In this section we assume D is a strict metric site with colimits. We present an axiomatic approach to the theory of local ringed sites, replacing Ringop by D. If D is a T0-site this approach also provides a general method to construct a Cauchy-completion for D, using the notion of D-spaces (see 3.2.16). This method also works for an arbitrary strict T0-site (which may not have colimits); see (3.2.18). Definition 3.2.1. A site over D (or simply D-site) is a pair (C, O) consisting of a metric site C and a cosheaf O: C ® D on C with values in D sending any empty object of C to an empty object of D; C and O are called the underlying site and the structure cosheaf of (C, O) respectively. Suppose (C, O) is a D-site. For any
object X Î
C and any open subset V of |O(X)| we define
an open subset |X|V of |X|:
Definition 3.2.2.
A local site over D (or
local D-site, or simply
local site) is a D-site (C,
O) satisfying the following conditions for any X Î
Remark 3.2.3. If B is a basis for D, then in (3.2.2) we may assume that Vi and V are in B. Moreover, if the space of any object of D is quasi-compact, we may assume that {Vi} is a finite cover. Example 3.2.4. Suppose (C, O) is a D-site and B a subsite of a C. Then (B, O|B) is a D-site, denoted simply by B. If C is a local site, then so is B. Example 3.2.5. D is a local D-site with the identity functor D ® D as the structure cosheaf. Example 3.2.6. A ringed site (C, O) is a site over Ringop with the structure cosheaf O: C ® Ringop. It is easy to see that (C, O) is a local ringed site if and only if it is a local site over Ringop. (The equivalence of (3.2.2.a) and (3.1.3.a) can be established by an inductive argument based on (3.2.3).) Next we define D-spaces and local D-spaces, generalizing the concepts of ringed spaces and local ringed spaces respectively. Definition 3.2.7. A space over D (or simply D-space) is a pair (X, P) consisting of a topological space X and a cosheaf P: W(X) ® D on X such that P(Æ) ® D is an empty object. Thus a D-space is a D-site whose underlying site consists of open sets of a topological space. Suppose (X, P) and (Y, Q) are two D-spaces. A morphism from (Y, Q) to (X, P) is a pair (|f|, f) consisting of a continuous map |f|: Y ® X, and a morphism f (i.e., natural transformation) from Qf-1: W(X) ® D to P: W(X) ® D, where f-1 = W(X) ® W(Y) is the functor sending each open set U of X to f-1(U) Í Y. We obtain a category of D-spaces, denoted D-Sp. Remark 3.2.8. D-Sp is a metric site with the obvious metric topology. As in the case of ringed spaces, D-Sp is strict and Cauchy-complete (here we need the assumption that D has colimits). It is a D-site with the structure cosheaf sending each D-space (X, P) to P(X). Definition 3.2.9. A local space over D (or local D-space, or simply local space) is a D-space (X, P) which is a local D-site. A morphism of local spaces over D is a morphism (|f|, f): (Y, Q) ® (X, P) of D-spaces such that for any open subsets V Í |P(X)| and U Í |Y|, f(U) Í |X|V if and only if the morphism Q(U) ® P(X) induced by f: Q(Y) ® P(X) sends |O(U)| into V. Remark 3.2.10. Denote by D-LSp the category of local D-spaces. Then D-LSp is a Cauchy-complete site. It is a local D-site. If D = Ringop we obtain the site of local ringed spaces. Suppose (C, O) is a D-site. Since D has colimits, as in (3.1) we can define the Kan extensions (C^, O^) and (C~, O~) which are again D-sites. We have the following generalization of (3.1.18) which can be proved in a similar way: Proposition 3.2.11. Suppose (C, O) is a local D-site. Then (C^, O^) and (C~, O~) are local D-sites. 