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81. The Good, the Bad, and Your Business:
82. Green Oasis in Brooklyn: The Evergreens
83. The Human Voice Quarterly; Vol.
84. People From Sandown: Tony Kerr,
85. Cooking in the Shaker Spirit,
86. Speaking Globally, Second Edition:
87. Furniture in Miniature
88. The effects of the gold standard;:
89. Changing Tides: A Jack Beale Mystery
90. Harbor Ice
91. Robert McCloskey: A Private Life
92. Green Oasis In Brooklyn: The Evergreens
93. The Good, the Bad, and Your Business
94. The Hawk and the Dove: World War
95. Kate Smith's Let's Eat!
96. The everlasting mercy: Illustrating,
97. Twice-told truths: Precept upon
98. The old-fashioned home
99. The Lansing city business directory
100. The house of Christmas: Illustrating,

81. The Good, the Bad, and Your Business: Choosing Right When Ethical Dilemmas Pull You Apart
by Jeffrey L. Seglin
Paperback: 224 Pages (2007-12-25)
list price: US$24.00 -- used & new: US$5.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0978689933
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Is it possible to be good and be good for business? New York Times syndicated columnist shows that making responsible business decisions requires the ability to examine their impact from three important aspects: money, people and the common good. Seglin helps managers navigate the grey area that constitutes the majority of business decisions. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (8)

5-0 out of 5 stars Creating an Ethical Legacy
This is a general business book, rather than one about marketing (though there are some great examples from the marketing world, like the oil pipeline company that, as part of a court settlement, had to run ads acknowledging culpability in a pipeline rupture that polluted 23 miles of river; the company went well beyond its legal requirement to top the ad with a huge headline declaring, "We Apologize.")

Seglin's main point is that ethics have to be a part of all our working lives, of every decision, and that workers at all levels must be trained to wrestle with the tough decisions and to stand up for honest, ethical responses.

He sees a dangerous trend, though: instead of taking responsibility for their own and their subordinates' actions, too many managers simply kick the problem upstairs to the legal department. But just because something is within the law doesn't mean it's right, and managers get ever more rusty in making these decisions if they don't get to practice ethical decision making because the lawyers have already stepped in.

One of my favorite parts is a four-question "sniff test" taken from Lockheed Martin's former CEO, Norman R. Augustine (these four questions are a direct quote form the book):
1. Is it legal?
2. If someone else did "this" to you, would you think it was fair?
3. Would you be content if this were to appear on the front page of your hometown newspaper?
4. Would you like your mother to see you do this?

If you get a yes on all four, you're probably pretty safe, ethically.

Among many other tests, Seglin also suggests these: will you be ashamed to look in the mirror, and what kind of a legacy do you want to be remembered for?

5-0 out of 5 stars Wrestling with the Balance Between Ethics and Self-Interest
The Good, The Bad, and Your Business is a generous gift to readers: articulate, thought provoking and lucid.The writing style is congruent with the author's message. Seglin gives the reader a flexible, yet coherent language to structure discussion and contemplation of ethical dilemmas.
The examples in the book foster identification with business executives who face brutal decisions and lure the reader into sympathizing with their behavior. Only later when the author shifts to the divergent view of the victim, does the reader clearly acknowledge the executive's behavior-with a shock-as being unethical.
The book awakens us to the process of how we can let legal parameters and legal experts shut down our awareness of good ethics.It highlights the importance of breaking the bonds of legal fear to create greater employee satisfaction that in turn leads to better employee performance.
Seglin takes a realistic view of how success is affected by dishonesty and astutely concludes that overall, it "just isn't worth the risk."
The Good, The Bad, and Your Business, displays a compassion for being human in an imperfect world while maintaining laser alertness and wrestling with the balance between altruism and self-interest.Seglin is not hesitant about diving into the trenches but can also climb with conviction to the pinnacle of "Postconventional Morality."

5-0 out of 5 stars Running a Business Is One Thing; Learning to Think Another
If the past several years have taught us anything, it's that one of the serious shortages among some people touting themselves as industrialists and in-the-trenches businesspeople is the ability to think and make decisions. One of the most striking aspects of The Good, the Bad, and Your Business is that it not only shows an understanding of various experiences of being in the trenches, it also does a wonderful job of helping the reader realize the importance of weighing through decisions and the implications of their actions -- even when those decisions must be made at rapid speed. To dismiss a book written by a journalist (albeit one who seems from the jacket flap to have experience in business) is silly, particularly when the message is as strong as this: For businesses to regain the trust of the consuming public, integrity is required. And try as you might, you can't fake integrity...at least not for long. Business needs fewer silly thinkers and more explorations like this one that get businesspeople to really think about what it is they do and why they do it.

