School Of Biological And Applied Sciences Encompassing the disciplines of chemistry, analytical science, biomedical science, biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, ecology, and environmental management.
February 14, 2003 President's Message 23 Days 'til Showtime Reilley Award. SEAC business meeting. The premier instrumentation show. Electrochemistry sections every day.Category Science chemistry Electrochemistry Conferences special presentations by our plenary speaker, Dr. Fred McLafferty, and the specialpresentation by Dr. John Fenn, 2002 Nobel Laureate in chemistry,PITTCON 2003
Sheffield Chemdex - Home A directory of chemistry resources on the WWW, located on the Sheffield chemistry server.Category Science chemistry DirectoriesThe Sheffield Chemdex the directory of chemistry on the WWW since1993. For those of you used to the older interface, please can