Header types of webbased activity pages (treasure hunts, Subject Samplers twice The associatedand linked web pages address educators as we not only teach but also http://www.qesnrecit.qc.ca/cc/inclass/referenc.htm
Extractions: Books Magazines , CD-Roms and Electronic Documents Books Educating With The Internet This manual for beginners includes the obligatory information on getting connected and the lists of sites by subject area. The author provide many bookmarks; her list of bookmarks is organized around typical classroom subjects, such as math and literature. Within the list, she also intersperses some useful suggestions on how to use the Net to teach the subjects and how to prepare Net-friendly lesson plans. Educating with the Internet is an idea book for teachers who don't know how to integrate the Internet into the classroom. Meeting the Internet Challenge: Practical Project for Parents and Teachers Teacher and author, Michael McVey , presents a series of down to earth practical activities to help teachers learn the technological ropes. NetLearning: Why Teachers Use the Internet The teacher's Complete and Easy Guide to the Internet This Canadian book explains the Internet at an introductory level and provides lots of ideas for using it in the classroom. A Teacher's Project Guide to the Internet Written by a teacher for teachers, this book walks readers through the Internet, step by step, suggesting a host of creative and exciting classroom projects along the way. These ideas come complete with Web site addresses plus a disk (compatible with IBM and Macintosh System 7.5 systems) that provides direct access (through your Web browser) to all the sites noted in the appendixes.
Untitled Book Council ABCteach.com teacher Tools from teachnology - Scroll MATH UNIT BUOYANCYwebSITES OTHER~ web Museums web treasure hunts HOLIDAYS~ THANKSGIVING http://www.rogersmagnetschool.org/id111_m.htm
Going The Distance not only assists teachers in developing webbased learning of what was learned treasure hunts, samplers, webquests are the strategies to teach a curriculum http://www.macul.org/newsletter/1999/nov99/going.html
Extractions: Going the Distance By George Grimes Filamentality: webbing the curriculum to the standards Teri Terry, a media specialist for Pinckney High School, President-Elect for The Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME) offers its members a variety of opportunities to gain professional development. One experience called the MAME Academy is offered in cooperation with Eastern Michigan University. The Academy has been offered the past eight years and each year has addressed not only current trends in the media profession, but also ways to integrate the Internet into the school curriculum. In August 1999, the Academy focused on Information Power , the "Big6" and "Filamentality." The national guidelines, Information Power , set the standards for the library media profession to use in developing their curriculum. The "Big6" research/reference process, is the means of implementing those standards. "Filamentality," as the participants of Academy VIII found out, is the vehicle, which delivers it all. Tom March , with the support of Pacific Bell, developed the interactive free Website called "Filamentality" to provide a template for quality designed learning activities using the Internet. This learning/teaching tool consists of two components: "filaments" (similar to the strands of a spider web), and "mentality" (similar to the brains thinking capacity). The components of Filamentality work together to spin pieces of the web into web-based learning activities.
Web-Based Projects - University Of Richmond the student units are designed to teach specific ideas these projects on the ThematicWeb Units page treasure hunts This format contains a collection of links http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/a&s/education/projects/
Extractions: Web-Based Projects This page presents a series of web-based projects written and designed by students preparing to become teachers. They were created in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a course entitled Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum . After viewing these projects, please feel free to send your questions, comments and/or suggestions to their instructors, Mrs. Kimberlye Joyce and Dr. Patricia Stohr-Hunt Learning With WebQuests - A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. This model was developed in 1995 at San Diego State University by Bernie Dodge with Tom March . For more information about WebQuests, visit The WebQuest Page Clay Animation iMovie Projects - Coming Soon! Thematic Web Units - Using the knowledge and skills acquired in methods classes and student teaching, students created instructional units for elementary students and teachers. Most of the student units are designed to teach specific ideas and concepts found in the Virginia Standards of Learning. The teacher units offer lesson plans, activity ideas, and background information for specific topics in the curriculum. Subject Samplers - This format presents students with a small number of links (3-5) organized around a main topic. Students do, read, or see something at each site and then are asked to respond to by carrying out activities such as journal writing, creative artwork, poetry writing, and more.