1-0 out of 5 stars May Be Well Intentioned, But Doesn't Cut The Mustard
Business is my bag. From one who runs a company, I can only say that this book is trying to teach what it knows very little about from first hand experience. Anecdotal business stories are fine for the spectator. But, to then take these stories and presume to have the experience and expertise to write a book? That's questionable (and that's sugarcoating my full opinion). Jack Welch on big business, and almost any one of thousands of ethical and successful small business people, would have earned the right to be listened to. A book written by a journalist who evidently has little if any first hand experience with running a business in the trenches has not. As one who has spent my business life, so far, in the trenches of rough-and-tumble competition, I felt ethically compelled to opine that this book may be well intentioned, but doesn't cut the mustard.

4-0 out of 5 stars A sound practical guide
Written well before the Enron affair focused people's minds on the ethical behaviour of large business, this book seeks to provide a simple and approachable guide to recognizing and thinking through the ethical dilemmas that everyone in business faces - the first step in which is to recognize that there is an ethical issue in a particular situation.

It is likely to appeal to people who are interested in these questions and want a practical rather than a theoretical or philosophical treatment of the subject.

A major part of the author's thesis is that ethical issues tend to be 'fuzzy', often present themselves as a complication to a difficult and even financially dangerous situation, and there is a mythology that ethics necessarily involves pain and suffering - and is damaging to business profitability. As a result these issues are often not recognized, discussed or addressed.

The book is written in the context of the explosion in litigation, which both confuses the distinction between ethics and legality and can also constrain ethical behaviour through fear of litigation - as recent experience with various churches has demonstrated. Its three parts - Money, People, and The Common Good - take common examples from each arena in order to help the business reader find ways of addressing these issues and continue to operate with due regard for profit but do so 'with an understanding of what we stand for in the way we make choices and decisions'.

In covering money, the author deals with issues such as the limits to monetary fiddling to ensure you can pay your payroll, the ethics of bankruptcy in the context of US law, what and when to disclose when a threatening situation arises. Chapter 4, How to Make a Decision When You Don't Know Enough, also contains some simple, even folksy, advice on how to check whether your decision is ethical.

The chapters on People include some extended discussion on the ethical failures of omission and commission that flow from fear of litigation - and the side effect of allowing ethical issues to be treated as purely legal questions to be decided by the lawyers rather than the managers.They also discuss the establishment of an ethical working environment and the limits to the help to be given when an employee encounters personal problems

The chapters on The Common Good go into the murky dividing line between (arguably legitimate) posturing, spin-doctoring and concealment and outright lying and spying. This is written from the point of view of the individual in business. It is a valid perspective, but does not provide coverage of the systemic impact on business - and indeed politics and governance - of the progressive debasement of the ethical coinage that flows from acceptance of these not quite dishonest practices. ... Read more

82. Green Oasis in Brooklyn: The Evergreens Cemetery 1849-2008
by John Rousmaniere
Hardcover: 301 Pages (2008-12-01)
list price: US$50.00 -- used & new: US$31.86
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0978689941
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This is the special story of a special place. "A green oasis for the refreshment of the city's soul and body" is how the architect Andrew Jackson Downing described an ideal landscape. And he created one at The Evergreens Cemetery in historic Brooklyn, New York. Always engaging, at times surprising, sometimes even quirky, this fascinating story of a little-known gem and its people over 160 years tells of the many roles a cemetery plays--as burial ground, park, and patriotic site--in the tumultuous sweep of American history. With acclaimed nature photographer Ken Druse's photos and many historical illustrations, historian John Rousmaniere traces the Evergreens' multi-faceted history from its early, difficult years to today, when its grounds are almost filled and it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (5)

1-0 out of 5 stars Green Oasis in Brooklyn
I had the opportunity to read "Green Oasis in Brooklyn" by John Rousmaniere
Re: - pages 131 & 132 - about Christian W. Schaffer.

I am disappointed in the author's presentation of Christian W. Schaffer, and consider his comments on the "Boss Tweed" connection to Schaffer to be exaggerated and incorrect. Maybe the author should revisit his research before a second edition is published.

_Corrections that should be made!!!!_ -

Mr. Schaffer did not run for Alderman on the _Democratic ticket (Tammany Hall)_. Schaffer ran on the _Whig ticket_ in opposition to Tammany Hall. He, in fact, lost the election to "Tweed's" Tammany Hall. In 1852 Christian Schaffer was the President of the Scott & Graham Compromise Club, (a Whig organization) in opposition to the Democratic Party (Tammany Hall).
Chris was _not_ a soldier for Boss Tweed's political machine. Yes, in 1864 we see Christian as one of the thirty one founders of the Americus Club, a social club in Greenwich, CN, of which Tweed was an officer.The Americus Club stockholders did have their club house in Greenwich. Looking at a photo of the club house - I would hardly call this a mansion.

