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81. The Aerobic Oxygen Handbook
82. New Zealand Chefs: Graham Kerr,
83. College Financial Aid : How To
84. Boating Almanac: 1982, New Jersey,
86. The Lords of Tikal: Rulers of
87. Administrative Implications of
88. Peter Paul Rubens, 1577-1640:
89. Through a "strange country ...
90. Peter Skene Ogden's Snake county
91. Peter Berg: July 19-August 31,
92. New Work New York: [exhibition
93. Peter Corbin: An Artist's Creel
94. Anaconda site study: For the village
95. Water
96. Archeologia urbana e programmazione
97. A new introduction to trade and
98. Manual of Red Grouse and Moorland
99. Grouse In Space and Time.The Population
100. Indian provincial relationships

81. The Aerobic Oxygen Handbook
by Peter Hudson
 Paperback: Pages

Asin: B000Z3V9UW
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

82. New Zealand Chefs: Graham Kerr, Peter Gordon, Alison Holst, Hudson and Halls, Glenn Peter Charles Mcneill
Paperback: 26 Pages (2010-09-15)
list price: US$14.14 -- used & new: US$14.13
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1158436394
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Chapters: Graham Kerr, Peter Gordon, Alison Holst, Hudson and Halls, Glenn Peter Charles Mcneill. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 24. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Graham Kerr (born January 22, 1934 in London) is a cooking personality who gained fame through his cooking show The Galloping Gourmet. Kerr (pronounced "care") regards himself as a Scot, but grew up in England where his parents were established hoteliers. As a result, much of his childhood was spent among some of the most outstanding chefs of Europe. Educated at the independent school Brighton College, he became trainee manager at the Roebuck Hotel in East Sussex, England, aged just fifteen. After five years in the British Army as catering adviser, Graham became General Manager of England's Royal Ascot Hotel. Kerr moved to New Zealand, in 1958, becoming chief chef catering adviser for the Royal New Zealand Air Force. It was there that his media career began in the early 1960s: his recipes were delivered on radio and in magazines, and a related book, Entertaining with Kerr, sold out its first edition in eight days. He moved into television with the emergence of the new medium in New Zealand, after being recruited by NZBC producer Shirley Maddock. Later The Galloping Gourmet, a show named for Kerr's onscreen persona, was taped in Ottawa at CJOH-TV and produced by his wife Treena Kerr. The origin of his "Galloping Gourmet" persona stemmed from a 1967 book he co-authored with wine expert Len Evans, The Galloping Gourmets. They got their nickname from a 35-day worldwide trek to the finest restaurants around the globe. The title was echoed in the opening of each episode of his original North American series, filmed in front of a live audience, where Kerr entered the stage area by running in and leaping over a chair in the...More: http://booksllc.net/?id=1163092 ... Read more

83. College Financial Aid : How To Get Your Fair Share
by Peter V. Laurenzo, Peter V. Laurenzo CFP
 Paperback: 147 Pages (2000-08)
list price: US$11.95
Isbn: 0962996149
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
A comprehensive overview of how the financial aid process works, where aid comes from, tax incentives and strategic planning to ensure you qualify for as much aid as legally possible. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Comprehensive explanation for college financial aid
I am a Certified College Planner.Peter Laurenzo really knows his subject.If you want to know the step-by-step process on how to apply for financial aid, this is a great book.The language used is easy to understand without being condescending.This is a good reference book.

5-0 out of 5 stars He answered my questions
This book provided me with an understanding of how this complex process works in an easy-to-read and an organized format.
In only a couple of hours I was able to grasp how financial aid functions, and made a few changes that hopefully will give my son more aid eligibility.

