Educational Software Reviews will teach either setup. program helps students classroom. It allows students to work individually to practice and develop important reasoning skills. Brief software reviews
Extractions: Educational Software Reviews by Gene Hernandez Back to Computer Education Home Page Review One - Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor Review Two - Math Mind Benders Brief Software Reviews A+ ClassMaster 2.5 Binders Version 5.0 Elite Typing Accu-reading ... Back to Computer Education Home Page SOFTWARE REVIEW #1 Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 2.1 By Cross World Computing Description of Program Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor is a typing tutor for both beginner and advanced typists. A variety of lessons, games, practices automatically adjusted to a students level of typing. This program is perfect for the class environment. Many users can be created for each individual student who can work at their own pace and speed. The teacher can review each student progress from a password protected report. This allows for various grade levels to be instructed in one typing class which usually is an elective for one semester. Software such as this can allow smaller high schools to offer these classes while keeping classes full for administrative budget purposes. Additionally, classrooms with one or two computers can easily rotate students for individual work. (2) Basic Information (a) Title Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor 2.1
Software For Learning as a classroom tool and as Shall we teach with a helps you buy superior software for kids. What we have done is to collect a selection of authorotative reviews
Extractions: For several years, the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI) has conducted software evaluations for the Maricopa Community Colleges . Critical is the identification of the software's effectiveness as a tool for learning. All reviews were completed by faculty members. Topic Date Description Counseling Sept 1996 Counselors reviewed several titles in the areas of personal development and decision making, for potential use as a classroom tool and as a tool in a counseling-client setting. Games and Simulations Oct 1995 Shall we teach with a game? was the question we asked faculty in several disciplines. They looked at the games in how useful they might be as an instructional tool and each provided a learning activity that could use the software. Humanities Jan 1995 LynnAnn Wojciechowicz of South Mountain Community College reviewed 23 Humanities software programs, most of which are available on CD-ROM. Mathematics Aug 1994 Math software was last reviewed by us in 1987, and a new round was completed in the summer of 1994. Some of the reviewers took on the extra option to create lesson materials for the program under consideration. NOTE: These reviews have been removed since they are several years out of date.
Extractions: CD This CD merits a place in your collection if you are seriously into graphics, whether for the Web or other media. More than 300 plug-ins are at your disposal to enhance your creations. You get tips and techniques for creating your own filters. You also get the Filter Factory Wizard. The CD is also packed with around 200 MB of freeware or shareware and Web specific content - eg backgrounds, tiles, etc. The Filter Factory CD can be used with Adobe Photoshop, JASC Paint Shop Pro, Corel PhotoPaint, Fractal Design Painter, Macromedia Director. One of the nice things about the CD is the inclusion of examples - you can see at a glance what filter effects you can generate and what your work might look like.
Computers And Internet: Kids' Software Reviews Provided By software Interactive western town helps teach kids about to easily identify coins,this software is unique Perfectly suitable for the classroom, home school or
Extractions: 1.CATEGORY Select a Heading Computer Consultants Computer Networking Computer Rent/Lease Computer Repairs Computer Sales/Service Computer Software Computer Supplies Computer Training Ecommerce Solutions Internet Cafes Internet Service Web Page Design or SEARCH 2. CITY 3. PROVINCE (required) Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland North West Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Canada 411
Computers And Internet: Kids' Software Reviews Provided By Perfect for the classroom or for athome play, this A nice feature about this creativesoftware is that Best of all, it helps teach children from preschool to
Extractions: 1.CATEGORY Select a Heading Computer Consultants Computer Networking Computer Rent/Lease Computer Repairs Computer Sales/Service Computer Software Computer Supplies Computer Training Ecommerce Solutions Internet Cafes Internet Service Web Page Design or SEARCH 2. CITY 3. PROVINCE (required) Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland North West Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Canada 411 You don't have to be ready for kindergarten to love Huggly's Sleepover. Incredible animation, well-developed characters and excellent content makes this software a hot pick for preschoolers or 1st graders! Perfect for the classroom or for at-home play, this software goes beyond the call of duty in helping kids build academic and problem solving skills. Huggly is one of the most adorable monsters you'll ever meet! Friendly, and definitely not shy, he talks to kids and makes friends with them as they join Huggly and his buddies in preparing for the Annual Monster Sleepover Party. Best of all, your kids are invited. Childen this age are so excited about sleepover parties (especially if they have older brothers or sisters). After playing this software, don't be surprised if they beg to have a friend spend the night. Hey, it beats monsters under the bed!
