Press Releases Home News View Press Release. Former astronaut gene cernan to present trophiesat fourth annual National Aviation Heritage Invitational. 3 September 2002
Re: Gene Cernan's Assertions Re gene cernan's Assertions EDM Discussion Group. From Bob FranzosaCategory Category Date 28 Dec 2002 Time 105821. Comments.
Gene Cernan's Assertions gene cernan's Assertions EDM Discussion Group. From Rick CategoryApollo 14 Date 27 Dec 2002 Time 192512. Comments. In cernan's
Extractions: Time: In Cernan's book "Last Man on the Moon" he relays a story of Deke Slayton approaching him and Al Shepard about possibly replacing you on the A14 flight with the A17 LMP, Joe Engle. This was allegedly due to your "flaky attitude", though you were an acknowledged LM systems expert. Is there any truth to this? Did Shepard, Slayton, or anyone else approach you about this? Or did Cernan have some sort of ax to grind with you, as he obviously did with Buzz Aldrin? Last changed: December 27, 2002
Gene Cernan Combat Pilots. Controllers / Engineers. Mercury. Gemini. Apollo. Shuttle / Mir. Misc.Index. Capt. gene cernan, USN. Last updated June 10, 2002 . Contact the webmaster.
Alphabetical Index Brand, Vance. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O PQR S T UV W XYZ. C. Cardenas, Robert.Carpenter, Scott. cernan, gene. Champine, Robert. Collins, Ken. Cotton, Joseph F.
Extractions: Pilots Combat Pilots ... Misc Index A B C D ... H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Anderson, C.E. "Bud" Ascani, Fred A B ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B Borman, Frank Brand, Vance A B ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z C Cardenas, Robert Carpenter, Scott Cernan, Gene Champine, Robert ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z D Dana, Bill E Eastham, Jim Engle, Joe A B ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z F Fullerton, Gordon Fulton, FitzHugh "Fitz" A B ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z G Gentry, Jerry Gerdes, Ron Gilliland, Bob Girard, Pete ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z H Haise, Fred Hoover, Bob A B ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z I J Jacobson, Julius "Jake" Jemison, Mae A B ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z K Karatsonyi, Michael Kelly, Tom Kittinger, Joseph W. Knight, William "Pete" ... C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z L Leonov, Alexei
Gene Cernan Photo gene cernan signed photo BACK TO THE INDEX Matt'sSpace Memorabilia Email
Gene Cernan center gene cernan. I bought this poster from as abirthday gift to myself a while back. When I first saw this on
Extractions: I bought this poster from as a birthday gift to myself a while back. When I first saw this on the web site I said "I gotta have that!", so I sent a link to family and friends as a birthday gift hint. I ended up with a pair of clean socks for my birthday instead, so I figured the $85 price tag was a bit much for my friends (or maybe they don't like me enough?) so I had to buy it myself! Another one of my signed books. I got this one signed at the Museum of Flight in Seattle in early 2001.
The Last Men On The Moon This was cernan's second trip to the Moon gene Kranz (center) at the flight director'sconsole in the Mission Operations Control Room during the Apollo 17 launch
Extractions: The Last Men on the Moon December 2002 marks the 30th anniversary of the last manned expedition to the Moon. Eugene A. Cernan and Harrison H. Schmitt were the last men to walk on the Moon. They landed on December 11, 1972 at 19:54:57 GMT (02:54:57 p.m. EST) and stayed for 3 days and 3 hours, leaving on December 14, 1972 at 22:54:37 GMT (05:54:37 p.m. EST). The first Moon landing took place on July 20, 1969. In less than 3 1/2 years, the first era of human exploration of the Moon had come to an end. Although NASA had planned further missions to the Moon, public interest waned well before the last of the six successful landings. Even the drama of Apollo 13 could not sustain the initial excitement of lunar exploration. A couple of the remaining spacecraft wound up in museums and NASA shifted its focus from the Moon to an Earth-orbiting space station called Skylab that was constructed from left-over Apollo parts. The official mission photo shows the three astronauts in space suits, a lunar rover vehicle, and the Saturn V rocket in the background. The mission patch is superimposed in the upper left corner against a light blue sky. Eugene A. Cernan
Cernan And His Rover (Next) Mankind Rock 1993, Apollo 17 gene cernan with a Rock to be Shared withthe World. (Previous) The American 1983, Apollo 17 Portrait of gene cernan.
