Zhaohua Luo
Recall that an element e of a commutative ring R is an
idempotent if e2 = e. If e is an idempotent
then 1 - e is also an idempotent. Since e + (1 - e)
= 1, any element a of R can be written uniquely as
+ a(1 - e). The ideals Re and R(1-e)
are two rings and R = Re R(1
- e) is a direct factorization of R. Conversely, if U,
are two rings then the elements [0, 1] and [1,
of the direct product U V
are idempotents and the direct factors U, V arise as above.
Since the image of an idempotent under any ring homomorphism is idempotent,
it follows that the direct product of two rings is co-universal.
In this note we show that for any algebraic category, direct products are
co-universal iff they are defined by "idempotents", as in the case of commutative
Consider an algebraic category (A,
By a difference of an object
we mean a notation
a - b, where a, b are elements
of A.
(a) A difference a - b is a zero
if a = b.
(b) A difference a - b is a unit
if for any morphism
A --> B, f(a)
= f(b) implies that B is a terminal object.
Remark. (a) If there is an object in A with a unit
difference then the terminal object T of A is strict (i.e.
any morphism with
T as domain is an isomorphism).
(b) If t: A --> B is morphism and a - b
is a unit (resp. zero) difference of A then so is the difference
- t(b) of B.
(c) It follows from (b) that if the initial object Z of A
has a unit difference, then any object has a unit difference.
Assumption: In the following we assume Z has a unit
difference 0 - 1.
For any object A the images of 0 and 1 in A
under the unique morphism Z --> A are denoted by 0A
and 1A respectively.
Remark. Denote by Z[x] the free object on a singleton
Any element a of an object A determines a morphism
--> A sending the free element x to a. If (a,
are two elements of A, by the coequalizer
of (a, b) we mean the coequalizer of the morphisms (fa,
fb) (it is the quotient of A by the effective
congruence generated by (a, b)).
Definition. An element e of A is called an idempotent
A if the coequalizer of (0A, e) and (e,
forms a direct product of A (note that this notion depends on the
choice of (0, 1)).
Suppose U V
is the product of two objects U and V with the projections
U V --> U and v:
U V --> V. A general element
of U V will be denoted
by [a, b], where a is an element of U and b
is an element of V.
Definition. A product U V
is co-universal
(orcostable) if for any morphism
U V --> Z, let
Z --> ZU
and Z --> ZV be the pushouts of u
and v along
f, then the induced morphism Z --> ZU
ZV is an isomorphism.
Let us consider the following axioms:
(I1) The image of an idempotent under any morphism is an
(I2) If A = U V
is the product of two objects U and V then the element [0U,
of A is an idempotent of A.
(G2) The product of any two objects is co-universal.
Remark. Note that I2 implies
that the direct factor morphism p1: A --> U
is the coequalizer of ([0U, 0V], [0U,
This follows from the fact that p1:
A --> U
factors through the coequalizer A --> U' of ([0U,
1V]), and
--> V factors through the coequalizer
A --> V' of
0V], [1U,
A = U V = U' V'.
Theorem. (a) (G2) is equivalent to (I1)
and (I2).
(b) If the conditions of (a) hold then the set of idempotents of any
object is a Boolean algebra.
Proof. (a) (I2) and the above remark imply that the
direct factor morphism p1:
--> Z is the coequalizer of a pair consisting of an idempotent and
Z. Then (I1) implies that the direct product of two
products is co-universal.
Conversely, assume (G2). Then clearly (I1) holds.
To see that (I2) holds it suffices to show that the direct factor
morphism p1:
--> Z is the coequalizer of (0Z, 01)
(and then the general case follows from (I1)). Note first that
is the coequalizer of (j, i), where
--> Z Z is the identity morphism
and j is the composite of p1 with the unique morphism
--> Z Z
(recall that Z
an initial object). From the dual of [Categorical geometry,
1.3.9] the morphism t: Z[x] --> Z Z
induced by the morphisms f0, f1:
--> Z is an epimorphism. Thus p1 is also the coequalizer
of (jt, it). But jt(x) = [0, 0]
= 0Z Z
and it(x) = [0, 1]. Thus [0, 1]
is an idempotent of Z Z.
(b) follows from [Pierce Topologies]
and the fact that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set
of direct factors of an object A and the set of idempotents
of A.
Remark. The proof of the above theorem shows that I1
and the following I2' is equivalent to G2:
(I2') The morphism t: Z[x] --> Z Z
induced by the morphisms f0, f1:
--> Z is an epimorphism.