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1. CUL Gateway: Agriculture--Soils AgricultureSoils, Quick Links. http://campusgw.library.cornell.edu/e-reference/subj/Agriculture--Soils.html | |
2. Science: Agriculture And Soils AGRICULTURE AND SOILS. Objectives The main objective of the land studiesis to derive estimates of land surface biochemical (chlorophyll http://www.rsacl.co.uk/chris/science/agric.htm | |
3. University Of Sydney Library.AgricultureLinksSoils Agriculture and Rural Management Guide. Recommended resourcesfor agriculture and rural management. Web Links Soils. http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/subjects/agriculture/links/soils.html |
4. Agriculture And Soils AGRICULTURE AND SOILS. I am very proud of my profession and workingwith the farmer's in the Morris area. I have worked with farmers http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~bagpipes/page7.html | |
5. Soils And Land Resources, The University Of Queensland University of Queensland, AustraliaCategory Science agriculture soils Academic Departments...... in the School of Land and Food Sciences, which is one of five schools in the Facultyof Natural Resources, agriculture and Veterinary Science. soils and Land http://www.uq.edu.au/agsoil/uq_soil.html | |
6. Advice And Topics In Acid Sulfate Soils On management of acidforming soils in coastal New South Wales (Australia) agriculture. Drainage of coastal flood plains exposes these soils and releases acid leachate, aluminium, iron, and heavy metals into water. http://www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/8632 | |
7. Native Vegetation: Healthy Soils And Sustainable Agriculture - 29 August 2001 Native Vegetation, connections, calendar and research collections. Hosted by the Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales, Australia. http://www.nccnsw.org.au/veg/projects/SustainableAgriculture/sustag.html | |
8. Australian Agriculture Assessment 2001 - Appendix 3. Major Soils Used For Agricu Major soils used for agriculture in Australia* Neil McKenzie, Ray Isbell, Katharine Brown and David Jacquier CSIRO Land and Water Soil test results are most useful when there is an appreciation of the general features of the complete soil profile. http://audit.ea.gov.au/ANRA/agriculture/docs/national/Agriculture_Major_Soils.ht | |
9. Soils Of Canada Map Color map.Category Science agriculture......agriculture and AgriFood Canada - agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, Canada. Home,You are in CanSIS Publications Health of our soils. Important notices. http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/publications/health/frontin.html | |
10. HEALTH OF OUR SOILS - Table Of Contents The Health of Our soils Toward sustainable agriculture in Canada Acton and L.J. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research agriculture and AgriFood Canada http://res.agr.ca/CANSIS/PUBLICATIONS/HEALTH/_overview.html | |
11. HEALTH OF OUR SOILS - Table Of Contents Publications, general information and description of activities being undertaken in Canada to study Category Science agriculture soils......The Health of Our soils. Toward sustainable agriculture in Canada.DF Acton and LJ Gregorich (editors) Centre for Land and Biological http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/publications/health/ | |
12. International Centre For Integrate Mountain Development - Soil Fertility A detailed description from the International Centre for Integrate Mountain Development. Its main focus is on mountain soils and sloped agriculture in th HinduKish region. http://www.icimod.org/focus/soil/soil_toc.htm | |
13. BIOSPHERE - Flora - Fauna - Biodiversity - Soils - Agriculture - Ecology/ecosyst See also Prairies Great Plains - North America ; Aquatic Ecology ; biogeochemicalcycles ; Biomes, soils and Ecosystems; Alternative agriculture sites John http://www.usra.edu/esse/ford/ESS205/g300www/g300wwwbios.html | |
14. ESA - European Society For Agronomy ESA is for agronomists, researchers and teachers who are concerned with basic and applied science in agronomy the relationships between crops, soils, climates and agricultural practices, and between agriculture and the environment. http://cru38.cahe.wsu.edu/esa/ |
15. Agronomy And Soils Homepage of soils The first Online Journal for the Soil Sciences - Publication in all fields of soil science, agriculture and http://www.ag.auburn.edu/dept/ay | |
16. CanSIS Home Page soils maps and descriptions, plus extensive information on related topics in agriculture and ecology. http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/ | |
17. HEALTH OF OUR SOILS - Table Of Contents toward sustainable agriculture in Canada / D.F. Acton and L. J. Gregorich, editors. Publication by CanSiS dealing with soil degradation in Canada. http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/publications/health/intro.html | |
18. Soils And Agriculture Resources To permanet@sunsite.unc.edu. Subject soils and agriculture Resources. From "Lawrence F. London, Jr." http://www.ibiblio.org/london/permaculture/mailarchives/permaculture-mg.6/msg007 | |
19. Management Of Organic Inputs In Soils Of The Tropics Homepage Management of Organic Inputs in soils of the Tropics (MOIST) is a rich source of information on green Category Science Environment Sustainability Agroforestry...... The original group name Mulchbased agriculture (MBA) was changed to Managementof Organic Inputs in soils of the Tropics (MOIST) in order to reflect the http://ppathw3.cals.cornell.edu/mba_project/moist/home2.html | |
20. Agriculture & Environment Division of division and its research projects.......IACRRothamsted,UK. Aims to optimise crop yield and quality while protecting soils, water, the food chain and the global environment through an understanding of nutrient acquisition, nutrient transformations, soil ecology and remediation. http://www.iacr.bbsrc.ac.uk/aen/aenindex.htm | |
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