Editorial Review Product Description Editorial Reviews The publisher, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, June 15, 2001 Book Description Bhagavad-gita As It Is Complete Edition, with translations and elaborate purports by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada The Bhagavad-gita is the main source-book on yoga and a concise summary of India's Vedic wisdom. Yet remarkably, the setting for this best-known classic of spiritual literature is an ancient Indian battlefield. At the last moment before entering battle, the great warrior Arjuna begins to wonder about the real meaning of his life. Why should he fight against his friends and relatives? Why does he exist? Where is he going after death? In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna, Arjuna's friend and spiritual master, brings His disciple from perplexity to spiritual enlightenment. In the course of doing so, Krsna concisely but definitively explains transcendental knowledge; karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, and bhakti-yoga; knowledge of the Absolute; devotional service; the three modes of material nature; the divine and demoniac natures; and much more. Bhagavad-gita As It Is is the largest-selling, most widely used edition of the Gita in the world. Special Features * Original Sanskrit text * English equivalents for each Sanskrit word * Elaborate commentary * Complete glossary * Complete verse index * Complete subject index * High readability * Profuse full-color illustrations ... Read more Customer Reviews (111)
More Than You Bargained For
There a few things in particular I really appreciated - and you probably will too - about this version of the Bhagavad Gita.
1. The word-for-word translation from Sanskrit (the book's original language) to English. It helped me access the poetry and strength of the original verse, and to better understand the English translations.
2. This is not just the Bhagavad Gita. Clearly (and according to a biography read elsewhere) the author studied other religious texts in Sanskrit that go into the philosophy more in-depth than the Bhagavad Gita.The author had a guru who taught what his guru had taught him, who had taught what his guru taught him, back quite a ways. So, not only did the author study extensively in his lifetime, but he had the benefit of learning in a tradition of wise and dedicated spiritualists. So, what you get from this edition, by reading the explanations (called "purports" in the book) is access to this huge fount of knowledge about the tradition.
Finally, although some of the viewpoints expressed might not be easy for every reader to swallow (as some other reviewers have mentioned), I think it's worth it to set those aside for the time-being and see what revelations you can get from this great book. I've even asked people in the same religion as the author what they think about those seemingly off-key parts of the book, and have received some pretty satisfying answers. Anyway, it's a gem; don't judge too quickly!
The Gita is the Hindu telling of Krishna who is God.This version is extremely well translated to make it easy to understand. A wonderful story of Eastern religion.
Too Krishna-centric...
Objective analysis and much needed background info take second-place to Prabhupada's salesmanship.He habitually uses the purports (and occasionally the passage translations) as an opportunity to promote his own brand of Krishna-centric theology.
Prabhupada inserts his seemingly trademarked phrase, "Krishna consciousness," at any given opportunity.The word-for-word translations (not to be confused with the passage translations) offer some respite from this barrage, but they can be a pain to read given the grammatical differences between Sanskrit and English.
If you decide to get this, my advice is to read only the passage translations--and do that, even, with a grain of salt.I'm not sure if unadulterated translations of the Gita exist, but if you're looking for objectivity you wont find it in this read.
Work of the Divine.
I take it as an honor writing a review for this great book! Of course, one doesnt need to write a review for The Bhagavad Gita - the greatest philosophical classic mankind has ever seen. But I have no words to express my pleasure and gratitude about Swamiji's translation and commentary of the Gita in Bhagavad-Gita, As It Is. He conveys the Supreme knowledge and the message of the Gita in such an articulate, compelling manner, which easily drives one of today's generation which is clouded in materialistic world into following a spiritual path, ultimately leading to realization of the truth about himself and God, and the purpose of life. This is by far the best translation of the Gita available today. It makes me wonder, if anything else in this world seems important compared to the divine, enlightening knowledge one can obtain from the Gita. Swamiji's work on the Gita is undoubtedly the best for anyone who is yearning for the divine knowledge, and too add it up, Swami Prabhupada is a self-realized spiritual teacher from the disciplic succession beginning from Lord Krsna himself. This is a MUST READ for anyone who wants to know the truth about God, and who we are.
