About Author/Coach Art Liberman where I taught students classified as Trainable Mentally disabled. I am a member ofCEC's south carolina Division on 1821 and have a variety of special needs. http://www.marathontraining.com/whos_art.html
Extractions: I was born August 24, 1952 in beautiful and historic Charleston, South Carolina and have lived there most of my life. I must admit that my childhood years were nothing extraordinary. After graduating from St. Andrews Parish High School, I attended The University of South Carolina in Columbia S.C. and received my B.A. in Journalism (Advertising/Public Relations). There, I enjoyed fraternity life as a member of Zeta Beta Tau Over the next several years, I served as manager of Colonial Handbag Company while at the same time, freelanced as a writer, photographer, and event organizer in the Charleston area. I founded The Charlie Post Classic Road Race in 1982, serving as its race director for the first two years. I was also the public relations director for the Cooper River Bridge Run from 1982-1984. In 1986, I established The Charleston Triathlon Club and was elected its first president. Over the past 20 years, I have been involved in a variety of capacities with the Charleston running scene including a five-year stint as coach of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's " Team in Training " program.
Extractions: education for children with disabilities There are two laws you should know about. Most parents know that federal law requires schools to give children with disabilities special help. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a well-known law requiring this type of special education. Another law also affects the education of children with a disability. It is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 . This fact sheet will give you information about these two laws. Both laws require: Schools to identify every child with a disability who needs more than the regular school program to learn Testing and evaluation of a childs educational needs Children with disabilities and non-disabled students to attend school together Schools to provide every child with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) There are also differences in the laws. Section 504 makes it illegal for any group receiving federal money to be unfair to a person with a disability. It applies to any school that receives federal money. This includes all public schools in South Carolina. Under IDEA, schools receive money that they must use for children with disabilities.
Crosswalk.com - Choosing A Therapy Program For Your LD Child being advertised to parents of learning disabled children is Linda Truax is the Directorof the special needs Program for the south carolina Association of http://www.crosswalk.com/family/home_school/1120690.html
Extractions: This may seem like an easy process. After all, individuals willing to provide this service are plentiful. Inexpensive testing "assembly lines" are even becoming common. Keep in mind, though, that a careless or incompetent tester can arrive at the wrong results and lead to more problems for your child. 3. Look at the evidence. Get past the interesting stories and testimonials that are often found in brochures and magazines. The sources of these success stories are usually hard to track down and are no guarantee of legitimacy. Almost every therapy on the market will work for some children, but could have a very low success rate overall. 4. Get beyond the "talk."
Therapy/Respite Camps: Kids With Autism And Other Special Needs Information about summer camps for kids with autism and other special needs in the US.Category Health Mental Health Services United States for additional respite activities for those in the disabled community and Pleasecall John Brunke at 803/7994246; Summerton, south carolina. special needs. http://wmoore.net/therapy.html
Extractions: Therapy/Respite Camps for Kids This page evolves as people tell me about new camps, so if you know of camps that are not listed here, please email me so I can get the information posted here. If you direct a camp that would like a simple WWW page that describes your camp, I'll be pleased to put one up just email a description of the camp to me. Also, please let me know about any other WWW resources to which I should have a link. Thanks! Information about summer camps that focus on therapy for kids with special needs and/or respite for the kids and their families. I have broken it into national categories and regional categories in the USA: Apologies in advance if my sense of these regions differs from yours! I also have some links to other potentially useful pages Connecticut Camp Horizons provides winter weekend get-a-ways, a week long holiday event, and 8 weeks of residential summer camp for children and adults who are mild to moderately mentally handicapped. In South Windham, CT. Camp Hemlocks , in Hebron, is a rustic, barrier-free, year-round camping facility which provides recreational, educational and social programs for children and adults with disabilities and their families.
Vitae for it's housing for the disabled program To date I have presented special needs DriverTeam Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, south carolina, Ohio, New http://www.whitebuffalopress.com/vitae.htm
Extractions: 210-614-1396 FAX Bachelor of Arts, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado. Major: Secondary Special Education-Mental Retardation. May, 1966. Minor: Sociology. Master of Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Graduate Fellow of the United States Office of Education (USOE). Thesis topic:The Mentally Retarded Offender. October, 1970. Doctor of Education-Special Education Administration, University of Northern Colorado. Greeley, Colorado. Dissertation Topic: Guilford's Structure of Intellect and the Social Intelligence of Juvenile Delinquents. August, 1975. Postdoctoral Study. Educational Technology. University of Northern Colorado. Greeley, Colorado. Distance Learning for Special Populations. November, 1991. Recepient of the Sure-Lok National Special Needs Transportation Award, 2002.
