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81. Horticulture@UGA Department of horticulture, The University of Georgia, located in Athens, Ga.,The mission of the horticulture Department is to develop and disseminate new http://www.uga.edu/~hort/ | |
82. Australian Institute Of Horticulture - Leadership In Horticulture Information for members, students, and everyone interested in horticulture. http://www.aih.org.au | |
83. Association Of Zoological Horticulture Dedicated to the advancement of zoo horticulture in zoological parks, gardens and aquariums. Includes Category Science Institutions Zoos and Aquariums Associations......The AZH is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the advancementof zoo horticulture in zoological parks, gardens and aquariums. http://www.azh.org/ | |
84. EDIS Homepage Printable handbooks from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences on production agriculture, natural resources and the environment, forestry, veterinary medicine, and rural development. Topics include crops, animals, organics, pest control, food safety, beekeeping, ornamental horticulture, lawns and home gardening. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/index.html | |
85. Hendry County - Horticulture Webpage Southwest Florida vegetable pest and disease hotline, vegetables newsletter, and links. Crops covered include watermelon, tomato, pepper. Actively changing content covers pesticides, biocontrol, and the FQPA (Food Quality Protection Act.) University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service, LaBelle, Hendry County, Florida. http://hendry.ifas.ufl.edu/ | |
86. Virginia Tech Horticulture Garden Webmaster. http://www.hort.vt.edu/VTHG/ |
87. Purdue University's Consumer Horticulture Home Page Consumer horticulture page. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/ext/ | |
88. Virginia Tech Horticulture http://www.hort.vt.edu/ |
89. Home Suppliers of a wide range of horticultural products. http://www.lbs-group.co.uk |
90. Www.carnarvonhorticulture.org.au/ http://www.carnarvonhorticulture.org.au/ |
91. PlantFacts Chronology of the development of horticulture in Europe and North America, with a set of articles on associated topics. http://hcs.osu.edu/hort/history.html | |
92. Horticultural Development Council New and information on the HDC, which works to strengthen the competitive position of British horticulture through effective research and technology interaction. http://www.hdc.org.uk/ |
93. HortResearch New Zealand - Home Page New Zealand's largest horticulture and food research organisation. Focus is on the production of superior Category Regional Oceania Agriculture horticulture......We are New Zealand's largest horticulture and food research organisation. Copyright© 2000 The horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Limited. http://www.hortresearch.co.nz/ | |
94. Hortic.com High On Horticulture A page of horticulturerelated links presented as drop-down menus 'built by plants-people for plants-people'. http://www.hortic.com/ | |
95. Horticulture Resources -Research, Development, News, Includes news, horticultural links, and online articles.Category Science Agriculture horticulture Publications......A comprehensive site featuring new varieties, techniques, symposia/seminars, informationtechnology, books/publications related to horticulture, Journal of http://www.rajans.com/ | |
96. Master Gardeners Of California Programs are designed to adapt and deliver the results of research in new horticulture practices to people located in communities beyond the reach of the campuses of the University of California. http://www.mastergardeners.org/ | |
97. Sun Gro Horticulture - Home Page Produces Canadian sphagnum peat moss and growing mixes for professionals and consumers. Lists corporate Category Regional North America Localities Maisonnette......Sun Gro horticulture produces high quality, Canadian Sphagnum peat moss andpeatbased growing mixes for the professional and consumer markets. http://www.sungro.com/ | |
98. NC State Horticulture Teaching, research, and outreach in horticulture, including basic biology, ecology, production and Category Science Agriculture horticulture......Department of Horticultural Science. horticulture HighlightsSpring2003. The Pesticide Safety Education Program is a partnership http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/hort_sci/ | |
99. The Royal Horticultural Society - Gateway To Gardening Britain's Gardening Charity, was founded in 1804 to encourage the science, art and practice of horticultu Category Home Gardens Associations horticulture......Sunday, March 16, 2003 71928 AM GMT. Biodiversity. The RHS iskeen to raise awareness of the important role gardeners can play http://www.rhs.org.uk/ | |
100. Extension Information Resources Index Sections include vegetables, fruit and nuts, gardening, composting, propagation, landscaping, nursery, horticultural programs, and harvesting and postharvest resources. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/publications.html | |
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