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81. Trailer.(Películas y estrellas)(TT:
82. "Johnny and June".(Johnny y June.
83. The Importance of Being Earnest
84. Cash (Sticker)

81. Trailer.(Películas y estrellas)(TT: Trailer.)(TA: movies and stars)(Reseña)(Artículo Breve): An article from: Semana
 Digital: 2 Pages (2002-10-18)
list price: US$5.95 -- used & new: US$5.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B0008FN4R8
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This digital document is an article from Semana, published by Spanish Publications, Inc. on October 18, 2002. The length of the article is 502 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Trailer.(Películas y estrellas)(TT: Trailer.)(TA: movies and stars)(Reseña)(Artículo Breve)
Publication: Semana (Magazine/Journal)
Date: October 18, 2002
Publisher: Spanish Publications, Inc.
Volume: 8Issue: 503Page: 39(1)

Article Type: Reseña, Artículo Breve

Distributed by Thomson Gale ... Read more

82. "Johnny and June".(Johnny y June. Pasión y locura)(Walk the Line)(Reseña de película): An article from: Proceso
by Javier Betancourt
 Digital: 3 Pages (2006-02-12)
list price: US$5.95 -- used & new: US$5.95
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B000FNVO6G
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This digital document is an article from Proceso, published by Thomson Gale on February 12, 2006. The length of the article is 718 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: "Johnny and June".(Johnny y June. Pasión y locura)(Walk the Line)(Reseña de película)
Author: Javier Betancourt
Publication: Proceso (Magazine/Journal)
Date: February 12, 2006
Publisher: Thomson Gale
Issue: 1528Page: 88(1)

Article Type: Reseña de película

Distributed by Thomson Gale ... Read more

83. The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
Kindle Edition: Pages (2009-06-06)
list price: US$1.00
Asin: B002C75K72
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Kindle edition of Wilde's classic play with an active table of contents.

The play is set in England during the late Victorian era; it's humor derives in part from characters maintaining fictitious identities to escape unwelcome social obligations. It is full of witty dialogue and satirizes some of the foibles and hypocrisy of late Victorian society. ... Read more

84. Cash (Sticker)
by Johnny Cash
Cards: 1 Pages (2005)

Asin: B0011WJ47Q
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This 7.5 X 32 sticker of Johnny Cash's "CASH" release features the classic Johnny Cash logo from The Legend CD release. Great for cars, skateboards, snowboards, book covers and more, this sticker features a clear top coating for weather resistant adhesiveness. ... Read more

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