1. Analytic CategoriesConsider a category with an initial object 0. Two maps u: U --> X and v: V --> X are disjoint if 0 is the pullback of (u,v). Suppose X + Y is the sum of two objects with the injections (also called direct monos) x: X --> X + Y and y: Y --> X + Y. Then X + Y is disjoint if the injections x and y are disjoint and monic. The sum X + Y is stable if for any map f: Z --> X + Y, the pullbacks ZX --> Z and ZY --> Z of x and y along f exist, and the induced map ZX + ZY --> Z is an isomorphism.Assume the category has pullbacks. A strong mono is a map (in fact, a mono) such that any of its pullbacks is not proper (i.e. non-isomorphic) epic. The category is perfect if any intersection of strong monos exist. If a map f is the composite me of an epi e followed by a strong mono m then the pair (e, m) is called an epi-strong-mono factorization of f; the codomain of e is called the strong image of f. In a perfect category any map has an epi-strong-mono factorization. An analytic category
is a category satisfying the following axioms:
Consider an analytic category. For any object X denote by R(X) the set of strong subobjects of X. Since finite limits exist, the poset R(X) has meets. Suppose u: U --> X and v: V --> X are two strong subobjects. Suppose T = U + V is the sum of U and V and t: T --> X is the map induced by u and v. Then the strong image t(T) of T in X is the join of U and V in R(X). It follows that R(X) has joins. Thus R(X) is a lattice, with 0X: 0 --> X as zero and 1X: X --> X as one. If the category is prefect then R(X) is a complete lattice. An object Z has exactly one strong subobject (i.e. 0Z = 1Z ) iff it is initial. Suppose f: Y --> X is a map. If u: U ® X is a mono, we denote by f-1(u) the pullback of u along f. Then f-1: R(X) --> R(Y) is a mapping preserving meets with f-1(0X) = 0Y and f-1(1X) = 1Y (i.e. f-1 is bounded). Also f-1 has a left adjoint f+1: R(Y) --> R(X) sending each strong subobject v: V --> Y to the strong image of the composite f°v: V --> X. If V = Y then f+1(Y) is simply the strong image of f. The theories of analytic categories and Zariski geometries (including the notions of coflat maps and analytic monos) given below are based on the works of Diers (see [Diers 1986 and 1992]). Note that we have only covered the most elementary part of the theory of Zariski geometries (up to the first three chapters of [Diers 1992]). 2. Distributive PropertiesLet A be an analytic category. Recall that a regular mono is a map which can be written as the equalizer of some pair of maps.(2.1)The class of strong monos is closed under composition and stable under pullback; any intersection of strong monos is a strong mono. (2.2) An epi-strong-mono factorization of a map is unique up to isomorphism. (2.3) Any regular mono is a strong mono; any pullback of a regular mono is a regular mono; any direct mono is a regular mono; finite sums commute with equalizers. (2.4) Any proper (i.e. non-isomorphic) strong subobject is contained in a proper regular subobject; a map is not epic iff it factors through a proper regular (or strong) mono. (2.5) The initial object 0 is strict (i.e. any map X --> 0 is an isomorphism); any map 0 --> X is regular (thus is not epic unless X is initial). (2.6) If the terminal object 1 is strict (i.e. any map 1 --> X is an isomorphism) then the category is equivalent to the terminal category 1 (thus the opposite of an analytic category is not analytic unless it is a terminal category). (2.7) Let f1: Y1 --> X1 and f2: Y2 --> X2 be two maps. Then f1 + f2 is epic (resp. monic, resp. regular monic) iff f1 and f2 are so. 3. Coflat MapsA map f: Y --> X is coflat if the pullback functor A/X --> A/Y along f preserves epis. More generally a map f: Y --> X is called precoflat if the pullback of any epi to X along f is epic. A map is coflat iff it is stable precoflat (i.e. any of its pullback is precoflat). An analytic category is coflat if any map is coflat (or equivalently, any epi is stable).(3.1) Coflat maps (or monos) are closed under composition and stable under pullback; isomorphisms are coflat; any direct mono is coflat. (3.2) Finite products of coflat maps are coflat; a finite sum of maps is coflat iff each factor is coflat. (3.4) Suppose f: Y --> X is a mono and g: Z --> Y is a map. Then g is coflat if f°g is coflat. (3.5) For any object X, the codiagonal map X + X --> X is coflat. (3.6) Suppose {fi: Yi --> X} is a finite family of coflat maps. Then f = ![]() ![]() (3.7) Suppose f: Y --> X is a coflat bimorphisms. If g: Z --> Y is a map such that f°g is an epi, then g is an epi. (3.8) Suppose f: Y --> X is a coflat mono (bimorphisms) and g: Z --> Y is any map. Then g is a coflat mono (bimorphisms) iff f°g is a coflat mono (bimorphisms). (3.9) If x: X1 --> X is a map which is disjoint with a coflat map f: Y --> X , then the strong image of x is disjoint with f. (3.10) If f: Y --> X is a coflat map, then f-1: R(X) --> R(Y) is a morphism of lattice. (3.11) If f: Y --> X is a coflat mono, then f-1f+1 is the identity R(Y) --> R(Y). (3.12) (Beck-Chevalley condition) Suppose f: Y --> X is a coflat map and g: S --> X is a map. Let (p: T --> Y, n: T --> S) be the pullback of (f, g). Then p+1n-1 = f- 1g+1. 4. Analytic MonosA mono uc: Uc --> X is a complement of a mono u: U --> X if u and uc are disjoint, and any map v: T --> X such that u and v are disjoint factors through uc (uniquely). The complement uc of u, if exists, is uniquely determined up to isomorphism. A mono is singular if it is the complement of a strong mono. An analytic mono is a coflat singular mono. A mono is disjunctable if it has a coflat complement. An analytic category is disjunctable if any strong mono is disjunctable; it is locally disjunctable if any strong mono is an intersection of disjunctable strong monos.(4.1) Analytic monos are closed under composition and
stable under pullbacks; isomorphisms are analytic monos; a mono is analytic
iff it is a coflat complement of a mono; any direct mono is analytic.
