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21. FLETCHER CHALLENGE FORESTS - Welcome Solid wood plantation forestry, with integrated manufacturing and distribution channels to supply solid wood based solutions to consumers in New Zealand, Australia, the United States and Japan. http://www.fcf.co.nz/ | |
22. The Complete Forestry Home Page Statistics and information for Oregon fire updates, news releases, forest management, and community Category Regional North America United States Oregon Government...... comment period on annual forestry plans ends march 31. A public http://forestry.about.com/science/forestry/ | |
23. Forestry In Québec Describes the five major zones of vegetation and the natural dynamics of Quebec forests. Current forest management strategies are presented as well as a review of Quebec's forest history. http://www.forestryinquebec.com/ |
24. Forestry: An International Journal Of Forest Research http://forestry.oupjournals.org/ | |
25. Highfield Forestry Limited - For Investment Forestry And Woodland Management Specialist advice and a complete acquisition service for investors in United Kingdom softwood and North American hardwood forests. http://www.highfieldforestry.com/ | |
26. Citizens For Better Forestry Dedicated to sound ecosystem management and empowering local citizens to participate in management of National Forest lands, particularly in California. http://cbfinfo.com/cbf | |
27. Forestry: An International Journal Of Forest Research forestry An international journal of forest research. The full text of forestryAn international journal of forest research is available online. http://www3.oup.co.uk/foresj/ | |
28. Home Page Consultant for matters relating to commercial plantations and natural forests. http://www.barmentloo.net/ | |
29. Forestry: An International Journal Of Forest Research forestry An international journal of forest research. The full text of forestryAn international journal of forest research is available online from 1998. http://www3.oup.co.uk/foresj/contents/ | |
30. First Nations Forestry Program / Programme Forestier Des Premières Nations A partnership program between the Government of Canada and Canada's First Nation peoples to improve economic conditions in status Indian communities with full consideration of the principles of sustainable forest management. http://www.fnfp.gc.ca/ | |
31. SFSO - Agriculture And Forestry Topical information from the national statistics office. Includes a vademecum to forests in Switzerland and agriculture in a nutshell. http://www.statistik.admin.ch/stat_ch/ber07/eber07.htm | |
32. MAFF_Web_site Promotes Japanese agricultural policies, trade protectionism and whaling for farm and fishing industries Category Regional Asia...... Agriculture,forestry and Fisheries Research Council line. UP. Public Infomation. Listof Booklet and Video on agriculture,forestry,and fisheries in English. UP. http://www.maff.go.jp/eindex.html | |
33. New Brunswick Forest Products Information provided by the New Brunswick Forest Products Association. Includes statistics on forestry, classroom exercises for schoolchildren, information on landownership and licenses, glossary. http://www.nbforestry.com/ | |
34. University Of Connecticut Cooperative Extension Forestry Stewardship program, volunteer opportunities, information sheets, publications, and advice. http://www.canr.uconn.edu/ces/forest/index.htm | |
35. CIFOR Home Page Concentrates on research and publications pertaining to tropical forestry and sociology in developing Category Science Agriculture forestry Research Centers...... forestry Netwoks Crucial for Community forestry Initiatives A vital factor indetermining the success of community forestry initiatives is the sharing of http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/ | |
36. Enhanced Forestry Program, British Columbia The EFP supports sustainable harvesting of British Columbia forest resources. The Ministry of Forests, in partnership with Forest Renewal B.C., provides training and resources to facilitate silviculture decisions. http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/efp/ | |
37. Cradle Of Forestry In America Non profit site supporting the educational programs of the US Forest Service located in Pisgah National Category Regional North America North Carolina Regions Mountains......Welcome to the Cradle of forestry in America. The Birth Place of forestry inAmerica Click on the image to Enter. ©2000 Photography Unlimited of NC. http://www.cradleofforestry.com/ | |
38. Forestry Images: Forest Health, Natural Resources, Fire, Trees, Wildlife And Sil Quality photographs of forest insects and disease organisms. Contains image search or browse by categories.Category Science Agriculture forestry Pests and Diseases......forestry Images Forest Health, Natural Resources and Silviculture Photos with picturesof insects, diseases, trees, plants, weeds, ecosystems, fire, ecology http://www.forestryimages.org/ | |
39. UBC Faculty Of Forestry forestry at University of British Columbia. Canada's leading forestry school. Undergraduate and graduate Category Science Agriculture forestry Academic Departments......BC's Chief Forester to Speak at UBC forestry Research Week Larry Pedersen will presenta free public lecture on March 20, 2003 on the topic of Annual Allowable http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/ | |
40. Yale School Of Forestry And Environmental Studies Professional and graduate school within Yale University. Founded in 1900, its mission is leadership Category Science Agriculture forestry Academic Departments......Public Policy Needs More Focus on Private forestry Asserts New Book. Copyright ©2001 Yale School of forestry Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT 06511. http://www.yale.edu/forestry/ | |
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