Extractions: 14 x 18 inches, Acrylic on Masonite Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene Cernan seems to be enjoying the view. And what a view it is, with magnificent towering mountains in every direction. Gene and his pal Jack Schmitt landed in the Taurus-Littrow valley yesterday and are in the middle of a tightly packed 3-day exploration. The area was a treasure of information just waiting to be sampled. Gene would later say, "No matter where we might be, we could always spend more time and learn more." But other equally interesting sites awaited their visit. Realizing that the most effective use of their limited stay time on the Moon was to maximize their time exploring a specific site on foot and minimize driving time from site to site in their lunar rover, Gene reported, "Even though we were never able to really go in a straight line very long because of boulders, craters, and other terrain features, I drove the rover full out the majority of the time, at speeds up to 18 kilometers per hour (about 11 miles per hour). I used 4-wheel drive and fore and aft steering and found that controllability was excellent but very sensitive". The rover was an extremely lightweight electric car that did its job perfectly. It carried Gene and Jack, their tools and the samples they collected a total of nearly 22 miles during their 3 EVAs. It also supported a remotely controlled television camera that allowed us back here on planet Earth to experience firsthand the exploration of a distant world.
Mission Guide: Apollo 17 thumbnail. Test Drive 1984, Apollo 17 gene cernan drives the Lunar Rover. NewGlory For Old Glory 1984, Apollo 17 Portrait of gene cernan. The
Apollo: By David West Reynolds,Von Hardesty ISBN 0151009643 Compare prices on Apollo by David West Reynolds,gene cernan,WallySchirra,Von Hardesty ISBN 0151009643. Customer Reviews Similar
Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Journal : Crew During their threeday flight, Stafford and cernan performed three separate rendezvouswith an unmanned Agena target vehicle. gene also performed NASA's second
Extractions: Apollo 17 Crew portrait Eugene Andrew Cernan, Commander USN Gene was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 14, 1934. He received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and an M.S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the US. Naval Postgraduate School. Ronald Ellwin Evans, Commander USN Ron was born November 10, 1933 in St. Francis, Kansas. He was trained as an engineer at the University of Kansas and received a Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in 1964. Ron was selected as a member of the fourth group of pilot-astronauts in April 1966. At the time of his selection, he was flying combat operations in the South China Sea - from the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga - having previously served as a combat flight instructor. He served on the support crew for Apollo 7 and as the Apollo 11 LM Launch CapCom before his assignment to the Apollo 14 backup crew and, then, Apollo 17. After his lunar flight, Ron served as backup Command Module Pilot for the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz joint flight and then transferred to the Shuttle program prior to his retirement from NASA in 1977. He worked as Executive Vice-President of Western America Energy Corporation in Scottsdale, Arizona until 1978, then as Manager, Space Systems Marketing for Sperry Flight Systems, Phoenix, Arizona, and later as a marketing consultant. He died of a heart attack in Scottsdale, Arizona, April 7, 1990.
Re: Gene Cernan's Alleged UFO 'Quotation' - Re gene cernan's Alleged UFO 'Quotation' . From Stanton T. Friedman Date Thu, 13 Dec 2001 084942 -0400
Re: Gene Cernan's Alleged UFO 'Quotation' - Gates Re gene cernan's Alleged UFO 'Quotation' Gates. From Robert Gates Date Thu, 13 Dec 2001 232435 EST Fwd
Captain Eugene A. Cernan Commander gene cernan (right side up) Command Module Pilot RonEvans (up side down). Captain Eugene A. cernan Commander Apollo
Extractions: Gene was one of Rogers closest friends. Both members of the third class of Astronauts, Gene and Roger were the elite of the elite. Like Roger, Gene was one of 14 Astronauts chosen from over 1800 initial pilot applicants. He also served his country as a Naval Aviator. While they were training in Houston the were next door neighbors. On his second flight, Gene flew the first Lunar Module to travel to the moon. He and Mission Commander Tom Stafford, with Command Module Pilot John W. Young were only the second crew to actually travel to the moon. The first was Apollo 8. After reaching the moon, Gene and Tom undocked their Lunar Lander and travel to within 50,000 feet of the lunar surface without ever touching down. All in preparation for the next flight which would land Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrine on the surface. The work that Gene, Tom and John did made the famous Apollo 11 flight possible. On his third and final spaceflight, Gene Commanded Apollo 17, which would be the last manned lunar mission. Shown here (seated), Gene poses with Command Module Pilot Ronald E. Evans (standing on right) and Lunar Module Pilot Jack H. Schmitt on a Lunar Roving Vehicle trainer in front of Apollo 17's Saturn V Rocket.
