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1. To Catch a Killer: 1992 in Film, Eric Till, Brian Dennehy, Michael Riley, John Wayne Gacy, Des Plaines, Cat and mouse, Emmy Award | |
![]() | Paperback: 72
list price: US$39.00 -- used & new: US$35.33 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 6130527411 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
2. BIG SHAMUS, LITTLE SHAMUS. "The Abduction." Original script from the 1979 television series starring Brian Dennehy. by Teleplay by Norman Katkov. Series created by Tracy Hotchner. | |
Asin: B0047LVT5S Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
3. Chaminade High School Alumni: Bill O'reilly, Al Groh, Brian Dennehy, Thomas Suozzi, Chaminade High School, Al D'amato, Bob Mckillop, Don Murphy | |
![]() | Paperback: 112
list price: US$20.31 -- used & new: US$20.31 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1155431715 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
4. Columbia Lions Football Players: Jack Kerouac, Lou Gehrig, William Joseph Donovan, Brian Dennehy, Sid Luckman, Matthew Fox, Paul Zimmerman | |
![]() | Paperback: 136
list price: US$22.54 -- used & new: US$22.54 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1155337921 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
5. Playboy November 1993 Brazil Triplets on Cover (nude inside), Joyce Carol Oates Interview, Jay McInerney Fiction, 20 Questions - Brian Dennehy, Bill Walsh Profile, Sex In Cinema, Leroy Neiman Portfolio | |
![]() | Single Issue Magazine:
-- used & new: US$8.49 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: B0035QBPEQ Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
6. Two Plays for Voices by Neil Gaiman | |
![]() | Audio CD:
list price: US$22.95 -- used & new: US$6.17 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0060012560 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description "The joy for me is knowing that somebody can have this strange audio experience. They're getting something as good as you get from radio." - Neil Gaimen Produced by the Sci-Fi Channel and Seeing Ear Theatre - these two plays are adapted for voice by Neil Gaiman from two of his short stories (both stories can be found in Smoke & Mirrors). SNOW GLASS APPLES: Once upon a time there lived a young princess with skin as white as snow, with hair as black as coal, with lips redder than blood. Most people think they know what happens to this young unfortunate girl. Most people are wrong. Tony-award winning actress Bebe Neuwirth (Chicago, Sweet Charity, and TV's Cheers) stars as a wise Queen who wants nothing more than to reign over her kingdom peacefully but is forced to match wits with an inhuman child who has an unnatural taste for blood. Full Cast List: MURDER MYSTERIES: In this mystery noir set in heaven's City of Angels before the fall, the first crime has been committed. It is an awful one. While the angelic hosts labor to create the world and its workings, one of their number is mysteriously slain by one of their own. Raguel, Angel of Vengeance, is mandated by Lucifer to discover both motive and murderer in this holy dominion that had so recently known no sin. Full Cast List: Customer Reviews (8)
Murder Mysteries is expertly presented and the twist at the end is a surprise to say the least. Snow Glass Apples is a shivery fairy tale which cuts to the core of good vs. evil and that some things aren't always what they seem.
The two plays in this package provided my wife and I the best entertainment we were going to get while being stuck in 8 hours of traffic.Finally I got my wife to pay attention to Neil's stuff (she refused to read Sandman)and she dug it. If you like books on tape, this is better.If you like reading Neil's work, you'll like it even better this way. Neil, if you're reading this...can we have some more of these?
The two plays in this package provided my wife and I the best entertainment we were going to get while being stuck in 8 hours of traffic.Finally I got my wife to pay attention to Neil's stuff (she refused to read Sandman)and she dug it. If you like books on tape, this is better.If you like reading Neil's work, you'll like it even better this way. Neil, if you're reading this...can we have some more of these? ... Read more |
Asin: B003YF1HBO Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
8. People Of The Century: One Hundred Men And Women Who Shaped The Last One Hundred Years by The editors of Time-life, Inc CBS | |
Audio CD:
list price: US$30.00 -- used & new: US$2.59 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0684872315 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description This is the century that split the atom, probed the psyche, spliced genes, and cloned a sheep. Plastic, the silicon chip, and rock-and-roll were invented. Airplanes, rockets, satellites, televisions, computers, and atom bombs were built. Traditional ideas about logic, language, learning, mathematics, economics, and even space and time were overthrown and radically refashioned. People of the Century presents the most influential leaders, artists, intellects, and heroes who shaped this monumental era. This century's most influential people were selected by the editors of Time magazine and featured in a series of documentaries produced by CBS News. Here, their profiles are crafted by this era's finest writers, from Salman Rushdie and Elie Wiesel, to Gloria Steinem, George Plimpton, Robert Hughes, and more. Memorably narrated by some of the century's most accomplished actors, People of the Century is the ultimate millennial keepsake. Customer Reviews (5)
My criticism lies in the fact that some major figures were briefly mentioned while some lesser lights were highlighted. Examples of this include only brief mentions of people like Ronald Reagan and Ray Kroc(founder of McDonald's)while questionable figures like Margaret Sanger, Watson and Crick, and Charlie Chaplin are given expanded treatment. There is of course the fact that many of these articles are slanted ideologically and that some articles are written by unabashed fans of the historical figure (i.e. Arthur Schlessinger on FDR)while other articles are written by critics (i.e. Richard Shickel on Walt Disney) thus furthuring to unbalance the presentations. The Best Inclusions in my view: Rushdie on Ghandi, Iacocca on Ford, and Elie Wiesel on Adolph Hitler. While you might learn something from this work, you would be better off reading individual biographies of these people
