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1. PEST CABWeb - Covering Entomology, Nematology, Weed Science, Biological Control, plant pathology and many other aspects of pest management PEST CABWeb® demonstrates a unique combination of scientific http://pest.cabweb.org/ | |
2. IPMRC - The Integrated Pest Management Resource Centre A resource site with links and information regarding pest management. http://www.pestmanagement.co.uk/ | |
3. UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program Develops and promotes the use of integrated, ecologically sound pest management programs in California.Category Science Agriculture Integrated pest management...... Pests of agricultural crops, floriculture and ornamental nurseries,and commercial turfgrass pest management Guidelines. Pests http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ | |
4. Integrated Pest Management At Iowa State University Integrated pest management information for Iowa. http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm | |
5. National Integrated Pest Management Network Promoters of minimized pesticide use, enhanced environmental stewardship and sustainable systems.Category Science Agriculture Pests and Diseases...... http://www.reeusda.gov/nipmn/ |
6. National Pest Management Association A support site to serve the pest management industry through education, technical services, and publicati Category Science Agriculture Pests and Diseases Associations...... Contact Webmaster, National pest management Association Inc., 8100 Oak Street, DunnLoring, VA 22027 (703) 5738330, (703) 573-4116 Fax ©2002 - NPMA All rights http://www.pestworld.org/ | |
7. 'Return To The Stone-Age Of Pest Management' Remarks Presented On Behalf Of Cons Remarks presented on behalf of Consumers Union by Dr. Charles Benbrook Agriculture Pests and Diseases......Return to the StoneAge of pest management . EPA would force us backto the stone-age of pest management in a heart-beat. . The Stakes. http://www.pmac.net/stoneage.htm | |
8. Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook The University of Minnesota's electronic textbook of Integrated pest management (IPM) featuring contributed chapters by internationally recognized experts. http://ipmworld.umn.edu/ | |
9. AFPMB - Armed Forces Pest Management Board Main Page Military pest management Handbook. Handbook for civilian and military personnel involved in pest management. http://www.afpmb.org/ | |
10. Pest Management Read through insect fact sheets, crop reports for the state, and print out pesticide applicator training manuals. pest management. University of Maine Cooperative Extension. pest management Office. 491 College Avenue, Orono, ME 044731295 http://www.umext.maine.edu/topics/pest.htm | |
11. Welcome To IPM Almanac, Your Definitive Resource For Integrated Pest Management, Information and tools needed for Integrated pest management. http://www.ipmalmanac.com/ | |
12. Database Of IPM Resources (DIR) Search engine covering a wide array of crops, pests, control tactics, regions, organizations, and related topics. http://www.ippc.orst.edu/cicp/ | |
13. Pest Management At The Crossroads Information and links on pest control issues, integrated pest management, impacts of pesticides, and Category Science Agriculture Pests and Diseases......pest management at the Crossroads. *The Art and Science of pest management**Policy and the Public Interest* *Forces Driving Change*. http://www.pmac.net/ | |
14. Pest Management & Identification - UC Pest Management Guidelines pest management and Identification Pests of Agricultural Crops, Floriculture and Ornamental Nurseries, and Commercial Turfgrass UC pest management Guidelines http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/crops-agriculture.html | |
15. Integrated Pest Management-Key Text The good, the bad and the genetically modified. An Australian Academy of Science project. http://www.science.org.au/nova/041/041key.htm | |
16. Responsible Pest Management - Responsible Pest Management Provides municipal governments and communities with information, tools and networks that maximize opportunities for pesticide reduction. http://www.pestinfo.ca | |
17. Pest Management And Identification: Pests Of Home And Landscape UC IPM Home Page pest management and Identification. Pests of Homeand Landscape Pest Notes. This database supplies the University http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/selectnewpest.home.html | |
18. National IPM Network North Carolina Component North Carolina center for integrated pest management.Category Home Gardens Pest and Disease Control...... http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/ |
19. UW-Madison IPCM Programs Pest and Crop Management. Nutrient and pest management for crops withregard to water quality and farm profitability UW NPM program. http://ipcm.wisc.edu/ | |
20. Redirector Provides information on the production of tropical crops in Hawaii, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. Topics include cultivars, cultural practices and pest management. http://agrss.sherman.hawaii.edu/bookshelf/fb.shtml | |
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