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121. HT Programs Arboreta and gardens with horticulture therapy programs. http://www.hort.vt.edu/human/botanic1.html |
122. University Of Kentucky Home Fruit Gardener Information Pest control leaflets and other cultivation information for Kentucky homegrowers. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Horticulture/homefruit.html |
123. Employ New Zealand Ltd Seasonal labour solutions for the agriculture and horticulture industries. http://www.nzwork.co.nz |
124. Home Horticulture In Maricopa County Home gardening and landscaping in the low desert including the Phoenix metropolitan area. This site Category Home Gardens Volunteer Master Gardeners United States......Maricopa County Home horticulture Environmentally ResponsibleGardening Landscaping in the Low Desert. http://ag.arizona.edu/maricopa/garden/ |
125. Northern Lights Co. Discount Growlights High pressure sodium and metal halide lighting for horticulture. Light fixtures, bulbs and accessories. http://www.northernlightsgrowroom.com/ |
126. OSU Horticulture Landscape Architecture Dept. Site contains information for academic students, youth, home gardeners, commercial growers, horticulturis Category Reference Education Oklahoma Oklahoma State University...... http://www.okstate.edu/OSU_Ag/asnr/hortla/ |
127. OSU 4-H Horticulture A learning page in plant identification designed for 4-H youth. Provides common and Latin names.Category Kids and Teens Sports and Hobbies Gardening......Oklahoma State University. 4H horticulture. questions? 4-H horticultureIdentification Card (publication 10); 4-H horticulture Identification; http://www.okstate.edu/ag/asnr/hortla/needham/extension/4h/ |
128. Gardening With Ciscoe horticulture information from KIRO AM in Seattle, Washington. http://www.ciscoe.com/ |
129. Roffey Limited Suppliers of growing media and other products for the professional horticulture, Amenity and Landscape markets. http://www.roffey.ltd.uk/ |
130. University Of Missouri Horticulture DEPARTMENT OF horticulture. University of Missouri Columbia. Link to MU Extension.Find horticulture resources online at MU Extension Publications Library. http://horticulture.missouri.edu/ |
131. Plant Science Research And Information Centers University of CaliforniaDavis Research and Information Centers. Current center specialties include ornamental horticulture; vegetable, fruit and nut production; weed control; postharvest technology; agronomy; seed biotechnology, and rangeland management. http://aesric.ucdavis.edu/ |
132. Horticulture And Molecular Biology of chemicals and scientific equipment, lists numerous laboratory protocols, safetyinformation and many useful molecular biology and horticulture web sites. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1957/ |
133. U Of MN Extension - Item Relocated This Page Has Moved. The Gardening and Commercial horticulture pagehas a new address! Please update your bookmarks to http//www http://www.extension.umn.edu/Hort/ |
134. North Carolina Master Gardener Program Master Gardener Volunteers are part of the volunteer staff of NC State University's Cooperative Extension Service. They provide unbiased, research based educational assistance and programs in horticulture and environmental issues to the gardening public. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/masgar/ |
135. Artzia Gardening And Horticulture The word horticulture is formed from two Latin words hortus, meaning garden ;and cultura, meaning cultivation. horticulture is a branch of http://artzia.com/Recreation/Garden/ |
136. PLANTanswers Index - Aggie Horticulture Expert answers to questions about a variety of plants organized by category, with additional online publications about particular topics. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/ |
137. Garden And Forest A Journal Of Horticulture, Landscape Art And Garden and Forest A Journal of horticulture, Landscape Art, and Forestry (18881897)was the first American journal devoted to horticulture, botany, landscape http://www.loc.gov/preserv/prd/gardfor/gfhome.html |
138. Horticultural Production Chains Group - Horticulture Research Academic research and education on Horticultural Production Chains http://www.spg.wau.nl/tbpt/ |
139. City FarmerHort Therapy The Ability Garden began in 1988 as a demonstration garden of five raised beds to accommodate people Category Home Gardens Specialized Techniques Enabled Gardeners......Published by City Farmer, Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture. horticulture Therapy.Photo City Farmer staff with seniors. Books on horticulture Therapy. http://www.cityfarmer.org/horttherp70.html |
140. HORT Investor Relations Produces and distributes wide variety of horticultural products. (Nasdaq HORT).Category Business Major Companies Publicly Traded H...... http://www.hineshorticulture.com/ |
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