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61. Effective Control Of Household Spiders - Introduction Identify different types of spiders such as the Black Widow or wolf spider and learn how to control them in the home with chemical pesticides and other means. From the pest management Regulatory Agency in Canada. http://www.house-spider.ca/ | |
62. New York State Integrated Pest Management Program The New York State Integrated pest management Program is dedicated to developingsustainable ways to manage pests and help people to use methods that minimize http://www.nysipm.cornell.edu/ | |
63. Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book (PPIGB) Resource for phytopathology, applied entomology and related sciences on topics like pesticides, plant diseases, pest management, plant pathology education, mycology, viruses, bacteria, nematodes, biological control, turf management, and forest. http://www.ifgb.uni-hannover.de/extern/ppigb/ppigb.htm |
64. Stylet-Oil -- The High Purity Horticultural Mineral Oil Used As A Fungicide, Ins A high purity horticultural mineral oil / crop oil used as a biodegradable fungicide and insecticide in integrated pest management programs. http://www.stylet-oil.com | |
65. USDA Pest Management Centers Welcome to the National Site for the USDA Regional pest managementCenters Information System. This site provides information about http://www.pmcenters.org/ | |
66. InteractiveTurf Home Page Weather data and pest management forecasts for turf managers involved in the highest value production systems, golf turf and sod farm operations in Illinois and northern Indiana. Sponsored by the Chicago District Golf Association. http://www.interactiveturf.com | |
67. Alert-Pest.net, Environmental And Pest Management Tools, Water Environmental and pest management Links.Category Science Agriculture Pests and Diseases...... Visit his site at ALERTPEST .net Environmental and pest management Tools, WaterQuality and Wildlife Concerns. Environment, pest management Get listed. http://www.alert-pest.net/ | |
68. International Chickpea Conference 2003 Plant breeding approaches, pest management, mechanization of harvest and food processing, and constraints to production and marketing. Takes place in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India, on January 2022, 2003. http://www.icc2003.org/ |
69. Entomology Index: Integrated Pest Management Iowa State Entomology Index Integrated pest management. Agriculture andAgriFood Canada Web Site for the pest management Research Centre; http://www.ent.iastate.edu/list/integrated_pest_management.html | |
70. Integrated Pest Management At West Virginia Extension About IPM. Includes pesticide impact assessment and extensive information on specific pests and their management. http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/ipm/ | |
71. CFA - FCA Information about the CFA, agriculture in Canada, farm safety, news releases, briefs, pest management and available careers within the industry. http://www.cfa-fca.ca// |
72. El Dorado County Master Gardeners - El Dorado County A voluntary educational organization of Master Gardeners provides horticultural information and technical assistance. FAQs page provides information on gardening, pest management, soils, lawn care, pruning and fruit production. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/counties/ceeldorado/Master_Gardener/ | |
73. UCONN IPM IPM for nurseries, vegetable growers, fruit growers, greenhouses, schools, turf, field corn, home Category Science Agriculture Integrated pest management......Integrated pest management (IPM) is the use of a variety of pest control methodsdesigned to protect public health and the environment, and to produce high http://www.hort.uconn.edu/ipm/ | |
74. BioNET-INTERNATIONAL, The Global Network For Taxonomy A global network of countryowned collaborative LOOPs to support national programs for biosystematics to support goals in areas such as sustainable development and pest management. http://www.bionet-intl.org | |
75. Integrated Pest Management At The University Of Illinois IPM Site Index. http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/ | |
76. Biointensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) This publication provides the rationale for biointensive Integrated pest management(IPM), outlines the concepts and tools of biotensive IPM, and suggests http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/ipm.html | |
77. Pest Management - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service pest management is a challenge to all farmers, but especially to those dedicatedto sustaianable, lowinput practices. Biointensive Integrated pest management, http://attra.ncat.org/pest.html | |
78. NCCE: Commercial Agriculture: Vegetables Vegetable production guides, pest management and information on harvesting and storage. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/copubs/ag/fnv/veg/ | |
79. A Taylor & Francis Journal: International Journal Of Pest Management International Journal of pest management. Researchers in agriculture, horticulture,forestry and stored products pest management. Abstracting Information http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/tf/09670874.html | |
80. Georgia Integrated Pest Management Extensive information on pests found in Georgia and IPM for apiculture, livestock and poultry, and field and horticultural crops (including canola, cotton, tobacco, pecans, soybeans, peanuts, and grains). http://www.gaipm.org/ | |
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