I would have more embraced the author's comments if he disclosed why the Schaffer burial plot was established in the Evergreens. That --- Christian's younger sister Mary, who died in a tragic house fire, was the reason for the purchase of the plot, and a monument constructed to her memory.

I don't think Chris was the low life that this article portrays. He was a typical character of color, out of Herbert Asbury's book ---- "The Gangs Of New York".
He was the son of a butcher, who became a butcher. Latter in life he was the owner of the GEM saloon and the Cooper House, in lower New York. And yes, he had a fancy for gambling.

I hope the remainder of the book is based upon verifiable references. I would not recommend to my associates.

Harold L. Schaffer --- gg grandson of Christian W. Schaffer

5-0 out of 5 stars Thanks to the author
This book is an excellent resource, not only on the cemetery itself, but the history of New York.I find it an invaluable resource for my research

5-0 out of 5 stars Fascinating history
For any lovers of New York and Brooklyn history, Rousmaniere's work is
a fascinating history not just of the specific folks laid to rest at
Evergreens Cemetery, but of the evolving attitudes towards death and
mourning. Evergreen's ties with the Revolutionary War, Manhattan island,
and some of Brooklyn's best known inhabitants are all detailed in this
excellent work about one of Kings County's oldest cemeteries.

5-0 out of 5 stars Publisher's description
A classic rural cemetery originally called The Cemetery of the Evergreens, the 225-acre Evergreens was founded on New York's Brooklyn-Queens border in 1849.The only cemetery that the noted landscape architect Andrew Jackson Downing worked on, it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Historian John Rousmaniere stresses the place's astonishing diversity of the 525,000 interments. Here are German-American brewers, Chinese-American laborers, veterans of Civil War "Colored" regiments, famous performers (including Bill "Bojangles" Robinson and Lester Young), noted artists--and Tammany Hall crooks, too. As he describes the cemetery's people, management, and varying fortunes, Rousmaniere keeps his eye on context, with chapters on changing styles of cemetery layout and monument design, the importance of Decoration Day, traditional burial "from the home," Chinese funeral rites, and how the 1918 flu epidemic and other calamities affected cemeteries. Throughout, Rousmaniere emphasizes the crucial role that cemeteries play in sustaining communities.
Award-winning photographer Ken Druse's rich photographs trace the beauty of the Evergreens' rolling hills through the seasons, and there are hundreds of vintage photographs, maps, and other illustrations.

4-0 out of 5 stars The author talks about GREEN OASIS IN BROOKLYN
AS THE AUTHOR, I want to say a word or two about how this book came about. I'll also show you some early REVIEWS and the TABLE OF CONTENTS. As many readers may know, I usually write about other subjects (see my blog at THE ANNAPOLIS BOOK OF SEAMANSHIP). But when the opportunity arose to write a handsomely illustrated history of a classic, beautiful cemetery in historic Brooklyn, NY, I jumped. The Evergreens Cemetery is a place of stories, beauty, and traditions stretching back 160 years.

When I first started going there, I was so lost among the 225 acres and thousands of monuments that I used a handheld GPS system to find my way. Soon enough some monuments became landmarks -- the angels overlookingHickory Knoll, the elegant zinc statue of Captain Charles H. Woolsey, the rows of graves of Chinese Americans, and all those white markers over the graves of black and white Civil War soldiers.

When the cemetery's president, Paul Grassi, told me, "We're a cemetery and a community," he was referring to the generations of men and women who have watched over and cared for this place, and to the men, women, and children who have been buried there since 1849 -- and their families, friends, and others who have mourned them.

The story of a cemetery is the story of that community, their rituals, and very much also of a geographical place. The "high rustic enclosure" on Long Island was shaped originally by the great glacier, then by Dutch farmers, and finally by some of the best architects of their time. This is the only cemetery to which Andrew Jackson Downing, the pioneering landscape architect, set his hand. The Evergreens is an example of what Downing called "a green oasis for the refreshment of the city's soul and body" - in other words, an ideal landscaped bucolic park. Its roles as both park and burial ground are summarized in the phrase that has historically been used to describe the Evergreens and similar cemeteries -- "rural cemetery." The Evergreens today is a rural as it was at its founding.