Davidson County Schools Preschool Delayed/Atypical, Specific Learning disabled, Speechlanguage contact GlennDavenport at south Davidson Box 2057 Lexington, North carolina 27293-2057 http://www.davidson.k12.nc.us/special.htm
Extractions: Academically/Intellectually Gifted Education - annual review of all students (e.g., a review of test scores at the 93% or above, EOG testing) - Aptitude test(e.g., 90% or above) - Observable Student Behaviors (e.g., Teacher Checklists) - Student Interest (e.g., interest inventories) - Student Motivation (e.g., student products, extra curricular activities) - Student Performance (e.g., grades) Four service levels for gifted learners All, Many, Some and Few , were considered in developing a comprehensive program of services. Questions may be directed to Mimi Carter, AIG Coordinator (472-4556). Davidson County Schools offer a continuum of services for students identified as Exceptional Children ages three through twenty-one. Services are provided for students identified as Autistic, Behaviorally-Emotionally Disabled, Deaf-Blind, Hearing Impaired, Mentally Disabled, Multihandicapped, Orthopedically Impaired, Other Health Impaired, Preschool Delayed/Atypical, Specific Learning Disabled, Speech-language Impaired, Traumatic Brain Injured, and Visually Impaired.
Extractions: Associated Press COLUMBIA -State officials are investigating the Babcock Center, one of South Carolina's largest facilities for the mentally disabled, at the request of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The federal agency said complaints of abuse, neglect and misuse of funds prompted officials to take a closer look at the center that cares for 1,100 people in Richland and Lexington counties, state Health and Human Services Department spokesman Frank Adams said Thursday. The Babcock Center, which has 1,300 employees, has been the target of numerous complaints recently and been the subject of an audit by the state Disabilities and Special Needs Department. Now, state health officials are investigating the center after the audit released this summer found 29 incidents of questionable practices by employees, Adams said. The investigation focuses on Babcock's Medicaid billing practices, but Adams would not talk about specifics.
Florence County Education meet their specific needs learning disabled, physically handicapped many new an prestigiouscompanies to south carolina. The special School located at Florence http://www.florenceco.org/educatio.htm
Extractions: Choose Your Destination Administrator's Corner Agenda/Minutes Ask the Administrator Airports Building Permits Chat With The Chairman Clerk of Court Climate Contact Us Coroner's Office County Government Directory Current Employement Opportunities Delinquent Taxes Departments Dining Economic Development Education Elections Commission Emergency Preparedness Emergency Services EMS Entertainment Facts and Figures Federal Agencies Fire Health Services History Home Hospital Demolition Human Resources Hunting and Fishing Inspections Law Enforcement Liability Statement Libraries Magistrate's Office Maps Media Meeting Broadcast Schedule Meeting Schedule Meet Your County Council Organizations Planning Population Purchasing Recreation Shopping Site Index State Information Site Submission/Search State Counties State Politics State Services Tax Information Treasurer's Office Weather Florence School Districts District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 ... Florence Darlington Technical College Education Florence, SC Number Four-year colleges/universities Total enrollment Four-year colleges/universities Number Two-year schools Total enrollment Two-year schools Number Less-than-two-year schools Total enrollment Less-than-two-year schools High school dropouts (1990) High school graduates (1990) With bachelor's degree (1990) Percentage of school-age children attending private schools (1990) State per pupil expenditure (1992-93) SAT Scores (1994-1995) Students taking SAT (state) Verbal score (state)
SC Clips -- South Carolina's Online Clipping Service to open in Easley A Greenville County special needs teacher plans to open a schoolfor disabled children early over plans to ship plutonium to south carolina. http://www.scclips.com/archive/02.09.september.issues/02.0920.cuts.htm