3.2.12 Suppose (C, O) is a D-site. Any object X determines a space b(X) = (X, O|W(X)) over D where O|W(X) is the restriction of the structure sheaf O: C^ ® D sending each open subset U of X to O(U). We obtain a functor b: (C, O) ® D-Sp which is an isometry of metric sites. Note that the structure cosheaf O: C ® D is isomorphic to the pullback of the structure cosheaf on D-Sp along b. Also (C, O) is a local D-site if and only if its image b(C) in D-Sp is in D-LSp. Since D is a local D-site (3.2.5), we obtain a canonical functor b: D d D-LSp by (3.2.12). Proposition 3.2.13. Suppose X, Y are two objects of D and |X| is a T0-space. Then any morphism from b(Y) to b(X) in D-LSp is induced by a morphism from Y to X in D. Proof. Suppose (|f|, f): b(Y) ® b(X) is a morphism of local spaces. Since b(X) = (X, O|W(X)), b(Y) = (Y, O|W(Y)) and O is the identity functor of D, we have O(Y) = Y and O(X) = X. We prove that (|f|, f) is induced by the morphism fX: Y = O(Y) = O(f-1(X)) ® O(X) = X. Since f is uniquely determined by fX, it suffices to prove that |fX| coincides with |f|. Assume there is a point y Î |Y| such that fX(y) / f(y). Since |X| is a T0-space, we can find an open neighborhood U of fX(y) such that f(y) Ï U, or an open neighborhood V of f(y) such that fX(y) Ï V. In the first case there is an effective open neighborhood W of y in |O(Y)| = |Y| such that fX(W) Í U. Then |f(W)| Í XU = U by (3.2.9), so f(y) Î U which is a contradiction. Similarly we can prove that the second case is impossible. This shows that f(y) = fX(y). Thus |fX| coincides with |f|. Theorem 3.2.14. Suppose D is a T0-site (i.e., the space of any object of D is a T0-space). Then the canonical morphism b: D ® D-LSp is an isometric embedding. Proof. Clearly b: D ® D-LSp is faithful. It is full by (3.2.13). Definition 3.2.15. Suppose D is a T0-site. An affine D-scheme is a local D-space which is isomorphic to b(X) for an object X e D. A D-scheme is a local D-space (X, P) in which any point x has an open neighborhood U such that the D-subspace (U, P|U) of X is an affine D-scheme. Denote by D-Sch and D-ASch the sites of D-schemes and affine D-schemes respectively. Theorem 3.2.16.
Assume D is a T0-site. Then
Proof. (a) follows from (3.2.14). (b) follows from (a) and (2.1.10) as D-LSp is Cauchy-complete and D-Sch is the completion of D-ASch in D-LSp. Example 3.2.17. If D = Ringop we obtain the ordinary schemes and affine schemes. Remark 3.2.18. If C is any standard T0-site we first embed C isometrically into a standard T0-site D with colimits. Define an affine C-scheme to be an affine D-scheme which is isomorphic to b(X) for an object X e C. Define a C-scheme to be a D-scheme (X, P) in which any point x has an open neighborhood U such that the D-subspace (U, P|U) of X is an affine C-scheme. Then the site C-ASch of affine C-schemes is equivalent to C and the site C-Sch of C-schemes is a Cauchy-completion of C. Example 3.2.19. If C is the opposite of the category k-Algf of finitely generated reduced algebras over an algebraically closed field k, and D is the opposite of the category k-Alg of k-algebras with the Zariski topology, then a C-scheme (resp. affine C-scheme) in the sense of (3.2.18) is precisely a prevariety (resp. affine variety) over k in the sense of (1.1.19). Thus the site PVAr/k of prevarieties is a Cauchy-completion of the T0-site k-Algfop. A topological space is called sober if every closed irreducible set has a unique generic point. A site D is called sober if the space of any object of D is sober. Proposition 3.2.20.
Suppose D is a sober site. A D-site
(C, O) is a local site if and only if for any X Î
C there is a continuous map |X| ®
|O(X)| satisfying the following conditions:
![]() Proof. First assume (C, O) is a local
site. Consider an object X Î
C. For any point x Î
|X| let W be the union of open subsets V of |O(X)|
such that x is not contained in |X|V. Then
|O(X)| - W is an irreducible closed set. Since |O(X)|
is sober, |O(X)| - W has a unique generic point, denoted
by t(x). We obtain a map t: |X| ®
|O(X)| sending each x Î
|X| to t(x). This is a continuous map satisfying the
conditions (a) and (b).
Remark 3.2.21.
Suppose (C, O) is a D-site. For any X Î
C let Wo(X)
be the subsite of C consisting of effective open subobjects of X.
We say X is a local object of
C if the D-subsite Wo(X)
of C is a local site. Suppose X, Z are two local objects.
A morphism f: Z ®
X is called local if (3.2.2.b)
holds for any object Y of Wo(Z).
Denote by Loc(C) the subsite of local objects of C
with local morphisms. It is the largest local D-subsite of C.
Clearly we have Loc(D-Sp) = D-LSp.