Extractions: That "Geno" Cernan was commander of Apollo 17 , the final manned moon mission, was a fitting conclusion to a flying career that included two previous stints in space ( Gemini 9 and Apollo 10 ). His frank, earthy memoir of his years at NASA adds another entertaining, informative volume to the burgeoning shelf of books illuminating the inner workings of the space program and the people who made it happen. Coauthor Don Davis, a veteran journalist, helps Cernan craft a colloquial prose style that nicely captures the competitive, macho personality that seemed virtually mandatory for astronauts in the 1960s and '70s. Cernan candidly depicts the reckless streak that twice led to needless injuries jeopardizing his spot on a mission. He also acknowledges the stresses endured by his ex-spouse Barbara as she struggled to be the perfect astronaut wifecheerful and uncomplaining for the cameras while he experienced all the fun and adventure of the job. And it sure was fun, as becomes clear in the exciting descriptions of his spacewalk from Gemini 9 and stroll around the moon from Apollo 17 . Detailed accounts of each flight, including technical problems and personal tensions (particularly with
Ruby Lane Str(title_collectibles,en) Message Fine 10x8 color official NASA Inscribed Signed Photo of the Apollo17 crew signed only by gene cernan. gene cernan APOLLO XVII.
Autographed Gene Cernan Framed Photo Autographed gene cernan Framed Photo. Astronaut gene cernan became the eleventhhuman to set foot on the moon and the last man to leave the lunar surface.
Extractions: Autographed Gene Cernan Framed Photo Description This full color photograph of Gene Cernan in the Moon's Taurus-Littrow Valley has been created from the NASA archive negative and is personally hand-signed by Gene Cernan, commander of the Apollo 17 mission and the Lunar Landing Module Challenger. Astronaut Gene Cernan became the eleventh human to set foot on the moon and the last man to leave the lunar surface. 20x24 inches framed. Comes with a certificate of authenticity and is matted and framed with a historical plaque. Premiere Space Editions is the World's leading dealer in authenticated high-quality Apollo Astronaut-autographed photographs from the Apollo Moon missions and related Apollo-Era memorabilia. . Manufacturer Price Buy it!
MEK - Cernan, E.A. Plné jméno cernan Eugene Andrew, gene . V týmu od r. 1963. Eugene Andrew gene cernan se narodil 14.3.1934 v Bellwood (Chicago, Illinois, USA).
Extractions: Absolvované lety Start Pøistání Délka letu Kosmická loï Funkce Poznámka Gemini 9A PL nespojeno s tìlesem ATDA Apollo 10 PL poslední testy nad Mìsícem Apollo 17 VE 6.pøistání na Mìsíci Celkem 26. èlovìk ve vesmíru (11. na Mìsíci) Datum Tìleso Délka Kosmická loï Druh Poznámka Gemini 9A Gemini 9A EO Lano 7,6m, únava, zamlené hledí Apollo 17 LM Apollo 17 LU EVA-1, LRV, ALSEP, hloubkové vzorky Apollo 17 LM Apollo 17 LU EVA-2, LRV 19km, Jiní masív Apollo 17 LM Apollo 17 LU EVA-3, LRV, Severní masív Celkem Eugene Andrew "Gene" CERNAN se narodil 14.3.1934 v Bellwood (Chicago, Illinois, USA). Jeho prarodièe z otcovy strany, tefan a Anna Èernanovi, pocházeli z Vysoké nad Kysucou (Slovensko), jeho prarodièe z matèiny strany, Frantiek a Rozálie Cihláøovi, z Bernartic u Tábora a Nuzic u Bechynì. Vystudoval elektrotechniku na Purdue University (BS), poté absolvoval US Navy Postgraduate School (MS leteckého inenýrství) a slouil jako pilot vojenského námoønictva. Èlenem 3. skupiny kosmonautù NASA se stal v øíjnu 1963. Na obìnou dráhu poprvé vzlétl jako pilot Gemini 9A a stal se tøetím èlovìkem, který vystoupil ve skafandru do volného prostoru. V Apollu 10 se zúèastnil letu k Mìsíci, pøi nìm pilotoval mìsíèní modul Snoopy a do výky 16 km nad povrchem a provedl generální zkouku na první pøistání. Byl velitelem výpravy Apolla 17 a spolu s geologem H. Schmittem uskuteènil 6. pøistání na Mìsíci.