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61. HRI Has A New Web Site Research on pest and disease management, plants and the soil, physiology and ecology. http://www.hri.ac.uk/site2/research/fres.htm | |
62. We Are Pleased To Announce That Effective November 1, 2002, Commercial promotion web site for US horticulture industry with links to products by various horticult Category Business Agriculture and Forestry horticulture......We are pleased to announce that effective November 1, 2002, Griffin Greenhouse Nursery Supplies has purchased the EC Geiger Company. http://www.hortnet.com/ | |
63. HortResearch New Zealand - Home Page New Zealand's largest horticulture and food research organisation. Focus is on the production of superior plants and crops, improved management methods, better plant health and high quality produce, all in a sustainable manner. Fruit, flowers, other horticultural crops and timber trees form the basis of research. http://www.hort.cri.nz/ | |
64. Iowa State University Department Of Horticulture Gardener. Organic horticulture, Reiman Gardens. Sustainable horticulture, TurfgrassCentral. Vegetables. Consumer horticulture, Woody Plant Ecophysiology. http://www.hort.iastate.edu/ | |
65. Pacific Horticulture Magazine A quarterly publication produced by the Pacific horticulture Foundation, with articleswritten by Western gardeners on topics relating to horticulture in our http://www.pacifichorticulture.org/ | |
66. Virginia (Lynchburg) Masters Gardeners Working in all areas of environmental horticulture, including vegetables, ornamentals, trees, turf and landscaping. http://hometown.aol.com/hillcitymg/index.html | |
67. Horticulture Centre Of The Pacific Located in demonstration gardens near Victoria providing a tenmonth Landscape Horticultural course, Category Regional North America Vocational and Technical......The horticulture Centre of the Pacific was founded in 1979 to promotehorticultural education and research. Its Pacific BC, Canada. http://www.hcp.bc.ca/ | |
68. Fruit Gardening In The Landscape Appropriate varieties, climate, plant management, and problem control for Texas fruit crops. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/fruitgarden/fruitgarden.html | |
69. Welcome To The Welsh College Of Horticulture College of horticulture in Northop, Flintshire, UK. Contains up to date course listings.Category Regional Europe Wales Flintshire Education......horticulture Equine Animal Care Landbased Machinery Floristry Welsh for Adults Business Management Information Technology General Education Workbased Unit, http://www.wcoh.ac.uk/ | |
70. Human Issues In Horticulture List of sites which include gardening with the elderly, with children, and horticulture therapy. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/humanissues/otherl.html | |
71. University Of Kentucky - Department Of Horticulture The University of Kentucky Department of horticulture conducts research, offersgraduate and undergraduate programs of study, and delivers researchbased http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Horticulture/ | |
72. Plant Propagation An overview of reproduction by grafting, budding, layering and micropropagation. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/propagation/propagation.html | |
73. Horticulture - Oregon State University CD Boyer, Head 4017 Ag and Life Sciences Building Oregon State University Corvallis,OR 973317304 (541) 737-3695 Extension horticulture (541) 737-3464, For http://oregonstate.edu/dept/hort/ | |
74. The Master Gardener Show Promotion of environmentally sound horticulture. http://www.themastergardenershow.com | |
75. Premier Horticulture Translate this page Premier horticulture produces pro mix, canadian sphagnum peatmoss based growing media, planting mixes and soils. http://www.premierhort.com/ |
76. OSU Horticulture & Crop Science In Virtual Perspective Searches research and teaching information for horticulture and crop science departments across the United States. http://www.hcs.ohio-state.edu/SearchHCS.html | |
77. Premier Horticulture : Tourbe De Sphaigne http://www.premierhort.com/website/ffhome.html | |
78. Pennsylvania Small Scale Fruit Production A number of tree fruit and other resources from the Penn State University horticulture Department. Tree pruning illustrated, tree fruit fact sheets for the smallscale and backyard grower. http://ssfruit.cas.psu.edu/ |
79. Greenmount College Education and training, and business and technology programmes to meet the needs of the agriculture Category Reference Education United Kingdom Northern Ireland......greenmount College, Providing education, training and technology support in agriculture,horticulture and countryside management, Department of Agriculture and http://www.greenmount.ac.uk/ | |
80. AgFirst Consultants, Specialist Advice In Horticulture, Pastoral And Engineering A nationwide network of independent consultants with skills in sheep and beef, dairying, horticulture and agricultural engineering. http://www.agfirst.co.nz/ | |
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