allí profundiza sus relaciones con Kandinsky y Jawlensky, que junto con él y Lyonel Feininger forman Los Cuatro Azules, denominación bajo la que expondrán sus pinturas en alguna ocasión. El periodo de la Bauhaus contribuye a sistematizar su lenguaje pictórico y le brinda la oportunidad de conocer a numerosos protagonistas de la vanguardia histórica europea. Klee puso siempre por delante la dedicación a su obra respecto a la docencia, lo que acabó creándole ciertas tensiones en el seno de la Bauhaus. En 1931 aceptó una plaza de profesor en Dusseldorf más cómoda y convencional, pero dos años más tarde las autoridades nacionalsocialistas lo destituyen, tras motejarlo de "artista judío".

28. Biographie: Paul Klee, 1879-1940
Paul Klee
Maler, Graphiker
Franz von Stuck
Studienreise nach Rom.
Klee lebt wieder in Bern, wo erste Hinterglasmalereien und weitere Radierungen entstehen.
Studienreise nach Paris.
Berliner Sezession . Bekanntschaft mit Wassily Kandinsky Franz Marc und Hans Arp
Erste Ausstellung in der Galerie Thannhauser.
Beteiligung an der zweiten Ausstellung des " Blauen Reiter ".
Klee verkehrt mit Alexej von Jawlensky Rainer Maria Rilke und Herwarth Walden (1878-1941).
Pablo Picasso , Georges Braque (1882-1963) und Henri Matisse (1869-1954) sieht.
Klee stellt beim Ersten Deutschen Herbstsalon aus. Beginn der Aquarellmalerei.
Tunesienreise mit August Macke
Kriegsdienst in der deutschen Infanterie.
Walter Gropius beruft Klee an das Bauhaus
Erste Klee-Ausstellung in New York.
Teilnahme an der ersten Gruppenausstellung der "peinture surréaliste" in Paris, u.a. mit Max Ernst
Lyonel Feininger und Jawlensky die "Blauen Vier". Er malt vor allem konstruktive und absolute Bilder.
Klee-Ausstellungen in Bern und Basel.
Die Nationalsozialisten diffamieren Klees Kunst als "entartet" und beschlagnahmen 102 seiner Werke aus deutschen Museen. 17 von ihnen werden in der Ausstellung "

29. Exponat: Photo: Klee, Paul
Translate this page paul klee Photographie DHM, Berlin 92/766
Paul Klee
DHM, Berlin

30. Munich Info - Lenbachhous [en]
Art Gallery works of Josef Beuys, Alfred Kubin, Andy Warhol, paul klee and others.
Lenbachhouse - Luisenstraße 33
In these days Lenbach House puts up exhibits of the municipal galery. Here you can see contemporary arts among municipal paintings and the "Blaue Reiter". Munich owes Lenbach House to Franz von Lenbach (he was ennobled in 1882) an artist and portraitist born in Schrobenhausen. Franz von Lenbach painted famous personages´s portraits like the chancellor Bismarck, Princeregent Luitpold, Emperor Wilhelm I and the austrian emperor Franz Josef I. His artistic status and name recognition as "Malerfürst" made him possible to construct a dwelling house for his family and himself with palatial dimensions. From 1887 – 1891 constructed he at Königsplatz from Gabriel von Seidl his villa by following florentinical example and laid the foundations of today´s artcollection. Lenbach House confronts two different styles. Here friends of Romanticism and Biedermeier meet admires of the " Blaue Reiter " of Kandinsky beyond August Macke to Franz Marc and those are dealing with supporters of modern art, a new art from Josef Beuys to Anselm Kiefer. The new acquisitions insert works of Josef Beuys, Alfred Kubin, Andy Warhol, Paul Klee.Young artists are promoted and get exhibition bases in the Kunstbau (Subway Station

31. CGFA- Paul Klee
To Biography. Regrettably, due to copyright reasons, I have removedall but some very early works by klee. Graphic Once Emerged from
Once Emerged from the Gray of Night, 1918, watercolor on paper mounted on cardboard, Kunstmuseum, Bern. 122KB Station L 112, watercolor and India ink on paper mounted on cardboard, Kunstmuseum, Bern. 125KB Mural from the Temple of Longing, 1922, watercolor, printer's ink and plastered canvas mounted on cardboard, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 132KB The Mask with the Little Flag, 1925, watercolor on paper mounted on cardboard, Staatsgalerie, Munich. 103KB
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32. Petra Petitpierre
Schweizer Malerin, 19051959, studierte am Bauhaus in Dessau bei Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky und paul klee. –lbilder, Zeichnungen, Publikationen, Ausstellungen.
petra petitpierre
geboren in Zürich am 13. Mai 1905 gestorben in Murten am 23. Dezember 1959 Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm).

33. The Art Institute Of Chicago | Provenance Research Project
(98.4 x 120 cm) 1961.1114. *klee, paul German, b. Switzerland, 18791940Stakim c. 1928 Oil on plaster 8 x 12 3/4 in. (20.3 x 32.4 cm) 1948.560.

