Extractions: http://members.xoom.com/f_glaser ... articles Introduction In Pascal, as opposed to most other high level programming languages, data structures are so important, that they get special attention to the compiler. Niklaus Wirth decided to make the same stringent checking of data as other languages make with the code (syntax) only. Most upgraders from other languages feel that the Pascal type checking reduced their freedom in using data structures, but this is not true. Pascal only needs that the programmer writes the source code according to stringent rules, declaring the data structures thoroughly before using them.
DJ's Flash Tutorial The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://myhome.hitel.net/~flash4all/loadtxt.html
Svalbard Year 1.09. 1610. 1.57. 1605. -1.00. 1600. 0.44. loadtxt.gif (1084 bytes). Whenever usingthese data, please cite this reference Briffa et al., 1992; Briffa et al., 1996. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/sciencepub/tornet.htm
EEGLAB Eeglab (v4.0) Matlab Graphic User Interface Environment loaddat, load neuroscan .DAT file. loadeeg, load neuroscan .EEG file. loadtxt,load text file. makehtml, generate html pages for directories (uses help2html). http://www.sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/allfunctions/eeglab.html
Arnaud Delorme's Program Page, Java, Flash, Matlab, C++ getallmenus, get all submenus of a window or a menu and return a tree. loadtxt,load ascii text file into numeric or cell arrays. C/C++ functions. Convolution. http://www.sccn.ucsd.edu/~arno/progs.html
GT::Prices - A Serie Of Prices p loadtxt( cotationsfile.txt ) Load the prices from the text file.$p- savetxt( cotationsfile.txt ) Save the prices to the text file. http://www.geniustrader.org/doc/GT/Prices.pm.html
Contact color2, Blue, If no images are given, set the color of the menu textwhen the mouse pointer is above the applet area. loadtxt, Loading http://www.notera.se/fastmenu_doc.html
Extractions: FastMenu was first developed to solve a common problem in database driven webpages: how do you present the user with many choices where each choice depends on those you made before? The solution is often to limit the number of levels of choices and preproduce (and update) a huge number of static webpages or in the Lotus Notes case, use dbLookups with earlier choice as key to next choice. Those methods is tedious to develope, administrate, and slow to use. FastMenu handles the choice problem but it also provides you with a generic menu which can be used in multiple situations. What is FastMenu?
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Extractions: An extensively commented source code of the Picobus routines (Turbo Pascal 6.0) is available in Microsoft Word 6.0 format (13 kB). This code contains the procedures and functions that are necessary to implement communications using the Picobus protocol. Use this text only for reading, not for programming. Older AVS-47 bridges were followed by a DOS program diskette . The programs include the AVS47PB.EXE and AVS47CAL.EXE, the source code for Turbo Pascal 6.0 unit containing the Picobus routines and a simple programming example. Contents of this diskette can be downloaded as a .zip file. The diskette is no longer included with new AVS-47 bridges, as we are now recommending the IEEE-488 interface, the AVS47-IB option and the LabView Driver. The latest versions of the operating manuals. Some of the manuals can be downloaded in the .pdf format for direct viewing using the Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0. Some manuals consist of more than one .pdf file. They have been zipped and must be unzipped after downloading. If you need an older spare manual version, please contact us for a printed copy. Older manuals as well as manuals for discontinued products are archived only in printed format.
GN3 Last Release methods. Added the method loadtxt that loads text, format and geometryfrom a text in the editorial databases given its id. The http://www.tera-us.com/gn3/rel20011024.htm
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