Extractions: Colleges and universities brace for new cuts The state's public universities and colleges are facing more funding cuts this fall that could lead to even higher tuition. This poses a problem for students, who find themselves facing some of the highest tuition rates in the South. In the meantime, blame for the budget woes keeps getting assigned to different political camps as the November elections near and campaign spending skyrockets. From today's issue of The Rock Hill Herald: "Republicans chided Gov. Jim Hodges for going toe-to-toe with the federal government over plans to ship plutonium to South Carolina. But his mistrust of the U.S. Energy Department's good intentions clearly was warranted. "Now Energy Department is ready to stick it to South Carolina again. Last week, the agency's inspector general recommended that, instead of shipping millions of gallons of radioactive waste from the Savannah River Site to Nevada for disposal, the waste should be buried permanently at the SRS near Aiken. "
SC Clips -- South Carolina's Online Clipping Service the federal government's shipments of plutonium to south carolina because he per yearto improve recreation programs for special needs and disabled people. http://www.scclips.com/archive/02.08.august.issues/02.0807.wed.htm
Extractions: The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Tuesday denied an appeal by the state to block the federal government's plutonium shipments to South Carolina. Gov. Jim Hodges immediately said he would appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. "We're taking our fight against plutonium all the way to the Supreme Court," the governor said in a statement. "I spent the last four years trying to end South Carolina's role as the nation's nuclear dumping ground. I don't want us to go back." The Greenville News reported last week that secret shipments of plutonium to the Savannah River Site have begun, but the Energy Department won't confirm reports.
Untitled Center/Aiken County Board of Disabilities south carolina. Preemie Parenting- special needs books. for the Neurologically disabled - Toronto, Ontario. http://codi.buffalo.edu/archives/pubs/cp.htm
Extractions: Step by Step real life experiences with cerebral palsy written by Colleen Rose Rose Publishing P.O. Box 2932 Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada Fax: 905-773-4126 Email: Our price: $18.99 Canadian orders only $16.99 U.S. which includes shipping and handling send cheque or money order Colleen offers a comprehensive perspective using a combined method of therapy to teach the brain through repetition and various techniques that parents can utilize to accomplish unbelievable goals for their children. It also provides a listing of the most renowned rehabilitation institutes in North America and her own personal view on how to handle societal barriers. Colleen was able to teach her daughter how to live independently through the use of some very effective rehabilitation techniques and common sense approaches. Her daughter knows how to sit up, feed herself, walk around the furniture, climb on and off the furniture, crawl, bathe herself, wash her own hair, tie her shoes, brush her teeth, climb up and down the stairs, dress herself, make her bed, clean her room, do the dishes, do the laundry, walk with a walker, is completely toilet trained, takes approximately 30 steps with canes, rides a bike, ice skates and she has now gone on to greater achievements. REVIEWS WEBSITES Tri-Development Center/Aiken County Board of Disabilities - South Carolina www.aikentdc.org
Raising The Bar -- Action Plan Kappan (Phi Delta Kappa); south carolina Middle School and behavior of students withspecial needs. provide selfcontained learning disabled, educable mentally http://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/district/schools/middle/action.htm
Extractions: Action Plan for Improving Teaching and Learning in the Middle Grades, 2001 - 2004 Presented by the Middle School Task Force The School District of Greenville County January, 2001 The middle school provides educational experiences to prepare emerging adolescents intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically to become productive and responsible members of society. The School District of Greenville County Middle School Strategic Plan The School District of Greenville County established a Middle School Task Force in the fall of 1999 as the result of recent attention focused on the middle school as a place for needed reform and as the key to successful transition to high school. Implementation of the plan began in the 1999-2000 school year as a step toward addressing Education Plan Goal #1: Raise the level of academic challenge and performance of each student and Goal #2: Ensure quality personnel in all positions . A state middle level task force reinforced the commitment to middle school review and reform under the leadership of a middle level coordinator at the State Department of Education. In the fall of 2000 the School District of Greenville County reconvened the district task force to evaluate the 1999 plan based on state goals and to expand it over a three-year time frame. Joining the task force were those who had attended the state summit and middle school principals not previously on the task force.