"Brooklyn's beautiful historic resting place and its famous and infamous inhabitants come alive in this wonderful evocation of The Evergreens Cemetery and its place in New York history.As a daughter of old Brooklyn, I love this book."--Gail Lumet Buckley, author, THE HORNES: AN AMERICAN FAMILY

"With the diligence of an investigative reporter, the curiosity of a scholar, and the graceful pose of a literary stylist, John Rousmaniere has written a classic history of a graveyard.... I suspect John Rousmaniere and his collaborator, the photographer Ken Druse, were able to compose such an entertaining and enlightening volume because they share a touch of the poet."-- Sidney Offit, Curator, George Polk Awards, author, FRIENDS, WRITERS, AND OTHER COUNTRYMEN

1.A Proper Place in the American Revolution
2.A Pretty Natural Situation: Founding a Rural Cemetery
3.New York's Burial Crisis
4.Designing a Cemetery with Andrew Jackson Downing
5.Order out of Chaos and the Rise of William R. Grace
6.Soldiers and Conspirators: The Evergreens and the Civil War
7:Cover them Over: Decoration Day at the Cemetery
8. African Americans at Peace and War
9. Crooks, Competitors, Writers, and Congressmen
10:The Poetry of Their Existence: Artists of the Evergreens
11.The Cemetery-Park and its Management
12.Buried from the Home
13.Angels Beside the Tomb:Monuments Grand and Humble
14.What Could Anyone Do?Brooklyn's Disasters
15.Feng Shui at the Evergreens
16:The Two Anthonies: The Showman and the Scold
17.Show People
18.Blind Tom, the Queen of the Trumpet, Bojangles, and the Pres
19.On the Grounds: A Rural Cemetery in the Twenty-First Century

"By writing this fine and fascinating book, John Rousmaniere has made a great contribution to telling the stories of cemeteries, Brooklyn, and New York. Ken Druse's spectacular photographs show off Evergreens Cemetery in all its glory. For anyone who loves cemeteries and/or history, this book is a must."-- Jeffrey I. Richman, author, BROOKLYN'S GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY

"While Green-Wood Cemetery has received considerable media attention over recent years in part thanks to the work of its energetic historian, Jeff Richman, the Cemetery of the Evergreens has been overshadowed by its South Brooklyn competitor. The Evergreens has now found a worthy chronicler in the person of John Rousmaniere, whose beautiful new book, GREEN OASIS IN BROOKLYN: THE EVERGREENS CEMETERY, 1849-2008 with photographs by Ken Druse, has arrived unsolicited on my desk. Rousmaniere begins witha lively account of the events of 1776 on the Heights of Guana in the area now covered by the Evergreens.Engaging writing that ranges through swaths of Brooklyn and world history, coupled withDruse's beautiful photographs make this a valuable and attractive addition to our collection." - Brooklynology (Brooklyn Public Library blog) http://brooklynology.brooklynpubliclibrary.org /post/2009/01/Two-cemeteries.aspx

"For a beautiful coffee table book, there's the new GREEN OASIS IN BROOKLYN. With photographs by Ken Druse, the oversized book details the history and culture of one of Brooklyn's oldest and biggest resting places of celebrities as well as the diverse natives of the borough. The text by John Rousmaniere delves into the secret history of this landmark with stories as fascinating as those of the other Brooklyn cemetery, Green-Wood."--John B. Manbeck, BROOKLYN EAGLE
... Read more

83. The Human Voice Quarterly; Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1966
by D. V. And J. H. Fredrick, Editors, Robert Lowry, Kitsono Katue, Walter H. Kerr, Et Al Smith
 Paperback: Pages (1966-01-01)

Asin: B003TQX3FG
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

84. People From Sandown: Tony Kerr, James Hayter, Eric Charles Twelves Wilson, C. R. Boxer, Hamilton Smith, John Lister
Paperback: 30 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$14.14 -- used & new: US$14.13
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1158453167
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Tony Kerr, James Hayter, Eric Charles Twelves Wilson, C. R. Boxer, Hamilton Smith, John Lister. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 29. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt:Appearances (Goals). National team caps and goals correct as of 3 April, 2009Tony Kerr (born December 21, 1987 in Sandown) is an English professional footballer who currently plays for Kitsap Pumas in the USL Premier Development League, and for the English National Beach Soccer team. Kerr grew up in Sandown on the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England, and began playing soccer at the age of 5. He attended Sandown Sports College and played for Sandown and Lake Youth FC. Kerr started playing beach soccer at 14 years of age, fast gaining a reputation as a goalscorer on the English scene after scoring 48 goals in his first season, winning the England Beach Soccer golden foot award. Later, at 16 years old, Kerr again won the EBS golden foot, this time in the English Premier League, as well as earning a place in the England Squad and being named English Rookie of the Year. Kerr returned to the international scene in 2008, scoring the winning penalty in his debut against Estonia in the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Qualifiers. He continued to do well on the International scene, scoring 2 goals in three games against Turkey and Hungary, both during England's largely unsuccessful tour of France. After taking a brief hiatus from playing grass soccer to play on the beach, Tony Kerr returned to play for East Cowes Victoria Athletic in the Wessex League for the 2008/2009 season. Kerr is also a promising coach and, as well as holding an FA Level 2 coaching badge, he is also the U17 Head coach for the Kitsap Pumas. On 23 April, 2009, Kerr was announced to the press as a new signing for the Kitsap Pumas, a brand new ...More: http://booksllc.net/?id=22039155 ... Read more

