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81. La Cena delle beffe. Poema drammatico
82. Libretto for Andrea Chénier:
83. Andrea Chénier
84. Il Re. Novella in tre quadri di
85. Siberia: Opera drama in three
86. Fedora. [Opera.]iii. edizione.
87. Marcella. Idillio moderna in tre
88. Mala vita
89. Andrea Che
90. Fedora. Dramma di Victorien Sardou.
91. Siberia. Dramma in tre atti di
92. Andrea Chénier. Dramma di ambiente
93. Fedora. Dramma di V. Sardou ridotto
95. Andrea Chenier, Drama di Ambinete
96. Fedora
97. Madame Sans-Gene--Casa Musicale
98. Cell Cycle Regulation and Differentiation
99. Fedora (Kalmus Edition) (Italian
100. Philosophe Italien: Lanza Del

81. La Cena delle beffe. Poema drammatico in quattro atti di Sem Benelli. Riduzione per canto e pianoforte di Raffaele delli Ponti
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 184 Pages (1924)

Asin: B0000CWABH
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

82. Libretto for Andrea Chénier: An opera in 4 acts
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 30 Pages (1958)

Asin: B0007FJS60
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

83. Andrea Chénier
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1995)

Asin: B0006PH36I
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

84. Il Re. Novella in tre quadri di Giovacchino Forzano ... Riduzione per canto e pianoforte
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 159 Pages (1928)

Asin: B0000CWABR
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

85. Siberia: Opera drama in three acts
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 47 Pages (1903)

Asin: B00087O312
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

86. Fedora. [Opera.]iii. edizione. [Score.]
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 299 Pages (1910)

Asin: B0000CWABI
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

87. Marcella. Idillio moderna in tre episodi di H. Cain, E. Adenis e L. Stecchetti. Riduzione per Canto e Pianoforte di R. Delli Ponti
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1907)

Asin: B0000CWABP
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

88. Mala vita
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 56 Pages (1892)

Asin: B0000ECPCQ
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

89. Andrea Che
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 108 Pages (1788)

Asin: B0000CWABD
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

90. Fedora. Dramma di Victorien Sardou. Ridotto in tre atti per la scena lirica da Arturo Colautti ... Riduzione per canto e pianoforte
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 256 Pages (1902)

Asin: B0000CWABK
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

91. Siberia. Dramma in tre atti di L. Illica ... Riduzione per Canto e Pianoforte di R. Delli Ponti
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1903)

Asin: B0000CWABT
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

92. Andrea Chénier. Dramma di ambiente storico in quattro quadri di Luigi Illica. Riduzione per canto e pianoforte di Amintore Galli. < Ultima edizione. >
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 246 Pages (1920)

Asin: B0000CWABG
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

93. Fedora. Dramma di V. Sardou ridotto in tre Atti per la scena lirica da A. Colautti ... Riduzione per Canto e Pianoforte
by Umberto Giordano
 Unknown Binding: 259 Pages (1898)

Asin: B0000CWABJ
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

 Unknown Binding: Pages (1967)

Asin: B001AQRM6S
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

95. Andrea Chenier, Drama di Ambinete Storico in Quattro Quadri
by Umberto Giordano; Luigi Illica
 Hardcover: Pages (1959)

Asin: B000QX6L3Q
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

96. Fedora
by Umberto Giordano, Victorien Sardou
 Paperback: Pages (1994)

Asin: B000ELEAAQ
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Libretto by Arturo Colautti, Based on the deama of the same name by Victorien Sardou and Music by Umberto Giordano. Literal English Translation by Alfred Glasser and Marina Vecci. ... Read more