Students 1998-1999 - Human Development And Family Studies and opening an alternative school for the disabled. and audiology from the Universityof south carolina. interested in issues of special needs children under http://www.uncg.edu/hdf/hdfs_graduate/students/98cohort.htm
Extractions: About Undergraduate Graduate Students ... Graduate : Students : 1998-1999 Stacey Adamczyk MS/PhD Stacey is a 1998 graduate in psychology from UNCG. Stacey is interested in adolescent development and the link between this stage of development and community support. This interest was fostered in an internship with Communities in School, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping connect at-risk high school students with appropriate community resources. She has an assistantship with Dr. Fletcher Rhonda Blackburn PhD Dr. Hestenes Jody Davis PhD Jody received her BA degree in 1994 from the University of Mississippi, and her Masters degree from Texas Tech in 1998 in sociology. She has served as a research assistant at Texas Tech. Her interest area is cognitive development and her career goals include conducting research on children's cognitive development and university level teaching. She has an assistantship with Dr. Lange
Disability Scotland County Board of Disabilities south carolina www.aikentdc html Preemie Parenting- special needs books www for the Neurologically disabled - Toronto, Ontario http://cil.gcal.ac.uk/Connections/info/groups/DisScotland.html
Extractions: Search Connections Disability Info >> Dis Scotland Disability Scotland now have their own Web Site It has been brought to my attention that some people have been unable to access the Disability Scotland Web site. I am trying to figure out why this is, but in the meantime her is mirror; Disability Scotland Mirror Site Use the Comment button below to suggest new links for this section - or suggestions, comments, or opinions. I am unable to access your website or the mirror website Could you please email me your postal details. Nina Baker ninab@elec.gla.ac.uk ) from Scotland on Tue, Aug 13, 2002 AMAZON.COM BARNES AND NOBLE CHAPTERS INDIGO BOOKS Step by Step real life experiences with cerebral palsy written by Colleen Rose Rose Publishing P.O. Box 2932 Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4E 1A8 Fax: 905-773-4126 Email: rosecp@aci.on.ca
Lavin - "Special Kids Need Special Parents" too often those without special needs feel uncomfortable them, says Aileen Weissof south carolina, whose daughter Being disabled doesn't mean being unabled. http://www.homeschoolzone.com/add/lavin.htm
Extractions: by Judy Lavin Special Needs Kids: ADD Asperger's Syndrome Autism Bipolar ... Speech Disorders With 20 million plus families in the United States having a child with special needs, more children with challenges are being mainstreamed into America's public schools. Unfortunately, too often those without special needs feel uncomfortable around a classmate who seems out-of-sync. What's more, they can translate their discomfort into ugly behaviors, such as verbally demeaning or physically hurting the individual with differences. Helping youngsters become more sensitive is always important. Here are some specific ways to make kids feel more comfortable. "First, parents should emphasize that these kids are just like them," says Aileen Weiss of South Carolina , whose daughter Vicki was born with Sturge Weber, a rare syndrome giving Vicki physical and mental differences. "They have the same hurts, fears and joys even though they may be unable to express them because of their limitations."
WwhMain Environment Keeping south carolina beautiful is a cause from these organizations thatserve the disabled Greenville County Disabilities special needs Board. http://www.handsongreenville.org/wwh_main.html
Extractions: Hands On Greenville partners with 100 public schools and human service agencies to create more than 50 fun and meaningful projects for our volunteers each month and 55 projects on Hands On Greenville Day alone. Projects fall into these diverse categories, meaning there's something for everyone to try: From tutoring to providing child care while parents network and take classes, HOG volunteers love helping out kids! We've even developed our own program called "Read To Me" to teach kids that reading is important and fun. A sample of the agencies that we partner with to create our children's projects: Ever since Jennifer came on board, she's taken a special interest in getting our volunteers in contact with the elderly. By allowing our volunteers to bring their animals and children into the nursing homes and assisted-living facilities, we've made the process of getting to know our senior neighbors easier and lots of fun. Jennifer's even organized outings with some of the more mobile seniors; together we've visited the art museum and Aunt Sue's in the mountains.
PLS Client Newsletter School has started for most children in south carolina, and with has additional rightsif he is disabled in any and has been placed in a special needs program. http://www.sclegalservicesprograms.org/pls/clientnews/fall01.htm
Extractions: Welcome to our fall 2001 edition of Palmetto Legal Services Client News... "News You Can Use". This newsletter is published quarterly, to provide our clients useful information about legal matters and news about services and resources available in our community for low income people. The information is prepared by Palmetto Legal Services staff for educational purposes and is not meant to be taken as legal advice. If you need legal advice about a specific problem, you should consult an attorney. If you have a low income, you may be eligible for services from PLS. Contact one of our field offices (pg.7) for information. If you have information you'd like to share, suggestions for articles for future issues, please contact Mary lou Seymour (Palmetto-Lexington Office). FOOD STAMPS TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS You can file your application for food stamps by mail or FAX.