85. Cooking in the Shaker Spirit, Second Edition
by James Haller
Paperback: 224 Pages (2006-03-25)
list price: US$17.95 -- used & new: US$12.72
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0971761531
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Inspired by living and cooking at Canterbury Shaker Village in Canterbury, New Hampshire, Chef James Haller has created more than 150 simple, elegant recipes in the Shaker spirit of simple and authentic elegance. Along with co-author Jeffery Paige they have created step-by-step recipes for what Haller calls "The oldest New American cooking" including:

Sherried Pumpkin Apple SoupBreast of Chicken with Sage Dressing and Cranberry Maple GlazeSea Scallops in a Cider Sour Cream SauceFruit Salad with a Lavender Honey Mayonnaise

With a Preface by Scott T. Swank former President of Canterbury Shaker Village ... Read more

Customer Reviews (1)

5-0 out of 5 stars Shaker Spirit
This is a beautiful book which captures both the spirit and essence of Shaker Cooking. Too bad it is no longer in print. I cannot wait for James Haller's second edition. ... Read more

86. Speaking Globally, Second Edition: Effective Presentations Across International and Cultural Boundaries
by Elizabeth Urech
Paperback: 224 Pages (2004-10-14)
list price: US$19.95 -- used & new: US$12.90
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0971761515
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
"Informative, instructive, comprehensive and entertaining, Speaking Globally helps business professionals build bridges to other cultures and countries. Urech understands the multi-cultural environment because she is part of it."

Dipak C. Jain, Dean of Kellogg School of Management,

Northwestern University"For speakers in the international arena, this book is a real winner."

John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends and international speaker"Eminently practical."Publishers Weekly"An inspiring read! Whether you are a novice or an accomplished speaker, you will improve your ability to engage an audience."

Peter Drew, Dow Europe"Speaking Globally is packed with practical techniques that improve your ability to speak to internal and external audiences wherever you travel."

Marta Foster, IT Manager, Procter & Gamble"Scientific research must be communicated. Elizabeth Urech and her book Speaking Globally help us communicate with excellence."

Professor Peter Van Bladeren, Head of Nestle Research" Speaking Globally is a lifesaver!The business protocol guidelines in the Country Profiles help you connect with audiences around the world."

Patrick Kidd, Director of Sales, The Carlyle Hotel, New York-Speaking Globally offers easy-to-learn techniques which you can put into action quickly. You will learn how to:control your nerves and increase your confidence use your hands effectively and move with purpose create a powerful PowerPoint slide show deal with hecklers andconfrontational journalists deliver a take-home message your listeners will really take home48 Country Profiles offer at-a-glance tips about punctuality, use of first names, business cards, dress codes, sensitive issues and business attitudes to women. Speaking Globally is your passport to international speaking successELIZABETH URECH founded Speak for Yourself AG in Switzerland and Speaking Unlimited, Inc. in the United States to train top professionals to speak with confidence and authority. Formerly with CBS-TV in Chicago, she now works worldwide for such clients as Amgen, Dow, Nestle, Procter & Gamble and UBS. Beth also lectures on communication for international MBA programs. In demand as a keynote speaker, audiences agree her talks are "a great mixture of entertainment, education, energy and passion."Informative, instructive, comprehensive and entertaining, Speaking Globally helps business professionals build bridges to other cultures and countries. Urech understands the multi-cultural environment because she is part of it."

Dipak C. Jain, Dean of Kellogg School of Management,

Northwestern University"For speakers in the international arena, this book is a real winner."

John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends and international speaker"Eminently practical."Publishers Weekly"An inspiring read! Whether you are a novice or an accomplished speaker, you will improve your ability to engage an audience."

Peter Drew, Dow Europe"Speaking Globally is packed with practical techniques that improve your ability to speak to internal and external audiences wherever you travel."

Marta Foster, IT Manager, Procter & Gamble"Scientific research must be communicated. Elizabeth Urech and her book Speaking Globally help us communicate with excellence."

Professor Peter Van Bladeren, Head of Nestle Research" Speaking Globally is a lifesaver!The business protocol guidelines in the Country Profiles help you connect with audiences around the world."