Internet Research 4-12 They are more advanced than treasure hunts. Evaluating web Sites. Articles toRead Site to teach evaluation Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide An example to teach http://www.remc11.k12.mi.us/bcisd/classres/research.htm
Ozline - Working The Web For Education specialty, something that thrills you to teach, that you on a subject, teachers andstudents can create treasure hunts. strategy here is to find web pages that http://www.ozline.com/learning/theory.html
Extractions: Theory: an Introduction In 1995, "What's on the Web?," was written with the goal of scanning the Web for what might be useful to teachers and students. The "might be useful" was not individual stellar Web sites, but a broader contextual framework to cyberspace: if not exactly defining the universe, I hoped to at least mark out that some things are galaxies, a few constellations, and many are stars radiating their own special light. Books entitled such things as "Explore the Unleashed World Wide Web in 7 Days for Dummies/Educators" list tens of thousands of "Killer Web sites," implicitly suggesting that once you get a handle on these you'll have "done" the Web. But this is akin to getting access to the Library of Congress and being handed a piece of paper listing someone's Top Ten Favorite Books. Oh yes, and the library's collection doubles in size every three months. So, it's not the titles that are needed, it's the structure, the organization, the forest for the trees.
Ozline - Web And Flow can be expected to teach students something You could begin learning web publishingby editor with templates (for Scrapbooks, treasure hunts, Samplers, Concept http://www.ozline.com/web-and-flow/in-service.html
Extractions: The Web is Info: Catalogs Reports Films Archives ... Remembers The Web is Learning: Honors Achievement Connects Students Shows Learning is Fun Sends Wake Up Calls ... Points the Finger The Web is People: Creative Diversity Good Causes Quirky Perspectives ... friends , and more! 3 good reasons (and more Design Paradise EduStock To Kill a Mockingbird The 3 "best" reasons? schoolsucks.com The Land O' Useless Facts CyberSchool Writing the article "What's on the Web?" got us thinking about classifying and dividing the types of things we encountered on the Web using common classroom terminology. We eventually decided upon a handful of different application types . Most of what is on the Internet is information (resources and references) which contributes the raw material for learning, but processing the learning itself still falls to the teacher and learner. Before someone can be expected to teach students something (let alone champion, evangelize, or inspire), that person needs to have a heart-felt, internalized insight on the value of what he or she is teaching. So to help you Surf, Stumble, Search, and Lurch
Education World® : Preservice Educators : Educational Technology for lots of great ideas on how to teach about technology in Keypal Programs; Newsgroups Listservs; treasure hunts / web Quests; Tutorials; web Site Development; http://www.education-world.com/preservice/learning/ed_tech.shtml
Scavenger Hunt Help help about creating and using scavenger hunts to teach. Inventions Scavenger Hunt9.) California Goldrush treasure Hunt. to Use for Creating web Page Scavenger http://www.rochesterschools.com/rms/hunt.htm
Extractions: WebQuests A wonderful way to get students on the INTERNET in quality learning situations is to create a Webquest or Scavenger Hunt. Hunts can be curriculum related and highly motivational. The teacher ensures "safer faster hunting" by finding the links first and cuts down on the time required to complete the hunt. They can be very simple or difficult depending on the student level. Questions can have a link for the student to click on to find the answer. A hunt could take a student to many different websites OR just one. Other quests can require the student to search for the answer. Some quests supply key words and the particular search engine. Every time students visit a web site, they are working on reading comprehension, and processing and applying information. Students learn how to work between two programs. Scavenger Hunt. 1.)One is to create one in WORD and save it in your computer. Students can access it the way they do their own saved files. They will write their answers on the printed version of the hunt. Clicking on the hypertext links takes them to the Internet site you've selected for them to find the answer. 2.) Create the same questions and links but
Favorite Web Sites interested students, they can do web treasure hunts to discover more A web site thatoffers free worksheets for Some of the activities teach students about the http://www.hartcom.net/airline/favoritelinks.htm
Creating Your First WebQuest: A Work Sheet A Resource for Generating treasure hunts, webQuests, etc. www.internetcatalyst.org/projects/amproject/teach.html.Matrix of web Quest Examples http//edweb.sdsu http://www.otterbein.edu/dept/educ/sciquests/worksheet.html