One of the greatest and most sucessful cosmic jokes of all time
Over the past years , there have been a series of tons of reviews on this book by tons of people , many of whom are extremely intelligent Krsna consciousness devotees , to put the term properly from the author's perspective , I use here Krsna , despite it's really Krishna and that the name of Krishna means 'sun'.
But unlike all the other reviewers of this book , who mostly reviewed for it's author , I have decided to dedicate this review , to another , far more famous , equally astonishing author who may not necessarily have to agree with this author's views on the content of the Baghavad - Gita , or the possibility of the actual existence of Krishna - Acharya S.
Ridiculous as this may seem and irritating and even infuriating to many devotees of the Krishna Consciousness movement, I have decided to dedicate this review , to Acharya S , author of the famous books Christ Conspiracy , Christ in Egypt the Horus - Jesus Connection , and the Suns of God , and Who Was Jesus under the title of Irish Murdoch. Unlike , inmy view , Krishna , and I emphasize that is strichtly my view , Acharya S. is for real. She is like the author of this book for real , and one who almost managed to achieve as many readers and fans of her works - or maybe she didn't , but I feel that one day she will certainly get there , despite that may not necessarily have been one of her many goals. So of what use is an otherwise most excellent and the world's ultimately authoriative translation of Baghavad - Gita , and full interpretation of importance to someone like me? Because I feel I am cetting closer to the truth about these so - called solar myths and their function and purpose in the modern world than many of their otherwise highly intelligent and aware modern - day interpreters. What purpose can a solar myth like Krishna serve to someone like me who represents the academic community? Well , for starters , I feel that mythical deities like Krishna or Jesus can be produced during altered states of consciousness and used as tulpas or thought forms - creatures which can be produced by means of extremely advanced forms of meditation and magickal or occult ritual , and which can be used to balance things out of things go haywire if a tulpa goes out of control. This may sound ridiculous to some but it is only one function of such myths. Do not laugh at my interpretation , you guys're probably gonna laugh at it anyway , particularly in light of all the tulpa - talk.
So I have chosen to approax the Baghavad - Gita as a sort of great , cosmic joke. It is a joke because it is filled with most meticulous and extensive humour like most jokes are , and if you choose not to take it too seriously you get the humour instantly in the end of the book. The Gita becomes your personal guide throughout the remainder of your life as you hear about it from others before you decide to pick it up and actually read it. And as a joke , it is one of the best jokes of all time in my view and one of humankind's history's all time greats. It is a seriously not meant to be so originally joke , unlike the famous 9 - 11 Comission report , which failed at every attempt to initiate a sense of humour in the viewer. There is all this nonsense from people who think that the Baghavad - Gita is of no use for modern man and of no use in the modern world. But it is really in your mind where Krishna and Arjuna engage on the eternal battlefield of consciousness , whose subject is nothing less than the liberation of the spirit per ce , and not just the spirit of the human being. There is every reason to believe that there is Baghavad - Gita type litterature on other planets , and that variations of the Baghavad - Gita and Baghavad - Gita like scriptures have been read there , as well as here. But since it's original translation many of it's author's interpretations such as there being only one sun in this universe have been thoroughly and meticulously debunked , and many others'wisdom still stands today. It was never intended originally to in the end be summarized as a single page interpretation on amazon.com and be declared as a great , cosmic joke. Perhaps 'the gods'will be talking about this interpretation in the author's afterlife for aeons to come from now , long after this great civilization has been forgotten and probably wiped out by yet another great flood of epic proportions. The Baghavad - Gita is serious in it's meticulous research into the nature of truth , meaning and human potential , where the terrestrial and celestial are interpreted as being merely reflections of the observer's condition.
I couldn't resist!
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