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121. Publications forestryrelated publications available at the Cooperative Extension System in Storrs, or via online order form. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/forest/pub.htm |
122. Department Of Natural Resources Division Of Forestry http://www.state.in.us/dnr/forestry/ |
123. Agroforester.com Offers experienced consultation services, trees, seed, and training in tropical and subtropical forestry and agroforestry. http://www.agroforester.com |
124. Forestry And Forest Products Spotted Gum forest, http://www.ffp.csiro.au/ |
125. MeadWestvaco Wildlife And Ecosystem Research Forest Research on interactions of modern industrial forestry, long term ecological processes, forest sustainability, and biodiversity within the Appalachian landscape. Location West Virginia (USA). http://www.mwerf.org/ |
126. Hawaii Division Of Forestry And Wildlife Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources in Hawaii with information on its programs, Category Regional North America United States Hawaii Government...... forestry DOFAW's Management Guidelines Forest Stewardship Program Hawaii forestryand Communities Initiative Kaulunani Urban forestry Program Land http://www.dofaw.net/ |
127. New Zealand Institute For Crop And Food Research Research, technology and services in the areas of arable, vegetable, and sea foods, ornamentals, animal feed, plant products and forestry. http://www.crop.cri.nz/ |
128. University Of Kentucky - Department Of Forestry People. Teaching. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Forestry/forestry.html |
129. The New Zealand School Of Forestry New Zealand's only school of forestry and located in the University of Canterbury. Offers a variety of courses for diplomas, bachelor degrees, masters degrees and doctoral studies. http://www.fore.canterbury.ac.nz/home.htm |
130. Division Of Forestry Minnesota DNR Minnesota DNR Division of forestry works with public and private entities topromote the conservation, protection, and enjoyment of Minnesota's forest http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/ |
131. Forestry Major Overview of the required courses, course descriptions and class schedules. Information on the career field and employment opportunities. http://www.afrc.uamont.edu/sfr/ABOUTFOR.HTM |
132. Urban And Community Forestry - USDA Forest Service USDA Forest Service's comprehensive on-line resource for urban forestry Information in the southern Category Regional North America Science and Environment......A comprehensive online resource for Urban forestry Information inthe south. Tree Ordinances, UF Manual, UF Calendar, UF Contacts http://www.urbanforestrysouth.org/ |
133. Swedish University Of Agricultural Sciences Encompasses faculties of Agriculture, Landscape Planning and Horticulture, forestry, and Veterinary Medicine. http://www.slu.se/eng/ |
134. Diversified Forestry Services Timber cruisers, estimators, and harvest management. http://home.switchboard.com/DFS |
135. Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute Of Japan forestry research in the Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and Fisheries of Japan. Focuses on sustainabi Category Science Agriculture forestry Research Centers......forestry and FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH INSTITUTE. http://ss.ffpri.affrc.go.jp/ |
136. North Carolina Forestry Association An overview of foresty science and management. http://www.ncforestry.org/ |
137. The Sustainable Forestry Partnership Advances Forestry The Partnership identifies forestry issues Education Penn State University Research......The Sustainable forestry Partnership identifies forestry issues trends, designs conducts research, develops education training materials and events, and http://sfp.cas.psu.edu/ |
138. The Woodland Stewardship Company Data capture service for forestry and tree inventories, mapping and surveys, using laser technology and GPS. http://www.woodlandstewardship.com/ |
139. Medbioworld Horticulture Forestry Journals Directory of links to the homepages of forestry and horticulture journals.Category Science Agriculture forestry Publications Journals...... Horticulture forestry Journals, Search Horticulture forestry in the mediafrom eLibrary. For latest books on Horticulture forestry, click here. http://www.sciencekomm.at/journals/forest.html |
140. Sustainable Beech Forestry Maruia Forest Describes the controversy about conservationenhancing sustainable forest management in the beech and rimu forests of West Coast New Zealand. Contains prime scientific papers, letters to politicians, Press Releases, links to other sites. http://homepages.caverock.net.nz/~bj/beech/ |
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