5-0 out of 5 stars Easy to understand
After sifting through dozens of books, my husband and I found this easy to read, understandable and a good foundation to get through the financial aid process ... Read more

84. Boating Almanac: 1982, New Jersey, Delaware Bay, Hudson River, Lake Champlain, Erie Canal (Volume 3)
 Paperback: Pages (1982)

Asin: B002P2WDAQ
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

by John, Illustrated by Peter chez- Brown Adair
 Hardcover: Pages (1978-01-01)

Asin: B000X74QH8
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

86. The Lords of Tikal: Rulers of an Ancient Maya City
by Peter D. Harrison, Peter Harrison
Hardcover: 208 Pages (1999-07-01)
list price: US$60.00 -- used & new: US$159.48
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0500050945
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
The ancient Maya capital of Tikal is located in the heartland of the Guatemalan rain forest. Occupied from about 800 b.c. to a.d. 800, it had at its peak a population of more than 100,000. Because of its strategic location, Tikal served as a center of trade and as an architectural style-setter for the central Peten region of the Maya Lowlands. The apogee of power and wealth was achieved under the reigns of three generations of the great Jaguar Claw clan, whose ruling lords--known as Hasaw Chan K'awil, Yik'in Chan K'awil, and Yax Ain--built the Great Temples that symbolize the character and individuality of the city. Some of these Great Temples served as mortuary structures, and the contents of the tombs hint at the richness of life as a lord of Tikal. Drawing upon more than twenty years of excavation and recent breakthroughs in the translation of Maya hieroglyphs, Peter Harrison offers a cogent, detailed summary of what is known to date of this romantic, mysterious city and its rulers. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (8)

5-0 out of 5 stars the fellow in that scary demonic looking costume on page 116?a mummer turned to the darkside or just on the way to a mardi
I had a problem at first when the author stated that the population of Tikal was 100,000 and covered 65 sq. miles. Over its period of reign as a city,a couple hundred years,Tikal might have been this extensive but i question if it had this much influence at any specific time period of say 10 years.Other books say that this city at its peak served about 20,000 and its urban spread reflects different time periods.
Other than that,myself possibly missing the author's interpretation,I like the descriptions of this Mayan city,which according to the author,was either founded by Teotihuacan rulers or at least was heavily influenced by this Mexican town.Excellent color photos and well described info on the tombs of the Tikal Lords. I hadn't realized before that alot of the Maya superstructures at Tikal were actually tomb bases for high status rulers which were then built to reach the sky.Indeed alot of these temples were built for astronomy purposes as well and tied into Mayan ceremonial life.It sounds alot like Ancient Egypt and their vast tomb complexes.There was one drawing in particular which showed Tikal at its peak,complete with evidence of pronounced forest defoiliation,(a possible reason for its collapse)?
Ther was another chapter where the author explored the conflicts between Tikal and its neighboring rival cities.Mr. Harrison explains that rivalries between towns,while undoubtedly real,have been exaggerated and there were longer periods of cooperation and friendly commerce between Tikal and its rival cities.So it would not be worth too much to place stock in the "bound captive murals" and advertised cruelty in alot of Mayan art.It's probably just propoganda put out by the Tikal Lords,no different than the Anglo-Saxon rulers of England at the same time period,(about 750 AD).Some of the Mayan lords of Tikal had long reigns,one reigned as long as 60 years,which would have rivalled Elizabeth I lengthy tenure as Queen of England.

5-0 out of 5 stars A classic for the Classic Maya.
The pyramids at Tikal are perhaps the most breathtaking and awe-inspiring structures of the pre-Hispanic world. The research available in this book helps shed light on the fascinating history behind the facades of limestone. There is so much history and culture that is essential to the American (the Pan American) identity. And this is a clear, concise, enjoyable read to learn about it.

4-0 out of 5 stars Very good read on the entire span of history at Tikal
The city we call Tikal was called something like Mutul by its Mayan inhabitants and was inhabited continuously for about 1,700 years.While there has been magnificent archaeological and translating work done in recent years, the foundation of what we know of Tikal was laid in a great excavating and mapping project done by the University of Pennsylvania from 1955 until 1969.The author of this book, Peter D. Harrison, Ph.D. had participated in these (and other) excavations and brings that first hand authority to this very interesting book.

Dr. Harrison starts with the pre-history of Tikal and ends with the little we know of its inhabitants after the collapse in the 9th century.However, most of the book centers on the succession of 30 rulers (Kings, Lords, or whatever you want to call them).We know who most of these people were because of the Mayan predilection for documenting great events by erecting great monuments that had writing on them that we can now read (mostly).