Overall, the quality of writing in the book is quite high,and even when it isn't (as, for example in Bill Gate's essay on the Wrightbrothers or Lee Iacocca on Henry Ford) the insights of the author - becauseof who and what they are - allow the ideas to take on a level ofsignificance that makes up for so-so skills as an essayist. I receivedthis as a Christmas present and spent most of Christmas day reading throughall the essays. It provided a very pleasant way to review the century weare leaving. My one regret with the book is the inclusion of a few subjectsthat simply don't belong (Brue Lee, Bart Simpson? )which necessarilyrestricted the field that could be included. It is, of course, a personalbias and everyone will have their own take on who should or should not havebeen represented, but in the entire list there is only one novelist, onepoet, one composer, one painter; yet there are numerous political andmilitary figures. Understandable in terms of overt impact on history, butit sells the cultural aspects of the century short._ ... Read more |
9. A Theater of Our Own: A History and a Memoir of 1,001 Nights in Chicago by Richard Christiansen | |
![]() | Hardcover: 300
list price: US$29.95 -- used & new: US$15.79 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0810120410 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (3)
10. True at First Light by Ernest Hemingway | |
![]() | Audio CD:
list price: US$39.95 -- used & new: US$12.98 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0743564464 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S LAST UNPUBLISHED WORK! A blend of autobiography and fiction, True at First Light opens on the day Ernest Hemingway's close friend Pop, a celebrated hunter, leaves him in charge of the safari camp and news arrives of a potential attack from a hostile tribe. Drama continues to build as his wife, Mary, pursues the great, black-maned lion that has become her obsession. Equally adept at evoking the singular textures of the landscape, the thrill of the hunt and the complexities of married life, Hemingway waves a tale that is rich in laughter, beauty, and profound insight. True at First Light is the breathtaking final work from one of this nation's most beloved and important writers. In True at First Light the glory days of the "great white hunters"are over and the Mau Mau rebellion is violently dislodging European farmersfrom Kenya's arable lands. But to the African gun bearers, drivers, andgame scouts who run his safari in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro,Hemingway remains a lordly figure--almost a god. Two parallel quests propelthe narrative: Mary, Hemingway's fourth and last wife, doggedly stalks anenormous black-maned lion that she is determined to kill by Christmas,while Hemingway becomes increasingly obsessed with Debba, a beautiful youngAfrican woman. What makes the novel especially strange and compelling isthat Mary knows all about Debba and accepts her as a "supplementary wife,"even as she loses no opportunity to rake her husband over the coals forhis drinking, lack of discipline in camp, and condescending protectiveness. As usual with Hemingway, atmosphere and attitude are far more importantthan plot. Mary at one point berates her husband as a "conscience-riddenmurderer," but this is precisely the moral stance that gives the huntingscenes their tension and beauty. "I was happy that before he died he hadlain on the high yellow rounded mound with his tail down," Hemingway writesof "Mary's lion," "and his great paws comfortable before him and looked off across his country to the blue forest and the high whitesnows of the big Mountain." Passages like these--and there are many of them--redeem the book's ramblingstructure and occasional lapses into self-indulgent posturing. Joan Didiondismissed True at First Light in The New Yorker as "words setdown but not yet written," but this fails to acknowledge the power of thesewords. The value of True at First Light lies in its candor, itsnakedness: it provides a rare opportunity to watch a master working his waytoward art. --David Laskin Customer Reviews (67)
11. Maximum Bob by Elmore Leonard | |
![]() | Audio Cassette:
list price: US$15.99 -- used & new: US$41.21 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0553452878 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (27)
12. The Kid and The Big Hunt: Unabridged Stories from The Tonto Woman and Other Western Stories by Elmore Leonard | |
![]() | Audio Cassette:
list price: US$9.95 -- used & new: US$9.87 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0671043722 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Elmore Leonard's western fiction burns with passion, treachery, and heroism. In these two stories taken from his hard-bitten collection, The Tonto Woman and Other Western Stories, the American frontier comes vividly, magnificently to life. When a mysterious boy is forceably brought to Patterson's General Store, it triggers a series of events that reveal the character of all involved in "The Kid." "The Big Hunt" tells the story of how Will Gordon, a driven young buffalo hunter, finds the chance to exact revenge on the thieving brothers that swindled both him and his father. The wild and glorious spirit of the West comes alive in the hands of America's greatest storyteller. Etching a harsh, haunting landscape with razor sharp prose, Elmore Leonard shows with these brilliant stories why he has become the American poet laureate of the desperate and the bold. Before he became one of the best crime writers in America, Elmore Leonardwas one of the best Western writers in America. He churned out shortstories for the pulp magazines with regularity; The Tonto Womancollects 19 of the best, including "Three-Ten to Yuma" and "The Captives,"which in 1957 became the first two of his stories to be adapted for film(the latter as The Tall T). Reading them and the other stories, youcan see why Hollywood has been continually drawn to Leonard: Everyencounter between two or more people, no matter how casual, hassubstance--becomes a matter of great moral significance and can only beresolved through action. Even those stories that rely on O. Henry-styletwists of fate to reach their endings are packed with intense characterstudies disguised as straightforward genre prose. When all is said anddone, Elmore Leonard will be mentioned by literary critics in the samebreath as Ernest Hemingway--quite likely even mentionedfirst--and The Tonto Woman will make one of the strongestarguments in his favor. --Ron Hogan Customer Reviews (9)
13. FX2: The Deadly Art of Illusion by Drian Dennehy Starring Brian Brown | |
Asin: B000QOCIM8 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
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