Patrick Kidd, Director of Sales, The Carlyle Hotel, New York-Speaking Globally offers easy-to-learn techniques which you can put into action quickly. You will learn how to:control your nerves and increase your confidence use your hands effectively and move with purpose create a powerful PowerPoint slide show deal with hecklers andconfrontational journalists deliver a take-home message your listeners will really take home48 Country Profiles offer at-a-glance tips about punctuality, use of first names, business cards, dress codes, sensitive issues and business attitudes to women. Speaking Globally is your passport to international speaking success ... Read more

Customer Reviews (4)

5-0 out of 5 stars ...if you can't take the workshop, read the book
Ms. Urech gives tons of information in her book.If you want to get ahead -- and make no mistake about it, effective communication is THE key for getting ahead -- you will not only buy this book and read it.No, instead you will work through it, practice the details, until they become second nature.My recommendation is that you not just buy one book, but that you buy several, and give them to other friends with ambitions.Then work through the book together.You'll have fun AND you'll learn what you really need to know.(And, as others have remarked, it's especially good for the international speaker!)

5-0 out of 5 stars An instructional guide to improving one's speeches
Speaking Globally: Effective Presentations Across International And Cultural Boundaries by speech specialist and communication consultant is a straightforward and effectively presented instructional guide to improving one's speeches and presentations, especially when communicating to an audience from a dramatically different culture. From guidelines expressly useful for helping female speakers get taken seriously, to avoiding common and embarrassing communication pitfalls, to designing a truly "go-getter" motivational speech, Speaking Globally is first-rate and very highly recommended reading for business travelers and international speakers.

5-0 out of 5 stars Concise Yet Colorful
Elizabeth Urech's Speaking Globally is both informative and entertaining.Vivid examples and clear explanations enable you to easily understand and remember concepts.Best of all this book inspires you to seek opportunities to test your speaking skills.As a former MBA student and someone who occasionally introduces guest speakers, leads meetings and presents material, I only wish I would have read it sooner.

-- Linda Beadling

5-0 out of 5 stars A "must have" book for any global business person.
If you ever have a need to conduct business with people from other countries, this book could help you. It is full of helpful facts and tips for speakers who must cross the cultural barriers to good communication. Not only is it loaded with good practical information (such as how to makea toast at dinner in Finland), it is easily read because of the clearwriting style and humor.I keep a copy by my phone as a quick referencebefore calling my contacts around the world. I highly recommend it asessential reading for anyone who must deal with business people around theworld.

Elizabeth Urech obviously knows what she is writing about and itshows in her prose.Reading this book is like having the best advice,support (and encouragement) from a coach before approaching what is formost people one of the most nerve-wracking, unsettling, scary things in theworld..public speaking.Read it and you will be better prepared, moreconfident, and no doubt more successful. ... Read more

87. Furniture in Miniature
by Harry SMITH
 Paperback: Pages (1983-01-01)

Asin: B000GUFWWK
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

88. The effects of the gold standard;: Or, Bimetallists' catechism, (American politics)
by William H Smith
 Unknown Binding: 202 Pages (1896)

Asin: B00088TVUY
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishings Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the worlds literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone! ... Read more

89. Changing Tides: A Jack Beale Mystery
by K.D. Mason
Paperback: 360 Pages (2010-11-16)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$11.53
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0978689984
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This taut page-turner in the Jack Beale mystery series is set against the beautiful backdrop of coastal New Hampshire and the azure waters of Belize. Jack Beale once again risks it all to save his beloved Max from a wealthy yachtsman who has swept Max off her feet, but is not who he appears to be. ... Read more

90. Harbor Ice
by K. D. Mason
Paperback: 288 Pages (2010-04-16)
list price: US$16.95 -- used & new: US$10.48
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0978689992
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
When a woman's body is found under a slab of ice in the New Hampshire coastal town of Rye Harbor, the discovery triggers a series of events that will eventually threaten the life of Max, the feisty redheaded bartender at Ben's Place, and others as well. It is up to her best friend, Jack Beale, to unravel the mystery that takes them from coastal New England to Taos, New Mexico and Switzerland. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (7)

5-0 out of 5 stars Mystery, with Passion
Originally from the North Shore of Massachusetts, now living in Florida. I am so glad my friend and I decided to have lunch on the patio of Saunders at Rye Harbor, NH. There I met K.D. Mason, purchased his first 2 books which he signed and also had his picture taken with me. I started reading "Harbor Ice" on the plane back to Florida and couldn't put it down until I finished it. I am now reading "Changing Tides" and enjoying it just as much. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a very well written mystery with a human and passionate touch. It is so much more than a "mystery story". K.D. makes Jack Beale and the other characters who live and work in Rye Harbor come alive. I'll be anxiously waiting for K.D. Mason's next book. He is obviously a very talented writer.