The author also shares important understanding of the building of the great palaces and temples and shows us their important orientations and relationships with each other.Since what we see today is the decayed form of the final state of Tikal, I found it fascinating to work backward and realize all that wasn't there when the city was at its height of power and influence.The great pyramids we associate with the city today were late additions by an important set of rulers, but by no means the most powerful the city had known.

The book is full of pictures, great drawings, maps, and even some beautiful color plates.There is also a page on when and how to visit Tikal that would be very helpful for those intending to visit the site.There are also many helpful notes and an index.

I have two tiny nits to pick with the book, however.The first is that for several of the maps I had to use a magnifying glass to read the labels for the buildings.The second is even less important and I am not convinced that the author didn't make the better choice.However, when I am reading about Mayan culture I like to see the dates given in the Long Count format when applicable with our western dates in parenthesis.The reason for wanting the Long Count is to easily see when events are associated with important dates.Dr. Harrison does give these Long Count dates in the notes, but uses our calendar for the dates in the text (most of the time).

Anyway, these do not detract from the immense value of the book or the fun I had reading it. Thanks, Dr. Harrison!

5-0 out of 5 stars better late than never
I visited Tikal last Feb.I had read about it for years and still wasn't prepared for the magnitude, the scope the complexity of the civilization it was a small part of--it is a place you have to visit and see for yourself to even begin to really grasp.When I got home I found this book--I really wish I had read this BEFORE I WENT, the trip would have been better for it. In any case, I was happy to read it after the trip. This is the single best work I've found for sharing part of what I discovered at Tikal with people who haven't been there.I recommend it--especially if you are considering a visit--but also if you just like to armchair travel...It is a nice place to go either way.

4-0 out of 5 stars An Intriguing History
I very much enjoyed this book. It presented the history, archaeology and architecture of Tikal in a clear fashion. Harrison wove the various threads of evidence together skillfully without getting bogged down in details.After an introduction to the site and its environment he proceeds in achronologic order telling the history of this ancient city. He takes twobreaks in his story to describe the city's architecture. Because there isdispute in the field of epigraphy you cannot take this book as the lastword, but that is the nature of writing about something which is an intensesubject of research. I must also say that I found some of Harrison'sassertions about architectural alignments dubious. Certainly, I could notsee how his maps could support all his claims. Nevertheless, I wouldheartily recommend this book. ... Read more

87. Administrative Implications of Site-value Rating
by Peter R. Hudson
 Paperback: 24 Pages (1974-11)

Isbn: 0950356638
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

88. Peter Paul Rubens, 1577-1640: The Masterpieces from the Viennese Collection
by Johann Kraftner, Wilfred Seipel, Renate Trnek, Peter Paul Rubens
Hardcover: 304 Pages (2005-01-15)
list price: US$65.00
Isbn: 0500976473
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
Many European cities claim to be cities of Rubens. They do so either for biographical reasons—because the artist once lived there—or because of the presence of his paintings in their museums' collections. But since the spring of 2004, when the major works in the Collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein returned to their traditional home, Vienna has been outshining the other Rubens cities, such as Antwerp and Genoa, both in the sheer number and in the importance of its Rubens paintings.

Because of the variety and high quality of their works by Rubens, the great collections of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, the Liechtenstein Museum, and the Gemäldegalerie der Akademie der bildenden Künste are in a position to provide a comprehensive overview of the artist's career.