B C D ... Unknown page 1 of 2 previous next *Kandinsky, Vasily
French, b. Russia,
Oil on cardboard
6 5/8 x 10 3/16 in.
(16.8 x 25.8 cm)
*Kauffmann, Angelica
Swiss, 1741-1807
Mrs. Hugh Morgan and
Her Daughter c. 1771 Oil on canvas 24 7/8 x 30 in. (63.2 x 76.3 cm) *Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig German, 1880-1938 Kummeralp Mountain and Two Sheds Oil on canvas 38 3/4 x 47 1/4 in. (98.4 x 120 cm) *Klee, Paul German, b. Switzerland, 1879-1940 Stakim c. 1928 Oil on plaster 8 x 12 3/4 in. (20.3 x 32.4 cm) *Klee, Paul German, b. Switzerland, 1879-1940 Women Harvesting c. 1937 Pastel on canvas on burlap. 20 x 21 3/8 in. (50.8 x 54.3 cm) *Klee, Paul German, b. Switzerland, 1879-1940 Harmonized Region Oil on burlap on cardboard 15 1/4 x 18 1/2 in. (38.7 x 47 cm) *Klee, Paul

34. Der Maler Josef Albers Im COMPUTERGARTEN Am 19. März
Josef Albers war ebenso wie paul klee Sch¼ler von Franz von Stuck.
Nach dem Bild von Josef Albers:
Konstruktion auf Blau, 1938 - 1942
Josef Albers, Malerei auf Holz
Das Bild von Josef Albers- das Ausgangspunkt für die obige Gestaltung war, dürfen wir nur noch zeigen, wenn wir eine monatliche Gebühr an "Bild & Kunst " zahlen.
Josef Albers
Google Language Tools

Er bekam eine umfassende akademische Ausbildung. Sein Studium begann er in Berlin im Jahr . Danach studierte er in Essen und arbeitete
1919 bis 1920
bei Franz von Stuck . Eine Ausbildung bei Franz von Stuck hatten auch Paul Klee und Wassily Kandinsky vor ihm genossen.
erhielt er einen Lehrauftrag am Bauhaus, vermittelt von Walter Gropius.
Das bekannte Bild "City" entstand 1928, angeregt durch die Arbeiten von Piet Mondrian . und der holländischen Zeitschrift "De Stijl". des Bildes "City" wurde mit Opakglas überfangen. Glasfenster wurde das Bauhaus als " Brutstätte des Kulturbolschewismus" (Göring) geschlossen und Josef Albers emigrierte in die USA.

35. The Art Institute Of Chicago | Provenance Research Project
klee, paul German, b. Switzerland, 18791940 In the Magic Mirror 1934Oil on canvas on board 26 x 19 3/4 in. (66 x 50 cm) 1991.321.

B C D ... Unknown page 2 of 2 previous next *Klee, Paul
German, b. Switzerland, 1879-1940
In the Magic Mirror
Oil on canvas on board
26 x 19 3/4 in.
(66 x 50 cm)
*Klee, Paul
German, b. Switzerland, 1879-1940
Asiatic God
Oil on board 22 1/4 x 14 in. (56.5 x 35.6 cm) *Klee, Paul German, b. Switzerland, 1879-1940 Exotics Oil on burlap 28 x 22 in. (71.1 x 55.9 cm) *Kokoschka, Oskar English, b. Austria, 1886-1980 Commerce Counselor Ebenstein Oil on canvas 40 1/16 x 31 15/16 in. (101.8 x 81.1 cm) *Kupelwieser, Leopold Austrian, 1796-1862 St. Joseph and Christ Child Oil on copper 13 3/16 x 6 5/8 in. (33.5 x 17.4 cm) *Kupka, Frantisek Czech, b. Opocno, Bohemia (present-day Czech Republic), Reminiscence of a Cathedral Oil on canvas 59 x 37 in. (149.9 x 94 cm) page 2 of 2 previous next A B ... Reproduction Permission

36. Jena 1999 - Kultur - Jena Online - Uml
Die Ereignisse in Jena 1999 Kulturarena, theaterOFFensive, Imaginata, Kulturhaus Europa, paul klee in Jena 1924, Eurovoices u.v.m.
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37. The Museum Shop
Ando Hiroshige, Utagawa Hofmann, Hans Hokusai, Katsushika Hopper, Edward Hyde, HelenKandinsky, Vasily Kemeys, Edward Kiitsu, Suzuki klee, paul Klimt, Gustav

38. Paul Klee's 'Lost In Thought,' By Robert Couteau
Very short essay by author Rob Couteau, published in The Croton Review, 1986.
Get Five DVDs for $.49 each. Join now. Tell me when this page is updated Paul Klee Painting Fine Art Paul Klee "Reflections on Paul Klee's 'Lost in Thought.'" by Robert Couteau
Published in: The Croton Review. R. Couteau "Lost in Thought," 1917. Lithograph Reproduction. Private collection.
Reflections on Paul Klee's "Lost in Thought"
The most unusual portrait I have ever studied is that of a tiny lithograph entitled, "Lost in Thought''' a self-portrait created by the artist Paul Klee in 1919.
It is unlike any other self-portrait in that, with eyes more sealed than shut. with mouth not just closed but pensively clamped, this is a visage which looks completely inward.
This powerful rendition is not simply the image of a man withdrawn from the world; it is rather the only portrayal of man, seen from the exterior, wholly experiencing the inner world. The emphasis is so much on the world within that even the outer facial facade has begun to transform itself into those strange forms of inner anatomy: symbol. suggestion, nuance.
The overall feel of this bust resembles that of a well shined bell, one poised grandly and immobile, yet about to swing into clamorous revolt. In outer appearance the face is highly symmetrical, reflecting the contents of a psyche tenuously balanced in the center of the world. This inner psychic symmetry is balanced between two opposites: one seeking calm, the other about to explode.

39. Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Translate this page Sitio dedicado a la vida, obra y documentos relacionados con el pintorpaul klee. klee, paul (1879-1940). TabiraNet paul klee-Zentrum.
Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Paul Klee Si deseas ver la obra de Paul Klee puedes visitar este sitio WebMuseum , mira en la y en el apartado dedicado a ODP en Las noticias referidas a este sitio se publican en el grupo de noticias . Para cualquier comentario o propuesta sobre este proyecto escribe al webmaster TabiraNet

40. Studio Lacab: Formgenerator
Biografia dell'artista, alcune immagini delle opere, formazione e link a risorse tematiche.

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