5-0 out of 5 stars You won't want to put it down!
Harbor Ice is the first book of a series of Jack Beale mysteries. I have now read book one and book two and can't wait for book three. As you finish book one you will want more, there is an addiction to this story line. Mr. Mason maybe a new author on the circuit but, he knows how to draw you in and keep your interest throughout the entire book.You will not be disappointed!

5-0 out of 5 stars Seacost Must!
My husband and I both loved this book.I bought this book in November 2009(signed by the author) and after sharing it with my husband have lent it to several friends and family members.No one has been disappointed.
I have ordered the second book and eagerly await its arrival.
If you like Anita Shreve and Linda Greenlaw ,you will love KD Mason.

5-0 out of 5 stars loved it!
i was having lunch at Saunders on Rye Harbor and this book was for sale.The author was also there and sat at our table to sign the book.I read it over the 4th of July weekend and i loved it.I couldn't put it down.I am anxiously awaiting his second book which should be out in the next few weeks.I will be buying it right away

5-0 out of 5 stars The torch may have been passed
K.D. Mason has woven together wonderfully a realistic murder mystery and a touching love story. The events are exciting and the characters understandable as they race through the action and the drama. With the sad passing of Robert B. Parker the torch may have been passed to this new voice from the backstreets of New England. I eagerly await Mr. Mason's next tale of suspense and mystery! ... Read more

91. Robert McCloskey: A Private Life in Words and Pictures
by Jane McCloskey
Hardcover: 256 Pages (2011-02-16)
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$16.47
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0978689968
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Robert McCloskey was author of such famous children's books as Make Way for Ducklings, One Morning in Maine, and Time of Wonder, but little is known of his life. This memoir by his daughter Jane reveals the reclusive artist that few really knew, including his Midwestern upbringing, the pivotal event in Mexico that shaped his life, and the family's years on their island in Maine. Including never-before-seen artwork from the family archives. ... Read more

92. Green Oasis In Brooklyn: The Evergreens Cemetery, 1849-2008
by Ken Druse, (Photos) John Rousmaniere
 Unknown Binding: Pages (2008-01-01)
-- used & new: US$110.00
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B001TTCFKY
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

93. The Good, the Bad, and Your Business
Paperback: Pages (2007-12-15)
-- used & new: US$33.98
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: B001EMOWQ6
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

94. The Hawk and the Dove: World War II at Okinawa and Korea
by Roland Glenn
Paperback: 224 Pages (2009-08-25)
list price: US$24.00 -- used & new: US$2.86
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 097868995X
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This is a wrenching first person account of the invasion of Okinawa and the repatriation of the Japanese from Korea. Roland Glenn fought in hand-to-hand combat in Okinawa, an experience he recounts in graphic detail. Glenn's battle experiences have haunted him throughout his life. The consequences on his civilian life find resonance with returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who will require medical and psychological care for the remainder of their lives. This book is a development of the dramatic presentation that he performs as part of the Veterans History Project, a program based at the Library of Congress that captures the experiences of veterans of all wars.

Glenn served as a combat Infantry Platoon Leader and "I" Company Commander in the Seventeenth Infantry Regiment of the Seventh Infantry Division during the Battle of Okinawa, the last campaign of World War II.He is a recipient of the Purple Heart.After the atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, his unit moved from massive killing of enemy on the battlefield to occupying Korea with the mission of fostering peace and repatriating the Japanese Army to their homeland.

Now retired, after an active sixty year career in education, he continues to write stories about his life experiences from his home along the seacoast in Kittery, Maine.Since writing this moving memoir, he has presented his stories before audiences as part of The Veteran's History Project, a program based at The Library of Congress that is attempting to capture the experiences of veterans of all wars. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (6)

4-0 out of 5 stars Written from the heart; timely, courageous and poignant. This marvelous book should be read.
The reward of a well written book is to have written it.Roland Glenn's newly published offering, "The Hawk and The Dove", is not only a poignant tribute to the author's marvelous story telling abilities and amazing recall, it is a reward for his readers as well.Throughout this beautifully crafted book, they are able to follow the author's journey as a young 20 year old US army infantryman from a small, rural Pennsylvania town to the killing fields of Okinawa and the last bloody battle of World War Two in the Pacific.From there it was on to Korea, where he was assigned as an officer to take part in the repatriation of the Japanese, the very soldiers he had been trained to kill in the war and then ordered to befriend and help.

Written from the heart, courageous, poignant, poetic at times, sometimes humorous, but more often than not bravely facing the devastatingtoll of war, its carnage, and the unspeakable personaldesolation born of killing other human beings , this marvelous book shouldbe read.