SCETV Early Childhood National Programming In a moving tribute, Maggie Williams, special Assistant to Gullah tradition of theSea Islands of south carolina. needs of poor, minority, and disabled children http://www.scetv.org/earlychildhood/
Extractions: Search the SCETV Early Childhood Web Site A BOUT E ARLY C HILDHOOD P ROGRAMMING In all learning, there is a strong interconnection between attitude, approach, and skill. Specific skills are essential for parents, professionals, and the community to feel comfortable and competent in helping children grow and learn. Traditionally, training videos have focused on the "how to" component of this important triad, leaving a significant void. The goal is to primarily focus on attitude and approach, keeping in mind that with support specific skill enhancement will follow naturally. As a part of this process, these programs are designed to raise questions; explore ways of thinking; present dilemmas; broaden perspectives; and stimulate. Because isolated use of video training does not produce the most effective learning, these programs are designed to serve as supplementary tools for teachers, students, parents, teacher educators, and other allied professionals. SCETV's Early Childhood programs were produced in partnership with the National Association for the Education of Young Children and other organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for children and their families. These include classroom practice, interviews, documentaries, and keynote addresses featuring leading professionals from a variety of fields. Early Childhood Programming also collaborated with the Children's Defense Fund, the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition, the National Head Start Association, and other community and professional organizations. Specialists from various fields provide a wide range of opinions and expertise for all departmental projects.
Friendship Letter and I arrived at Welcome Wesleyan Church in south carolina. heart and Sunday schoolto our disabled friends Your love for our special needs friends will make a http://www.wesleyan.org/ssd/Friendship/Friendshipletter.htm
Extractions: A Letter from Dr. Ray Barnwell about the Friendship Curriculum Dear Pastor and Sunday School Superintendent, one of my very special friends Brent was a very special person . If you had the opportunity to meet and know him as I do, you, too, would quickly sense his desire to be included in your circle of friendship. In those early days, Sue and I had not yet had any children born into our home. Brent became a frequent visitor to the parsonage, even spending the night with us. He definitely helped to shape the beginning years of my ministry in an incredible way. he had an immense capacity to love. I feel that my special needs friends probably know more about love than those of us who consider ourselves normal. It was my honor and privilege to help Brent in his spiritual struggles and walk, and to eventually baptize and receive him into the membership of Welcome Wesleyan Church. in his church, his school, his work and in his family. I’ve often seen God use Brent as a key person during a revival meeting or a Sunday service. He would walk down the aisle and almost throw himself on the altar weeping. I can hear his words in my mind today as he would say, "I’ve been bad, preacher. I’ve been bad." He knew what it was to confess and repent, and because of his responsiveness to God, he helped to open the door in many services in which the altars would become lined with people praying. Just a few years back, he was recognized as Member of the Year at his church.
VITA Skills in Secondary Learning disabled Students. south carolina Council for ExceptionalChildren State Convention Supporting Students with special needs in the http://coe.winthrop.edu/doverw/VITA.htm
Extractions: WENDY FETNER DOVER 4008 Woodleigh Dr. Rock Hill, SC doverw@winthrop.edu EDUCATION Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina August 1977 to May 1981. B.S. degree in Special Education - Learning Disabilities. G.P.A. of 3.33. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas Summer 1989 to Summer 1990. M.S. degree in Special Education. G.P.A. of 4.0. Areas of interest: At-Risk Students and Instructional Alternatives, Rural Special Education and Collaboration and Consultation Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas Summer 1989 to Summer 2001. Ed.D. in Special Education. Dissertation Title: Instructional Management of Paraeducators in Inclusive Classroom: The Perspectives of the Teachers MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Instructed undergraduate and graduate students in special education coursework. Instructed college preservice teacher candidates in awareness of and instructional strategies for students with special needs in the general education classroom. Recognized state and national presenter of workshops, inservices and informational programs on inclusive education, instructional modifications, collaboration and paraeducator issues. Selected as 1996 Kansas Special Educator of the Year Kansas Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children.