5. Reduced ObjectsA map is unipotent if any of its pullback is not proper initial. A map (in fact, a mono) is normal if any of its pullback is not proper unipotent. A reduced object is an object such that any unipotent map to it is epic. A unipotent reduced strong subobject of an object X is called the radical of X , denoted by rad(X). A reduced model of an object X is the largest reduced strong subobject of X, denoted by red(X). An analytic category is reduced if any object is reduced. An analytic category is reducible if any non-initial object has a non-initial reduced strong subobject. If f: Y --> X is an epi we simply say that X is a quotient of Y. A locally direct mono is a mono which is an intersection of direct monos. An analytic category is decidable (resp. locally decidable) if any strong mono is a direct (resp. locally direct) mono.(5.1) An object is reduced iff any unipotent strong mono
to it is an isomorphism (i.e. any object has no proper unipotent strong
6. Integral ObjectsA non-initial object is primary if any non-initial analytic subobject is epic. A non-initial object is quasi-primary if any two non-initial analytic subobjects has a non-initial intersection. An integral object is a reduced primary object. A prime of an object is an integral strong subobject. A non-initial object is irreducible if it is not the join of two proper strong subobjects.For any object X denote by Spec(X) the set of primes of X. If U is any analytic subobject of X we denote by X(U) the set of primes of X which is not disjoint with U, called an affine subset of X. Using (4.3) one can show that the class of affine subsets is closed under intersection. Thus affine subsets form a base for a topology on Spec(X). The resulting topological space Spec(X) is called the spectrum of X. Since the pullback of an analytic mono is analytic, it follows from (6.2) below that Spec is naturally a functor from A to the (meta)category of topological spaces. For instance, if A is the category of affine schemes or affine varieties then Spec coincides with the classical Zariski topology. (6.1) Any quotient of a primary object is primary; any
primary object is quasi-primary.
7. Simple Objects A mono (or subobject) is called a fraction if it is coflat normal. A map to an object X is called local (resp. generic) if it is not disjoint with any non-initial strong subobject (resp. analytic subobject). A map to an object X is called quasi-local if it does not factor through any proper fraction to X. A map to an object X is called prelocal if it does not factor through any proper analytic mono to X. A non-initial object is called simple (resp. extremal simple, resp. unisimple, resp. pseudo-simple, resp. quasi- simple, resp. presimple) if any non-initial map to it is epic (resp. extremal epic, resp. unipotent, resp. local, resp. quasi- local, resp. prelocal). (7.1) The class of fractions is closed under composition
and stable under pullback.
8. Local ObjectsA non-initial object X is called local if non-initial strong subobjects of X has a non-initial intersection M. An epic simple fraction of an integral object X is called a generic residue of X. A mono (or subobject) p: P --> X is called a residue of X if P is a generic residue of a prime of X. An object is called regular if any disjunctable strong mono to it is direct.(8.1) Suppose X is a local object with the strong
subobject M as above. Then M is the unique simple prime of X; any
proper fraction U of X is disjoint with M; M -->
X is a local map.
9. Analytic GeometriesAn analytic geometry is an analytic category satisfying the following axioms:(Axiom 4) Any intersection of strong subobjects exists. (Axiom 5) Any non-initial object has a non-initial reduced strong subobject. (Axiom 6) Any strong subobject is an intersection of disjunctable strong subobjects. Thus an analytic geometry is a perfect, reducible, and locally disjunctable analytic category. Suppose A is an analytic geometry. (9.1) Any object has a radical; the full subcategory of
reduced subobjects is a reduced analytic geometry.
10. Coherent Analytic GeometriesMost of the results stated in this section are due to Diers (in the dual situation). Our purpose is to present a geometric approach using the language of analytic categories developed above.A category is a coherent analytic
category if the following three axioms are satisfied:
It is easy to see that a coherent analytic category is an analytic category. A coherent analytic geometry (resp. Stone geometry) is a locally disjunctable (resp. locally decidable) coherent category. Note that a category is a coherent analytic category (resp. Stone geometry) iff its opposite is a locally indecomposable category (resp. locally simple category) in the sense of Diers [1986]. A locally finitely copresentable category is a coherent analytic category (resp. Stone geometry) iff its full subcategory of finitely copresentable objects is lextensive (resp. lextensive and decidable) These important facts were proved by Diers in [Diers 1983] in the dual situation. Let A be a coherent analytic category. A map f: Y --> X is called indirect if it does not factor through any proper direct mono to X. A non-initial object is indecomposable if it has exactly two direct subobjects. A maximal indecomposable subobject is called an indecomposable component. (10.1) Any non-initial object has a simple prime and an
extremal simple subobject; a coherent category is a spatial reducible perfect
analytic category.
Let A be a coherent analytic geometry. A locality is a fraction with a local object as domain. A local isomorphism is a map f: Y --> X such that, for any locality v: V --> Y , the composite f°v: V --> X is a locality. A complement of a set of strong monos is called a semisingular mono. Note that (10.12) below implies that our definitions of reduced and integral objects coincide with those of Diers's in a Zariski category. (10.7) A coherent analytic geometry is a spatial analytic
geometry; The spectrum Spec(X) of any object is a coherent
space for any object X; if f: Y --> X is a unipotent
map then Spec(f) is surjective.