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Home - Book Author - Burckhardt Jacob (Books) |
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1. Geschichte der Renaissance in Italien, von Jacob Burckhardt by Jacob (1818-1897) Burckhardt | |
Asin: B000WAWKHO Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
2. Judgements on History and Historians ; with an introduction by Hugh Trevor-Roper - [Uniform Title: Historische Fragmente. English] by Jacob (1818-1897) Burckhardt | |
Asin: B0014NFDUE Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
3. The letters of Jacob Burckhardt / selected, edited, and translated by Alexander Dru by Jacob (1818-1897) Burckhardt | |
Asin: B000NWSOAS Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
4. Jacob Burckhardt, 1818-1897: Geschichte, Kunst, Kultur : Katalog zur Ausstellung aus Anlass des 100. Todestages by David Marc Hoffmann | |
Paperback: 95
Isbn: 3796510493 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Hardcover: 327
list price: US$20.00 -- used & new: US$19.99 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0865971226 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
6. Jacob Burckhardt's Social and Political Thought by Richard Sigurdson | |
![]() | Hardcover: 272
list price: US$55.00 -- used & new: US$37.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0802047807 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description Contrary to his usual portrayal as a disinterested aesthete, Swiss cultural historian Jacob Burckhardt is characterised as an original social and political thinker in Richard Sigurdson's timely book Jacob Burckhardt's Social and Political Thought. Burckhardt's thinking on a number of ideas - including the relationship between the individual and the mass, the tension between the ideals of equality and human excellence, and the role of the intellectual in the modern state - is the subject of insightful analysis, thus providing a rare investigation into Burckhardt's culture-critique of the nineteenth century. Other important aspects of Burckhardt's life that undoubtedly influenced both his historical and political thought, such as his ambiguous relationship with Friedrich Nietzsche, are carefully scrutinised in this groundbreaking analysis of the Swiss historian. Known primarily as an historian, Burckhardt's historical writings provide not only a powerful critique of his own times, but also a broad ranging political philosophy that can be placed within the larger German tradition of evaluating politics according to the values and standards of art and culture. Although Burckhardt himself expressed his scepticism towards general theories and claimed to be devoid of a personal philosophical position, through an examination of his works Sigurdson argues that both implicit and explicit political reflections and theories are recognisable. |
7. Jacob Burckhardt and the Crisis of Modernity (Mcgill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas) by John R. Hinde | |
![]() | Hardcover: 327
list price: US$80.00 -- used & new: US$69.70 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0773510273 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Customer Reviews (2)
For Burckhardt, history is a product of our creative imagination, poetry rather than science. Artistic intuition directs every step in our historical thinking, sorting out facts and interpreting those aspects of the past that appear significant to us. The purpose of history, as of art in general, is to cultivate the human spirit and yield a universally valid wisdom. Burckhardt contends that state support for art threatens its integrity. For the state requires art to serve economic, social and political needs that often clash with those of the individual person. Burckhardt also anticipates and fears the growth of a mass, unsophisticated cultural market that would commercialize and commodify art. Even those readers who find themselves in disagreement with Burckhardt will find his arguments to be original and thought-provoking. Hinde is a trustworthy, fair-minded guide. ... Read more |
8. Aristocratic Liberalism: The Social and Poltical Thought of Jacob Burckhardt, John Stuart Mill, and Alex de Tocqueville by Alan Kahan | |
![]() | Paperback: 242
list price: US$24.95 -- used & new: US$24.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0765807114 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description Customer Reviews (2)