Extractions: WebQuests are curriculum activities or units that engage students in authentic tasks. They are different from Treasure Hunts in that WebQuests involve the use of resources to solve a problem or to come to a conclusion about a topic. A Treasure Hunt involves students in using sites to answer individual questions. While Treasure Hunts are effective in getting students to try different Internet resources, WebQuests give students pre-defined resources that the instructor has already determined to be useful to the defined problem solving task. The Internet is the main source of information and motivation for a WebQuest, but other print or non print media are also used. It is important to use a variety of information sources so that students realize that the Internet is not the sole source of information for research. The Task:
Ed Psyc Central: Technology In Education ESL Students; Adventures of CyberBee treasure hunts; The webQuest web Site EvaluationCritical Evaluation Surveys for teachnology The web Protal for Educators; http://edpsyc.org/p20tech.html
Extractions: Children's Rights and Safety on the Internet See also Freedom of Information and Privacy Rights US Internet Industry Association Legislative Programs Safe Surfing National Constitution Center: The Pros and Cons of the Children's Online Protection Act (COPA) Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) CIPA Ruled Unconstitutional ... Plagiarism Resources for Identifying and Avoiding Plagiarism in Education Fair Use: Interpretations and Guidelines - The Fair Use Doctrine Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email Information About Spam Spam: How to Fight It
Slc.htm It is important that we teach students how to access as editors, evaluating the contentof hotlists, treasure hunts, or activity pages/web quests of http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/curr/eti/tlcf/slc.htm
Extractions: LEA Application REQUESTED: $104,160 RECEIVED: $85,686 District: Salt Lake City Contact Person: Lesley McLaughlin Telephone: Position: Supervisor Technology Services District Superintendent: Dr. Darline Robles Superintendent's Signature: (on original file copy) District ETI Coordinator: Lesley McLaughlin District ETI Coordinator Signature: (on original file copy) Project Title: Integration Web Weavers Abstract: The Internet is a source of information that teachers and students must learn to access and manage. This project will enable students and teachers to make worldwide curriculum connections. Students with limited access to technology outside the classroom will learn to use and incorporate technology as an integral part of their lives through this project. There is a vast amount of information available on the Internet that supports Utah State Office of Education (USOE) core curriculum. Our goal is to organize this information in a way that makes it meaningful to students and teachers. Filamentality web software enables the Internet user to manage Internet sites and tie them to curriculum by designing a hotlist, treasure hunt, or activity page/web quest. Project teams, composed of students and teachers, can teach students how to use Filamentality. Students and teachers can then create curriculum-based web pages that can be placed on activity pages/web quests to be used by their peers globally. This creates a two-way learning model, shifting participants from active learner to active teachers within their own classroom setting. Salt Lake City School District (SLCSD) has an increasingly large population of low income students who speak a language other than English. The Internet will help students see relationships in their world as they use the Internet to synthesize information, and it will give them lifelong skills to repeat this process, as outlined in the State Life Skills document.
SLCcont Project teams, composed of students and teachers, can teach students how to as editors,evaluating the content of hotlists, treasure hunts, or web quests of http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/curr/eti/tlcf/Year2/TLCFcont/slccont.htm
Extractions: Continuation Grant Application REQUESTED: $ RECEIVED: $98,816 District: Salt Lake City Contact Person: Lesley McLaughlin Telephone: Position: Supervisor, Technology Services District Superintendent: Dr. Darline Robles Superintendent Signature: (On file) District ETI Coordinator: Lesley McLaughlin District ETI Coordinator Signature: (On file) Project Title: Integration Web Weavers Abstract: The Internet is a source of information that teachers and students must learn to access and manage. This project will enable students and teachers to make worldwide curriculum connections. Students with limited access to technology outside the classroom will learn to use and incorporate technology as an integral part of their lives through this project. There is a vast amount of information available on the Internet that supports Utah State Office of Education (USOE) core curriculum. Our goal is to organize this information in a way that makes it meaningful to students and teachers. Filamentality web software enables the Internet user to manage Internet sites and tie them to curriculum by designing a hotlist, treasure hunt, or activity page/web quest.
