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81. Federal-Provincial #00-175 - NEW PLANT GENETICS LAB IN SASKATOON - Government Ne April 6, 2000 NEW plant genetics LAB IN SASKATOON - Government of SaskatchewanNews Release. Federal-Provincial - 175. NEW plant genetics LAB IN SASKATOON. http://www.gov.sk.ca/newsrel/releases/2000/04/06-175.html | |
82. Nature Publishing Group doi10.1038/82487 volume 26 no. 4 pp 385 386 Who owns plant genetics?These are exciting, not to say turbulent, times in plant genetics. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/ng/journal/v26/n4/full/ng1200_3 |
83. Nature Publishing Group plant genetics Knocking out nodules HERMAN P. SPAINK. email spaink@rulbim.leidenuniv.nl.plant genetics has had a great impact over the past 150 years. http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v402/n6758/full/ |
84. Graduate School Directories - Plant Breeding, Plant Genetics Directory of Plant Breeding, plant genetics graduate and postgraduate schoolprograms, including contact information, program descriptions and links to http://www.gradschools.com/listings/menus/PlantBreeding_menu.html | |
85. Plant Breeding, Plant Genetics Graduate Programs In U.S.A. PLANT BREEDING plant genetics. Graduate Schools in the United States. DegreesOffered MS; Ph.D.; MPS(Agr.) Research Areasplant breeding; plant genetics. http://www.gradschools.com/listings/all/PlantBreeding.html | |
86. 6.10 Relate Plant Genetics To Reproduction And Improvement 6.10 Relate plant genetics to reproduction and improvement CMS Products03004P Ohio Agriscience Lesson Plans Computer Disks (Macintosh); http://www-cms.ag.ohio-state.edu/4DACTION/WEB_ShowIndividualCompetency/000000001 |
87. Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics Plant Breeding plant genetics. The Plant Breeding and plant genetics Programhas been designated a UWSystem Center of Excellence program. http://www.wisc.edu/pubs/home/archives/gopher/grad94/00000049.html | |
88. Plant Breeding And Plant Genetics Plant Breeding and plant genetics. Designation Interdisciplinary program. MajorPlant Breeding and plant genetics. Degrees Offered MS, Ph.D. Other Ph.D. Minor. http://www.wisc.edu/grad/catalog/cals/plantbre.html | |
89. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL - Institute Of Plant Genetics - Polish Academy Of Sciences Prof. Janina Przybylska Institute of plant genetics, PAS, Poznan. Secretary Dr.Barbara Naganowska Institute of plant genetics, PAS, Poznan. Members Prof. http://www.igr.poznan.pl/en/council.htm | |
90. GENET 364, Plant Genetics, University Of Alberta GENET 364, plant genetics Home Printer Friendly. The relationship betweenmolecular or somatic cell genetics and plant breeding will be discussed. http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/courses/genet364/ | |
91. View NSF Webcast Of News December 13, 2000. View NSF Webcast of Nature Press Conferenceon plant genetics Milestone. NSF Director Rita Colwell and AGI http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/press/00/plant_live.htm | |
92. Class Outline: Advanced Plant Genetics Class Outline Advanced plant genetics. Instructor Tom Blake. During the past 10years plant genetics has changed more fundamentally than in the preceeding 50. http://hordeum.oscs.montana.edu/class/ps541int.html | |
93. Department Of Plant Genetics And Breeding (of ARC, Ghent) Horticulture Research International. Department of plant genetics and Breeding(of ARC, Ghent) / Agricultural Research Centre, Ghent / Belgium http://www.hridir.org/countries/belgium/PROVCOUN/agricultural_research_centre_gh | |
94. U Of M Agronomy And Plant Genetics Plant Tissue Culture Research at the University of Minnesota. Agronomyand plant genetics. Burle Gengenbach Maize Mark Galatowitsch http://plant-tc.coafes.umn.edu/apg.htm | |
95. BS In PLANT GENETICS AND BREEDING (283936) Brigham Young University Major Academic Plan (MAP) BS in plant genetics AND BREEDING(283936) Department of Botany and Range Science For students entering the http://ar.byu.edu/dept_academ_advise/gemajor/02/mr/283936mr.html | |
96. Center Receives $1.2M From NSF To Study Plant Genetics FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept. 21, 2000. Hutchinson Center Receives $1.2Million From National Science Foundation to Study plant genetics. http://www.fhcrc.org/news/science/2000/09/21/tilling.htm | |
97. Subject: Plant Genetics And Breeding Subject plant genetics and breeding. Subject Areas (70) Plant production(13) plant genetics and breeding (3). Number of records 3. http://diss-epsilon.slu.se/view/subjects/F30.html | |
98. SER Logo Site Map About SER Joining Learning Meeting Reading Native plant genetics. Contents. What projects. Back to Native PlantGenetics Table of Contents Return to Seattle Conference Program. http://www.ser.org/abstracts.php?pg=m95-genetics |
99. Thailand: His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej's Golden Jubilee Home Page http://kanchanapisek.or.th/plants/ |
100. Plant Genetics plant genetics. We perform studies in functional genomics and homologous meioticrecombination in maize. Plant Transposable Elements as Tools for Functional http://waksman.rutgers.edu/Waks/AnnualReport02/Dooner.htm |
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