Roland Glenn's story of how he fought his personal demons, nightmares and flashbacks after returning home and for most of his civilian life tells of his need for psychological help throughout the years for what is now called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD.His revelations are made in an effort to assist and befriend returning servicemen from Iraq and Afghanistan who are suffering from it and need help.

----Elizabeth Cavage, mother of five, grandmother of ten and the widow of a deceased US Navy Veteran, World War II

5-0 out of 5 stars From the book jacket:
"World War II combat veteran Roland Glenn is one of the best story tellers I've come across in a long time.These richly textured stories - complete with love, sex, friendship, loyalty, and betrayal - are the bookends that frame the tale of close combat with a mortal enemy.The Hawk and the Dove asks that we face the full human toll of war: the military and civilian casualties and the psychologically wounded as well.This book demands our attention."Army Colonel Jack Jacobs (retired), recipient of The Congressional Medal of Honor, CNBC military analyst and author of his Viet Nam war memoire, If Not Now, When with Douglas Century.

"By turns humorous and tragic, Roland Glenn's richly detailed and compellingly written memoir of war and peace vividly recreates a small-town youth's transformation into a man and leader of men on the horrific killing fields of Okinawa.His fascinating account of involvement in the repatriation of thousands of Japanese soldiers from Korea sheds light on a significant but little-known chapter in postwar U.S. military history."Paul Siff, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History, Sacred Heart University

5-0 out of 5 stars Much Better Later than Before
If a contributer of a blurb for THE HAWK AND THE DOVE merits listening to as a reviewer, I'd like to add to my words on the book's back cover. All great war books are anti-war books in their various ways.Roland Glenn's way is to use the wisdom of his years to inform about some of war's real costs.He couldn't have done that sixty-odd years ago, shortly after participating in Okinawa's gruesome combat.No doubt he couldn't have done it twenty years ago because he wasn't wise enough even then - nor as willing and able to be honest, as some still-with-it old men are.George Feifer, author of OKINAWA: THE BLOOD AND THE BOMB (2002)

4-0 out of 5 stars The Hawk and the Dove
This autobiographical work focuses primarily on the author's formative years in Western Pennsylvania and on his coming of age in the U.S. Infantry in the 1940's.The Hawk and the Dove is a remarkable book on several fronts.The author, Roland Glenn, is a Purple Heart winner wounded on Okinawa during World War II.Following the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki he was re-assigned to the task of repatriating the same Japanese soldiers he had been taught to hate.After V-J Day, men he had once tried to kill became his friends and allies.

Glenn's recall of events that occurred sixty years ago when he served as a commissioned "90-day wonder" first lieutenant is extraordinary.The book is at once a sociological study of the way society shapes people's values, expectations and actions as well as a deeply personal examination of one man's life.Glenn's relating his many traumatic experiences as a soldier show in literary form what films such as Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers have demonstrated in visual form.

In the case of the Hawk and the Dove, what we see is the first-hand account of the damage combat does to the vanquished and the victors as well.Glenn's frank discussion of his struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder will serve as a lesson for anyone who would go to war; any war; any time.The author goes from being a man who unquestioningly shot and killed Japanese soldiers to being a man who still struggles with the weight of his violent acts.

While we don't learn a lot of details about his change of heart, we do know that his awareness is the product of deep introspection and years of psychotherapy.As the title suggests, the years following his largely unquestioned devotion to God and country eventually led the author to a deep realization of the futility of modern warfare.

One can only hope that Roland Glenn has the interest to write another volume filling in the gaps and answering the questions thoughtful readers are likely to have about personal transformation.

5-0 out of 5 stars The Hawk and the Dove by Roland Glenn
This book is full of historical and personal information regarding World War 2 and put in a very fascinating easy to grasp story about what a man has to go through in war and some love, too. A very good and fast read. ... Read more

95. Kate Smith's Let's Eat!
 Paperback: Pages (1940)

Asin: B000GA12KQ
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

96. The everlasting mercy: Illustrating, Just as I am, without one plea
by Hugh Thomson Kerr
 Unknown Binding: 10 Pages (1922)

Asin: B0007I7J1I
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

97. Twice-told truths: Precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little
by Hugh Thomson Kerr
 Unknown Binding: 8 Pages (1922)

Asin: B0007I7J22
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

98. The old-fashioned home
by Hugh Thomson Kerr
 Unknown Binding: 8 Pages (1924)

Asin: B0008CZTAQ
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

99. The Lansing city business directory for the fall and winter trade of 1867-8
by C. P Smith
 Unknown Binding: 40 Pages (1867)

Asin: B0008C0BOA
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

100. The house of Christmas: Illustrating, O come to my heart, Lord Jesus
by Hugh Thomson Kerr
 Unknown Binding: 7 Pages (1922)

Asin: B0007I7J18
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

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