"The Triptych of St. Ildefonso," the Decius Mus cycle, portraits of Rubens' children, and the virtuoso oil sketches for the ceiling paintings of Antwerp's Jesuit Church are only a few examples of the artist's outstanding masterpieces in Vienna. With its opulent photographs, including numerous details and comparative illustrations, this magnificent book presents more than ninety works by the Flemish master. Over 200 color illustrations. ... Read more

Customer Reviews (3)

5-0 out of 5 stars Fabulous Rubens Details!
A phenomenal, thick Peter Paul Rubens book, with a breathtaking variety of work. Yet the reason to purchase this item is for the large, close-up details which are essential for artists, students and lovers of painting. Close-up heads, hands, drapery, costume elements and backgrounds show the textures, brushwork and layering that cause the viewer to "understand" the genius of Rubens.The life-sized "Head of Medusa" detail, with her freshly splattered blood droplets transforming into twisting snakes is worth the price of the book alone. Then there are the stunning examples of the master's latter works, which appear like rich, luminous watercolors when viewed up-close. The clarity of the printing is terrific, and the temperature balance of the color is very good. I found The warm/cool balance to be depicted rather well, and usually with great nuance. Having seen nearly all of the originals in Vienna, I feel that all in all the fidelity is strong.
The fantastic art of Peter Paul Rubens must be seen up-close in order to be fully appreciated, and thus far, this thick volume is the best you can invest in.

5-0 out of 5 stars One of the best
I have quite a few catalogues about Rubens.This is, by far, the most beautiful one I have found.It contains wonderful reproductions and closeups, and many paintings I had never seen.The other review mentions a problem of "pinkness" but the plates look fine to me.If you have a chance to get this catalogue, jump at the chance - you will not regret the purchase.

5-0 out of 5 stars pink
Wonderful illustrations -- I think this is the best illustrated Rubens book out there.It has breathtaking closeups (very good for artists) and so many of them!
The only problem is that the colour photos are too pink.I've seen the paintings themselves and plates in other books and the flesh tones really are not that magenta tint -- it's a mistake in the printing.But a very slight one.The book is definitely worth its relatively reasonable price. ... Read more

89. Through a "strange country ... covered with lakes": Peter Skene Odgen and the Hudson's Bay Company in the Klamath Basin
by Jeffrey M LaLande
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1994)

Asin: B0006QVJT4
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

90. Peter Skene Ogden's Snake county journals (Hudson's bay record society. Publicatons)
by Peter Skene Ogden
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1950)

Asin: B0007KCFJ2
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

91. Peter Berg: July 19-August 31, 1980, the Hudson River Museum, Trevor Park-on-Hudson, Yonkers, New York
by Peter Berg
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1980)

Asin: B0006Y596U
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

92. New Work New York: [exhibition of the works of] Tom Butter, Tom Evans, John Fekner, Judith Hudson, Peter Julian, Cheryl Laemmle
by Lynn Gumpert
 Unknown Binding: 33 Pages (1982)

Asin: B0006YAVWW
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

93. Peter Corbin: An Artist's Creel
by [Peter Corbin] with Essay By Tom Davis
 Hardcover: Pages (2005)

Asin: B001K1V1BK
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

94. Anaconda site study: For the village of Hastings-on-Hudson
by Peter Gisolfi
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1976)

Asin: B0006WUQP6
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

95. Water
by Peter Hudson
 Unknown Binding: 32 Pages (1977)

Asin: B0007BYUBM
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

96. Archeologia urbana e programmazione della ricerca: Lesempio di Pavia (Biblioteca di Archeologia medievale)
by Peter Hudson
 Unknown Binding: 77 Pages (1981)

Asin: B0000ECLGO
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

97. A new introduction to trade and business: Very useful for youth of both sexes : wherein is contained a great variety of receipts for money, goods, &c. promissory notes, bills of exchange
by Peter Hudson
 Unknown Binding: 99 Pages (1801)

Asin: B0008BI9OK
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

98. Manual of Red Grouse and Moorland Management, A (Game Advisory Guides)
by Peter J. Hudson, David Newborn
 Hardcover: 169 Pages (1995-12)

Isbn: 1901369080
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

99. Grouse In Space and Time.The Population Biology of a Managed Gamebird
by Peter J Hudson
 Hardcover: Pages (1993)

Asin: B000J2P3MY
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

100. Indian provincial relationships in social welfare--Northern issues and future options (Child and family study series)
by Peter Hudson
 Unknown Binding: Pages (1987)

Asin: B0007BP804
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

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