Web Whacker For Educators Rate It, Museum Mania, Fun treasure hunts geared toward Jr. writing center, as wellas teacher web tools It, International Kids Club, Seeks to teach children about http://www.edufly.com/subject.html?G=9&S=22
Mapping The World By Heart: What Is MWH working in small groups, teach and learn a number of ways to use web resources safely classroom,including webQuests, samplers, treasure hunts, scrapbooks, and http://www.mapping.com/program.html
Extractions: In-Service Programs, Seminars, and Institutes Workshops and Consultations Long Programs, Seminars, Institutes These programs may range from 1 day to 6 days in length. With the longer programs, graduate credit may be arranged, at extra cost, through the University of MarylandÕs University College and PDP-International. Sixteen hours of contact time (two days) can earn one credit. Institute 1: World-Mindedness For Teachers This workshop is for teachers who wish to incorporate more world-minded materials and methods into their existing programs; the content covers many dimensions of Geography Education today, providing exposure to and experience with a large range of ideas and practices. If there is interest, we cover the "Mapping The World By Heart" year, but in any case we talk about many activities and lessons from that curriculum. Large-scale group projects will be discussed, and demonstrated, such as the global-trade game created for North Shore Country Day (and featured at NCSS in 1999). We will also spend time making and using outdoor maps, and on world-minded activities of all kinds, and there will be lots of discussion and problem-solving people sharing their teaching assignments, and the particular questions they have and problems they want help with.
Webquests University, which is designed to serve as a resource to those who are using the webQuestnotion to teach with the web web Quests and treasure hunts Lots of http://www.needham.mec.edu/Newman/archives/webquest_workshop/webquests/webquests
Extractions: K through 12 teachers and administrators who are interested in using the Internet in a safe and productive way with students probably have heard at least a little about WebQuests. Developed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March, these projects use Internet sites to help students learn problem-solving and decision-making skills. In this feature article, Maureen Yoder details the history and development of WebQuests and how to make the best use of them.
Teachers teachnology for integrating technology giant collection of resources Adventuresof Cyberbee with curriculum ideas, treasure hunts and web links by the http://www.stjosephsea.org/library/teachers.htm
Extractions: Sites Teacher Resources Back to School General Bookmarked by Barb Keeping Current ... WebQuests Back to School General Education portals and starting points AskERIC AtoZteacherStuff preK-12 educational network AwesomeLibrary organizes the Web with 14,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education BigChalk the education network with searching abilities Blue Web'N a libray of blue ribbon learning sites on the web grouped by grade, content and subjest areas, by Pacific Bell Knowledge Network Explorer Classroom Connect's Connected Teacher The Digital Classroom from the National Archives Discovery School's Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators Disney Learning Tools EdHelper.com
Interdisciplinary Resources @Web English Teacher from Education World ® Four webbased treasure hunts for different ages. Buildingon Biographies Two online biography resources and 10 ways to teach biography http://www.webenglishteacher.com/interdis.html
The Webbie Web!: Educational - Online Resources safe, wholesome activities and games to teach basic subjects Their web site givesyou a fast and easy Frog PEP Cool School Sites treasure hunts Resources that http://www.kidland.com/educ2.html
Extractions: Leap Home! or Jump Back! Academy One : It is an international online educational resource for students, educators, parents and administrators of grades kindergarten through twelve. Come check the calendar for special events and look for student projects. The Animabets : Question: What do you get if you cross the alphabet with a bunch of fun animals? Answer: The Animabets. This is a fun, education web site for children. It provides safe, wholesome activities and games to teach basic subjects. Each of the animabets characters are uniquely designed to cover an individual topic with their own personality. For example, Boris Bear is an exercise instructor, Claude Camel is a cook, etc. As kids visit and interact with these characters, they identify and learn from their favorites. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations : Can search for them by looking for key words! Britannica Online : Answer the question of the moment, do serious research, or satisfy your curiosity!