Extractions: Preschool Preschool Skills And Alphabet This package includes 2 CD-ROMs - Preschool Workshop and Alphabet Playhouse - ideal for ages 3 to 5. It features learning technology. We agree with My Personal Tutor's philosophy, " Together with your support as your child's first and foremost teacher, My Personal Tutor can help build a foundation for a life-long love of learning ." A learning activity guide - aimed at ensuring important activities also take place away from the computer - accompanies the pack.
ISTE - L&L: October 2000 www.Y program (a Gen Did) and helps teach Gen Y Network Science, A Decade LaterThe Internet and classroom Learning (published software reviews and Releases.
Extractions: Roles of IT in Improving Our Educational System, Part 2: Compelling Applications Dr. Dave Moursund ) has been teaching and writing about information technology in education since 1963. In 1979, he founded the International Council for Computers in Education (ICCE). In 1989, ICCE merged with the International Association for Computing Education (IACE) to form ISTE. He currently serves as Executive Officer of the Research and Evaluation Group. Find other articles by Dave Moursund Strategies of Successful Technology Integrators, Part 1: Streamlining Classroom Management Lynn McNally Find other articles by Lynn McNally Cindy Etchison ) is a technology resource specialist for Loudoun County (Virginia) Public Schools. She works with 40 technology resource teachers (TRTs) to promote the site-based and districtwide instructional technology program. As a resource specialist, she helps plan and provide training for the TRTs and helps them help teachers teach with technology. Mrs. Etchison has worked as a TRT, computer systems analyst, and teacher of preschool students with special needs.
Economics Resources For College Teachers Links to discipline-specific websites within economics, with links to online college course material.Category Science Social Sciences Economics Education online materials but also helps to enrich Research in Economic Education Database(REED) includes software reviews. Wall Street Journal classroom Edition The
Extractions: Macro Data, Employment International Data Government Budgets and Debt ... Why Study Economics? This page is a collection of information and web links showing activities to use in economics classes and sites of other teachers of economics. For some specific suggestions about how to develop web projects for class, see our Web Teaching Ideas Page . If you have web pages for your classes or a website of teaching information that could be linked here, please let me know. Additional economics data sites are listed on the Economics Information page. Comments about EcEdWeb University of NE at Omaha Department of Economics. Links to economic information Directory of Ph.D. programs in Economics Directory of Publishers Includes Academic Publishers, Computer Book Publishers, Scientific / Technical / Medical (STM) Publishers, Electronic Publishing Companies, Online Publishing Projects, and Other Commercial Publishers.
Software Reviews software reviews also helps teach problem solving, software for kids ages 49. Orly is a young Carribean girl with a friendly frog side-kick. She helps encourage and teach
Extractions: Software Reviews archive: Electronic Workbooks, Flash Action Software, Spy Fox: Operation Ozone, Scrabble, ... Brainquest First Grade Spy Fox: Operation Ozone Published under the new On-Track Software brand, Electronic Workbooks are the culmination of five years of intensive research and development by the award-winning team at School Zone Interactive. What works really well about these titles is their ability to really focus on sharpening a particular skill. Each title comes packaged with a companion workbook (the paper kind) and is available for both Windows and Macintosh machines. Thousands of variations make these programs fun for repeated play and even offer ‘progress tracking’ which alerts parents to skills that need additional work. Each Electronic Workbook also includes an audio component that "talks" to each child, providing plenty of positive reinforcement and guidance, plus easy instructions and fun-filled games for "recess" as well as personalized printouts, certificates and exercises. The animations were cute, worked well and all the learning never got in the way of the fun. Scrabble Hasbro Interactive, Win/Mac CD-ROM
Instructional Software Reviews & Links instructional software reviews links. Instructional software and CDROMs program designed to teach and motivate children to Research Organizer, which helps students take notes,
Extractions: Although this program was created for college students, it would be appropriate for high school students as well. The intent of the CD is to "reduce the harm associated with the misuse of alchohol". Developed by the University of Illinois in partnership with the Century Council, this interactive and interesting program provides physiological, psychological, and legal information to help young people make responsible decisions about drinking or not drinking. The Century Council Windows: 8MB free RAM, IBM 486Dx or better, Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later.