97. Madame Sans-Gene--Casa Musicale Sonzogno Vocal Score
by Umberto Giordano
 Paperback: 246 Pages (1915)

Asin: B000R5OIQU
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

98. Cell Cycle Regulation and Differentiation in Cardiovascular and Neural Systems
Hardcover: 256 Pages (2010-08-30)
list price: US$189.00 -- used & new: US$189.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 160327152X
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Complex physiopathological relationships have been proven to exist between two of the body’s most vital organs; the brain and the heart. In Cell Cycle Regulation and Differentiation in Cardiovascular and Neural Systems Antonio Giordano, Umberto Galderisi and a panel of the most respected authorities in their field offer an in-depth analysis of the differentiation process in two systems that have profound relationships with one another. The text looks at several aspects of the cardiovascular and nervous systems from a new point of view, describing the differences and similarities in their differentiation pathways with an emphasis on the role of cell cycle regulation and cell differentiation. Topics discussed include neurogenesis in the central nervous system, neural stem cells, and the basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factors in neural differentiation. Ground-breaking and authoritative, Cell Cycle Regulation and Differentiation in Cardiovascular and Neural Systems is a must have for all researchers in cardiovascular medicine and neuroscience and will prompt the scientific community to perceive cell cycle regulation and differentiation under a novel and more comprehensive light. ... Read more

99. Fedora (Kalmus Edition) (Italian Edition)
by Giordano, Umberto
 Paperback: 4 Pages (2004-11-01)
list price: US$29.95
Isbn: 0757921191
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
No Description provided. ... Read more

100. Philosophe Italien: Lanza Del Vasto, Umberto Eco, Thomas D'aquin, Giacomo Leopardi, Tommaso Campanella, Galilée, Giordano Bruno (French Edition)
Paperback: 598 Pages (2010-08-10)
list price: US$65.44 -- used & new: US$47.77
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1153613735
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Les achats comprennent une adhésion à l'essai gratuite au club de livres de l'éditeur, dans lequel vous pouvez choisir parmi plus d'un million d'ouvrages, sans frais. Le livre consiste d'articles Wikipedia sur : Lanza Del Vasto, Umberto Eco, Thomas D'aquin, Giacomo Leopardi, Tommaso Campanella, Galilée, Giordano Bruno, Joseph de Maistre, Julius Evola, Jean Pic de La Mirandole, Nicolas Machiavel, Leon Battista Alberti, Girolamo Cardano, Toni Negri, Luigi Pareyson, Cesare Beccaria, Cassiodore, Carlo Michelstaedter, Tommaso Palamidessi, Costanzo Preve, Bonaventure de Bagnorea, Francesco Marino Di Teana, Domenico Losurdo, Giovanni Gentile, Marsile Ficin, Pierre Lombard, Giambattista Vico, Brunetto Latini, Giulio Cesare Vanini, Enrico Zoffoli, Roberto Esposito, Laurent Valla, Juda Ben Yehiel, Mario Perniola, Francesco Patrizi, Giovanni Botero, Terenzio Mamiani, Pietro Verri, Norberto Bobbio, Giorgio Agamben, Gaetano Sanseverino, Poggio Bracciolini, Azaria Di Rossi, Massimo Cacciari, Mario Tronti, Guidobaldo Del Monte, Carlo Lottieri, Vittorio Alfieri, Ernesto Grassi, Marsile de Padoue, Augusto Véra, Francesco Masci, Franco Berardi, Pietro D'abano, Andrea Cesalpino, Gaetano Mosca, Gianni Vattimo, Pier-Angelo Manzolli, Pierre de Capoue, Ovadia Ben Jacob Sforno, Nicola Abbagnano, Cristoforo Bonavino, Francesco Zorzi, Vincenzo Bianchini, Moché Haïm Luzzatto, Bruno Leoni, Mariapaola Fimiani, Alexandre Piccolomini, Remo Bodei, Luciano Floridi, Giovanni Francesco Salvemini Da Castiglione, Paolo Rossi, León Hebreo, Elie Benamozegh, Alessandro Pascoli, Francesco Guicciardini, Vincenzo Gioberti, Giuseppe Zevola, Pomponazzi, Giovanni Da Ripa, Ludovico Geymonat, Guarino Veronese, Tito Livio Burattini, Enrico Ruta, Zino Zini, Antonio Rosmini, Benedetto Croce, Michela Marzano, Antonio Labriola, Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi, Gilles de Rome, Claudio Mutti, Federico Ferrari, Francesco Buonamici, Simone Porzio, Paola Marrati, Alessandro Verri, Blaise...http://booksllc.net/?l=fr ... Read more

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