This book was published in 1992, long before 9/11/2001 became the dominant symbol of destruction that is such a contrast to the situation faced by Tocqueville, Mill, and Burckhardt due to "the social and cultural leveling carried out by the Old Regime gradually weakened and even destroyed all the bonds that had formerly connected individuals in a society of orders."(p. 16, citing note 33).This situation was taken seriously, but associated with "Individualism, in this negative sense, was intimately connected with political centralization.The destruction of political liberty--that is, of a political system based on local self-government--was the worst result of the Old Regime in Tocqueville's eyes."(p. 17).Calling a belief in any established order ARISTOCRATIC LIBERALISM, as this book does over and over, is almost quaint.Consider the choices faced by intellectuals of that time."Too many of the ideas of the Revolution and the Enlightenment could easily lead to despotism, whether by a party or by a military dictatorship, for the aristocratic liberals to be comfortable."(p. 33).Perhaps we who regularly demonstrate and vote against such dictatorial tendencies have escaped the need to confront such fears, now that society is organized mainly for work and pleasure, so that now, the only form of order more important than entertainment values is the form of corporate hierarchy which people expect to submit to on the job. Chapter 2 of ARISTOCRATIC LIBERALISM, with its emphasis on the hegemony of the middle class, the commercial spirit, stagnation, and mediocrity, comes close to a description of the current situation, though it doesn't consider how popular the link of home entertainment could make such modern adaptations as movies and sports, typically ersatz activities which create the illusion that localities have some grasp on the attention of the people living in a particular area.On a national level, it is easier to believe that those carrying out policy are not quite following orders as much as they are following Donald Rumsfeld, an old man who could be replaced any minute, like the Secretary of the Army, who didn't have to give up his job because of anything he did at Enron.He just submitted his resignation anyway, quite recently, when he found out who didn't want to see him around anymore.If anything, we have advanced from aristocracy to a *throw the bums out* mentality that is likely to be applied with little or no link to reality, whenever the majority finds itself hurting.Chapter 3, "Despotisms: The State and Its Masters," tries to consider the dangers of Public Opinion, Suffrage, the Prussian Constitution, Socialism and the Fear of Socialism. Chapter 4 is on "Modern Humanism:The Values of Aristocratic Liberalism."A theme of much of the book is that no one took the side of the aristocrats for their sake; they were merely valued because they were not perceived as being pawns."On the grand scale, diversity within a culture played a parallel role to the diverse character of human nature and particular individuals.A specialized society which allowed expression to only one aspect of humanity was repugnant for the same reason a purely one-sided specialized individual was:it was not fully human."(p. 104)."Burckhardt's Renaissance man was no example of calm balance and symmetry, in classical fashion, but of powerful, even demonic diversity of talent.As such, the Renaissance was in this way too the beginning of modernity for Burckhardt."(p. 105). Chapters 5 and 6 still cling to the time frame of 1830-1870, in which "the priority many liberals put on preserving private property did not make them conservatives or reactionaries, at least not by choice, although when sufficiently frightened by the specter of socialism they tended to run for the authoritarian government, as Tocqueville lamented."(p. 141).Liberals in 2003 are still frightened enough of being called liberals to have much to say when confronted with long-term trends that could wipe out the prosperity which they claimed as a result of their policies in the 20th century.Liberals must be used to reading insults by now, but I'm not sure it will do them any good to read more of the type this book contains."One element of an exclusion principle is contained, as I have noted, in the statement that liberals are not democrats, and that anyone who believes in immediate universal suffrage is not a liberal."(p. 140). ... Read more |
9. History: Politics or Culture? : Reflections on Ranke and Burckhardt by Felix Gilbert | |
Hardcover: 120
list price: US$20.95 -- used & new: US$34.49 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0691031630 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Book Description |
10. The Impact of Humanism: The Renaissance in Europe: A Cultural Enquiry, Volume 1 (Renaissance in Europe series) | |
![]() | Hardcover: 284
list price: US$55.00 -- used & new: US$9.16 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0300082169 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description |
11. Basel in the Age of Burckhardt: A Study in Unseasonable Ideas by Lionel Gossman | |
![]() | Hardcover: 622
list price: US$50.00 -- used & new: US$15.95 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0226304981 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Book Description Customer Reviews (2)
Lionel Gossman has written an interesting and lively study of the city, choosing to focus on the four major thinkers that mark its last great period in intellectual history: Jacob Burckhardt, Johann Jacob Bachofen, Frans Overbeck, and Friedrich Nietzsche. and how their ideas were ultimately interwoven with the culture and tradition of Basel itself. Recommended for anyone interested in the history of ideas and the question of not only whether liberty can co-exist with democracy, but can a culture keep alive in a setting that has escaped the tensions of its day, such as revolution, depression and war? ... Read more |
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