Using The Internet To Teach Software Engineering aided software engineering) software helps to ease the ideas and approaches into theclassroom. Computers and Internet, software, reviews, Individual, Personal
Extractions: USA Drew University, a small private college in the United States, offers a course in software engineering once every two years. This year the course has been revitalized using the Internet in several different ways. Drew University[ ] is a small private college in Madison, New Jersey, USA. Our joint Mathematics/Computer Science Department[ ] offers a Computer Science major developed along guidelines published by the Association for Computing Machinery[ ]. Being a small department, and stemming originally from a mathematics-only department, our curriculum places heavy emphasis on programming and the design of programs and algorithms. Our curriculum is fully integrated with the University's commitment to the liberal arts. (As I understand it, the notion of a "liberal arts" education is unique to colleges and universities in the United States. For a slightly overstated description of the liberal arts philosophy, see the Liberal Arts Colleges Web site[ The Drew campus has several computing luxuries not afforded to other small institutions. Since 1984 each entering first-year student has received a desktop computer (or notebook computer) and printer. In 1984 the standard issue was a desktop computer with a Z-80 chip running CP/M[
Teach Better Classes With Milori Training Tools Milori Training Tools is the Educator's Edge, making all of your software training more effective. Captivate your captive audience with a suite of tools designed specifically for software instruction. reviews software trainers Training software programs to your audience by creating a clear 'sheet' over the application you are demonstrating for you to draw on. MagLens helps
Extractions: What Is Training Tools? Training Tools is a suite of four programs that make computer training and presentation more effective. It is the first "software that teaches software." (VBPJ Magazine, Sept. 99) The four programs are called PC Chalkboard, MagLens, Finger Prince and Audisee. You can click the icons to the left for screen shots of the programs in use. PC Chalkboard allows you to clearly demonstrate software programs to your audience by creating a clear 'sheet' over the application you are demonstrating for you to draw on. MagLens helps your audience follow your train of thought by magnifying the area around your mouse cursor while you are moving it around the screen. Easily Pause any image to discuss it with your audience.
Extractions: Foreign Languages Foreign Languages Classical Education Links page. Foreign Languages for Travelers offers a very basic intro to common phrases in over 50 languages. Languages Online Learn Spanish is a free, online tutorial which includes audio! Learn Spanish Today Quia! allows you to create your own learning games or play some that others have already created. M Tech Sassafrass Grove Languages of the World Study Spanish is a free online tutorial covering 50 topics. ... The Center for Educational Restoration provides diagnostic exams from preschool age through high school. Edutest allows you to test your child online in basic skills. Help Your Child Learn How to Take Tests Homeschool Educational Achievement Testing offers homeschoolers the chance to have their children tested with the California Achievement Test.
