- Elementary school media center services for the gifted in one Wisconsin county by Robin Huiras, 1985
- CESA level summary of Wisconsin public school media programs in 1973 (Evaluation report / ESEA Title II) by William Pichette, 1973
- The status of Wisconsin public school media programs in 1973 (Evaluation report / ESEA Title II) by William Pichette, 1973
- The status and longitudinal development of Wisconsin non-public school media programs (Evaluation report / ESEA Title II) by William Pichette, 1973
- A survey of the practice of intershelving print and nonprint media in Wisconsin public schools by Dorothy Twesme, 1974
- Using the high school library media center: A high school credit course...1/2 unit by Shirley E Johnson, 1975
- Library/media program planning ;: A design for building level IMC development in Wisconsin schools by Lyle Eberhart, 1973
- Matrix for curriculum planning in library media and information skills education (Bulletin) by M. Elaine Anderson, 1989
- Annotated bibliography of research on mass media science communication by Sharon Dunwoody, 1991
- A report of perceptions of censorship of IMC materials in 1982-83 from a state-level perspective: Survey by Dianne McAfee Hopkins, 1983
- Adolescents, parents, and television violence by Steven H Chaffee, 1971