Editorial Review Book Description John McCrae's 'In Flanders Fields', written from the terrible trenches of Ypres in 1915, is interwoven with fascinating information about the First World War, details of daily life in the trenches, and a description of the tragic circumstances that led to the writing of the poem. Janet Wilson's evocative paintings provide a stunning visual interpretation of the work. ... Read more Customer Reviews (4)
In Flander's Field
A valuable book for those who wish to remind their children - and themselves - of the utter horrors of a brutal war.While not for very young children, it would be a great way to get one's family to think about war and its violence and, sometimes, its absolute necessity.
A story that should be shared
This lovely book is a perfect introduction to Veteran's Day or Remembrance Day or World War I. The story of John McCrea and WWI flows through the book, interspersed with lines from the poem, "In Flanders fields." It discusses the significance of the date, November 11 and supplies interesting details from the period.Over two page spreads Wilson also interprets lines from the poem with lovely paintings that fill in more information about soldier life.
This book is very popular with kids who like nonfiction "war" books.
Cultural references to this poem abound. The poem is a classic that should be shared with young people today.
Every child should know this poem
Growing up in Canada, I and every other child knew this poem inside and out. Every Rememberence Day[Nov.11th], we recited it, wore our poppies and then walked down to the cemetery to commemorate all the soldiers who died during the different wars. We talked about it in class for a few weeks.I gave it to my children after I found the book at a Canadian bookstore the week of it's release. They in turn took it school and their teachers read it to their classes. As a education major, I will use it in my studies and then as a teacher for my class to learn about the World Wars. The art work is beautiful and the story enclosed is lovely too, if ever can be of a book about war. It's too bad this isn't used over here in the States.
In Flanders Field
I read this book while resting my feet at Book Expo 2000. At least three people stopped to ask me about it because they were so taken by the illustrations.This picture book for young people intersperses breathtaking illustrations for the poem "In Flanders Field" withbackground on World War I and the story of the writing of this poem. Adeeply affecting and touching book, it will give young people a personalview of war, particularly this war. Unfortunately, many children as well asadults know nothing about World War I. This book is a fine introduction anda good war to broach a painful topic. By any standard, it is well-wellwritten and thoughtful.
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