Lesson Plans & Teacher Helps- English links broken down by subject info on software. Scholastic.Com classroom Activities Reproducibles has Literature Site includes book reviews literature
Extractions: What's Inside? Home What is Homeschooling? How to Start Homeschooling Chats on the Web ... Homeschool Conferences Curriculum Support Classical Approach Montessori Education Unschooling Links Unit Studies ... Social Studies Software Support Educational Software Companies on the Internet Where to Find Software Reviews Places to Purchase Curriculum Used Curriculum Sites Homeschooling Magazines Places For The Kids Awards This Site Has Won ... The World As We Knew It Links General Language Arts Links Awesome Library's Language Arts Worksheets Ed's Oasis lets you know about sites that are interactive or full of extensive information. Electronic Teaching Assistance Program (formerly School Express Free Worksheets) Fusion Media ... Language Arts Lesson Plans and Resources contains links to lesson plans and resources for teaching literature, reading, spelling, writing, journalism, communication, debate, and drama. There is a particularly large collection of children's literature lesson plans, including many for specific children's books. Learning with Mysteries M Tech PrestonSpeed's Navigate the Net Language Arts Page includes various lesson plans for elementary aged kids.
Dollarville Interactive western town helps teach kids about dollars and to easily identify coins,this software is unique Perfectly suitable for the classroom, home school
Extractions: CD - ROM Publishers Index Interactive western town helps teach kids about dollars and cents while having boot-stomping fun playing cool activities! Dollarville's a charmer! Aimed at young cowboys and cowgirls ages 5 through 9, this multi-level educational CD-ROM scores big stars for quality, educational content. With over 1,000 randomly generated questions, it also rates high in my book for replayability. When it comes to teaching kids practical sense in how to easily identify coins, this software is unique! Excellent animation and sharp, clear images help kindergarteners recognize coins by sizes, colors, edges and by their pictures. There are entertaining matching and counting games, as well. Perfectly suitable for the classroom, home school or for at-home use, Dollarville comes equipped with 4 challenging levelsthe first level is geared for kindergarteners, while the second, third, and fourth levels are recommended for kids in grades 1-3. Of course, bright kindergarteners may feel comfortable playing at the second level, or older children who need practice with addition or subtraction will find level 2 and 3 perfect for their needs. Kids play Sheriff for the day as they explore this western town, which comes with a genuine bank, store, school, ranch and Indian reservation. Each destination contains an activity for children to play while learning how to add coins, purchase items with price tags, match coin groups, add and subtract coin amounts, find out what coin groups/equations do not equal a certain value, make change and more!
I Teach This Stuff and ready to be put to use in the classroom tomorrow. use with GIS or CAD software,GIS product reviews, great deals on books and software, career center
Extractions: ASTER Web This is the official site of the ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) imaging instrument that is currently flying onboard the Terra spacecraft launched in December 1999 as part of NASA's Earth Observing System. The ASTER instrument will be used to obtain detailed maps of land surface features and elevation. The main thing you will want to check out at this site is the ASTER image gallery. P.S. If your students want to build a paper model of the Terra spacecraft, follow this link: Earth from Space Astronauts take a lot of pictures of the earth from space. This web site is a collection of some of the over 375,000 images taken during space shuttle missions. This web site offers several ways to search the database and view different resolutions of each of the captioned images. Some of the categories in the database include cities, earth-human interactions, distinctive features, hurricanes and weather, earth's water habitats, and geographic regions. ESRI GIS and mapping software, training and data.
Redirection with GIS or CAD software, GIS product reviews, great deals offered by a leading supplierof GIS software and services to be put to use in the classroom tomorrow
Information Tools TCESC Choose the best search engine a chart that helps you decide. Way cool softwarereviews. SuperKids software reviews. classroom Integration Education Sites
Susan Grubbs' Home Page Helen's, Science software reviews. We are using the SRA B1 Comprehension series inour classroom. The series chosen helps to improve comprehension and hopefully
Extractions: (under construction) Lesson Plans INTRODUCTION Web Site This web site is a work in progress. It began as an assignment for ECED 7430 at Valdosta State University. The focus of the education course was the integration of math, science, and technology. The site and information continue to focus on these three areas of interest. The site is geared to the sixth to eighth level student and teacher of this age group. I hope you enjoy the site and I seek your input and suggestions. Please e-mail your comments to my school e-mail address above. Just click on the e-mail icon and my address will automatically load.